Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 243: Shudder Tony Stark

"Why are you looking at me like this? By the way, Ellen, you use your super eyes, forehead, and see-through ability to see if there are two long whips in one hand, and then one on your chest looks like my chest. Such a fake reactor man."

Seeing Alan staring straight at him, Tony asked after a cold shiver.

After all, after all this time, the man who he expected to take the opportunity to launch an offensive hasn't even called. Although he believed that the other party might have run away in the chaos, Tony still asked Alan.

After all, I am wearing Mark armor. If that person hides in the dark and gives his girlfriend or Hapy a whip, the consequences are really unimaginable. After all, the whip is even a car made of iron. It was cut off directly and firmly.

"Oh, by the way, I seem to remember that at the last moment, the meteorite hit the person with him. If I remember correctly, we should be able to dig out his body by throwing it down."

At this moment, Hapy, who stood up swayingly, said after hearing Tony's words.

After all, although he was afraid to block him with his hands before, but the last scene of the meteorite with flames knocking the man out of his eyes was clearly seen by him, but afterwards it was because of The aftermath problem was stunned for a few more seconds.

"Well, it's down there, but I suggest you guys don't watch it. The scene is too exciting and not suitable for normal people to watch!" After hearing Harpy's words, Allen also took the opportunity to point to a pothole. , And then reminded me to persuade him.

After all, even if he had seen all kinds of American **** horror movies in the last world, such as Chainsaw Horror, Deadly Bend, Hatchet, etc., plus the experience of being on the battlefield in this life, he still couldn’t bear it. It feels a bit disgusting to live.

"Hey, Allen, so I said that a child is a child. It's just a little bit of a little scene, how can there be any..."

Hearing Allen's admonition, Tony immediately did not believe in evil, swaggered over the fence and walked in the direction of Allen's fingers. He couldn't help but continued with a careless grin in his mouth.

It's just that until Tony walked to the pit and saw Anton Vanke's body, it stopped like a crash.

"Tony? Tony?! Are you okay!"

Seeing Tony who wanted to be strong, when he walked down the pothole, he suddenly lost his voice, and Pepper, who could not help but leaned against the car, asked loudly in the direction of the pothole.

After all, I don’t know why. Compared to Tony’s arrogant performance, Pepper is still willing to believe Allen’s advice.

"Ahem! I'm fine, it's just a small scene. It's not enough to trouble me Tony Stark. Don't worry, he only has a breath now, but fortunately, because of the electric current, his body function is maintained. If you continue, you can’t die, there is no problem at all."

After a while, Tony's voice came from under the pothole, and after Tony finished speaking, he walked up slowly as if nothing had happened.

On the other hand, Pepper couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, seeing Tony walking up unharmed, but the scene of Tony walking up was another matter in Alan’s eyes, in Allen’s vision. , At this moment, Tony's feet are not only constantly shaking, but the corners of his mouth are also twitching slightly.

Allen believes that if Pepper and Harpy were not here at this moment, I guess Tony would be tempted to take off his mask and vomit.

"Hey, Tony, have you seen that meteorite below?"

After watching Tony come up safe and sound, Pepper couldn't help but suddenly became curious and spoke to Tony.

After all, meteorites are rare for Pepper, after all, they are things that fall from the sky in case there is something good.

"No, I haven't seen anything except the potholes and some scattered wreckage and the person below."

Tony, who heard Pepper's words, couldn't help but said in confusion.

After all, they had clearly seen the huge flame meteorite just now. How could it be said that it would be gone. Moreover, judging from the quality of its ability to break through the atmosphere and hit the ground, it is impossible to have such a meteorite. The argument was lost.

"Oh, yes, meteorite, heaven, Superman, wouldn't that meteorite be you?"

At this moment, after hearing a few people's words, Harpy, who was on the side, seemed to think of something, and then looked at Alan with an unbelievable look and said.

To be honest, neither Harpy nor Alan have seen each other. The few times he stood outside the house and watched Alan playing Tony’s video games in the house, but because of Tony and Pepper’s name, Harpy still Connected the little guy in the Superman suit and the bear kid who only played video games all day long.

To be honest, Harpy didn't even know Alan's superman status before this. All of this was said by Tony and Pepper just after this incident.

"Uh... Well, I'm not sure, but if there is nothing else falling from the sky at the same time in this place, then the meteorite you are talking about should be me."

Hearing Harpy’s incredible shocked words, Allen couldn't help scratching his head and then said embarrassedly.

Tian Nanu, because he thought it was Tony's hidden dark nature that had been exposed before, UU Read only labelled Anton Vanke as an inhuman, but it was his own cause after a long time.

"So, Ellen, were you beaten from the sky? You almost reimbursed us here."

After hearing Alan's words, Tony spoke out of nowhere.

After all, at that time, the meteorite passed over his head dangerously and dangerously, and even for a moment Tony felt that his hair had been burned.

Although he is in his current state of life and death, he just doesn’t accept it, but that doesn’t mean he can accept meaningless death, not to mention that he not only has his own good subordinate and good friend, but also his current girlfriend. In the future My wife is here too.

If Allen accidentally smashed it this time, his own family of people would be smashed by the kid in front of him, just like the person in the pothole.

Just thinking about it, Tony feels that his pores are shuddering. That look is too miserable. Even if he survives, Tony feels that the other party may only be able to walk on two hands for the rest of his life.

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