Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 234: Justin Hammer

"Hey, Tony, I have to say that you look so handsome today."

Looking at Pepper after walking away, Justin Hammer approached Tony with a familiar appearance, and said with his arms around Tony's shoulders as if he was a familiar old friend.

"Please, please don't get so close."

Feeling that Justin Hammer was so close, Tony couldn't help holding back the nausea in his heart, and said with a constipated expression.

After all, in addition to not picking up things handed over by others, such close contact with a man will also make him feel sick, not to mention that the other party is the person he has always hated the most.

"I can ask you... this is... did you know each other before?"

At this moment, Christine, who saw the scene of the two of them, couldn't help but picked up the recorder in her hand and began to ask curiously.

After all, even Justin Hammer had indeed told her more than once that the relationship between the other party and Tony was very good, but Christine was dubious, until seeing Tony’s reaction now, I have to say, No wonder there is no wonder, two people who are obviously in a competitive relationship can be friends.

"Cheese, say'bri cheese'."

After hearing that Christine had started the interview, Justin Hammer became more and more enthusiastic. He stepped forward and put his arms around Tony's shoulders, smiling face to face and talking to Christine's tape recorder. Said.

"That's terrible... I can't stand it."

Feeling the contrived appearance of Justin Hammer, Tony couldn't help but break free, and then complained.

"So, is this your first meeting after the hearing?"

Then Christine started asking questions again.

"Um... Since his contract was cancelled..."

After hearing Christine's question, Tony first wiped his part that had been stained by Justin Hammer with disgust, and then after finishing finishing, he spoke.

"No, just postpone... When you try to..."

Hearing Tony throwing up everything, Justin Hammer immediately explained that there are outsiders there after all.

"That's not what I heard. The difference with ‘suspend’ is that ‘cancel’ is true, isn’t it?"

Without giving Justin Hammer a chance to explain too much, Tony immediately spoke again.

After all, you take away the arms business that I don't want. It doesn't matter. You study my steel armor. It doesn't matter. Anyway, Tony is arrogant that there will be no one else in this world who can study it except him.

The technology he currently has is ten years ahead of global technology, but if you blatantly oppose me and grab my armor, that’s a question of position. Tony Stark will do no good when he treats a hostile position. Complexion.

"Yes, what is it?" Christine's eyes widened with excitement when she heard Tony's words. After all, this means that after missing an interview with the current CEO of Stark Group, she can dig again. There was a big news, so Christine responded, and then turned the recorder to the front of Justin Hammer.

"No, uh, in fact... Forget it, turn off the recorder."

After hearing Tony's excuse that he was dead, Christine on the side was still chasing after the interview. After thinking about the excuse for a long time, Justin Hammer finally faced Christine helplessly. Said.

In addition, the book-chasing app I am using recently, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] cache reading, offline reading!

"Tony, in fact, I want to show my products at your fair."

At this time, as Tony found an unmanned dining table, Justin Hammer also sat down, and then spoke to Tony.

Although he can also develop the exhibition to show the company’s results, he has to admit that the technology expo held by Tony Stark is really high in gold content. If he can put his company’s products into Tony Stark’s technology In the case of the exposition, the effect can be said to be perfect.

And the most important thing is that this way, Tony can be in the top position. What is the most exciting effect than defeating Tony in the aspect that Tony is most proud of.

"Of course, the premise is that if the things you invent can be used, then I will definitely reserve the place in the showroom for you."

Hearing what Justin Hammer said, although Tony couldn’t believe it, there was no one in the whole company from top to bottom, even if the screw was not a company developed by itself, it could develop something that could be used, but Tony still spoke. I agreed. After all, if even Justin Hammer can develop useful things, then my own technology expo will be renamed to be worthy of it.

"Mr. Stark, your table is ready!" At this time, the waiter who had been packed on the side also just came over and said respectfully to Tony Stark.

"Actually, I have a chance this year, yes, I have." After seeing the annoying spirit Tony Stark finally left, Justin Hammer immediately said to the beautiful ‘Biaoshui’ beside him.

After all, I finally came across a beauty whose looks and identity met his He didn't want to be confused by Tony for all these hard work.

"Wow, our little Hanmo needs an ‘opportunity’." Tony, who had already followed the waiter away, couldn’t help turning his head and speaking with an exaggerated expression after hearing Hanmer’s rhetoric.

"Uh, no, haha, you know, we often make jokes between us, after all, you know, the relationship is like this." Seeing that Tony is another deep knife, Hanmer couldn't help but laugh, and then he spoke. To the side Christine continued to explain.

On the other side, on the way to lead, Tony Stark, who only drove the rest of the people for an excuse, also came to the bathroom alone. Standing in front of the sink, he loosened his shirt and tie, revealing that the inlaid chest is exuding. Energy circular groove with dazzling light.

The only thing that corresponds to it is that around the circular groove, the clearly visible blood vessels have begun to show up as black markings.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief at himself in front of the mirror, then took out a small mechanical instrument from his pocket, and then skillfully pressed his finger on the needle on it. After the blood sample was taken, the instrument screen Feedback immediately appeared on the website: "Blood toxicity 53%"

"Is there any worse idea?" After a while of silence, Tony put the instrument in his pocket, then quietly looked at himself in the mirror, and said desperately.

So far, no matter whether he continues to use steel armor or does not use steel armor, he cannot escape the fate of death, but the former may make him die vigorously, while the latter may make him die a month or two or even later. year?

But it didn't matter anymore. He just wanted to enjoy all kinds of fun that he wanted to try before but had never tried before he died.

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