Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 254: Relax, I'm just here to draw some blood

"Hey! Relax, I'm just here to draw some blood." In the other ward, a young attending doctor said kindly to Sol, who was suddenly awake in the hospital bed.

After all, for a person who was pretended to be unconscious while walking on the road, and then suddenly woke up, he would feel a little bit at a loss. He could understand, but the next thing made him feel incomprehensible. Up.

"How dare you attack the great eldest son of Odin." As for the man, Sol could hear it very clearly. To put it bluntly, he just wanted to cut himself and let himself bleed. Sol could not help but change his previous confusion and turn into anger. Struggling to get up and said.

"Come on and help! Hurry up! Hmm..." Seeing the man's sudden excitement, the attending doctor couldn't help but force him down with his hands, but Sol lost his supernatural power, but his perfectly developed muscles But it gave him the strength not inferior to ordinary people, feeling the situation that is gradually getting out of control, the doctor could not help but speak loudly for support.

But before the doctor continued to shout, Thor hit the man's weak brother with an elbow, causing the man to lose his strength instantly, turning his eyes back, wishing to faint immediately.

"Call the security guard!" At this time, the medical staff who had discovered the situation couldn't help putting down everything they were doing. In an instant, four or five people came and pressed Sol again, who was about to get up. Then the nurse on the side could not help shouting loudly to the door.

It was just that before the woman had finished speaking, the person who had originally pressed Sol was knocked out by Sol all at once.

Sol, who was finally struggling to get up, walked quickly toward the door, where he wanted to control his enemies, which was too dangerous for him.

Fortunately, the natives here are weaker than he thought, even his current mortal body is not as good as his current mortal body, and this is the only comfort, and his current top priority is to find at least one without Only in such a dangerous place.

"The security goes to the third emergency room! There is a situation!!" At this time, seeing the situation here becoming more and more uncontrolled, a doctor also hurriedly picked up the emergency phone hung on the wall and called each other. The guard comes.

And at this time, after breaking free from another enemy who rushed up and hugged him, Sol, who was walking out, couldn't help but directly pick up the metal plate on the table next to him when he passed by the doctor who was calling each other. Holding the man's head was a heavy blow.

Although Sol didn't quite understand why this person had to speak to something like a box, Sol knew only by the content of his words and couldn't let him finish.

Then Saul, who was walking to the door, rushed forward as he watched the oncoming guards, and fought with the opponent.

It's just that as the two security guards joined like a backbone, the male doctors who had been beaten by Sol on the side began to gritted their teeth and rushed up, and under the power of seven or eight people, they pressed it against the wall.

"It's impossible for you to have been strong..." Feeling that more and more people behind him are controlling him, Saul couldn't help but gritted his teeth and said.

Just before Sol was finished, an unknown doctor behind him opened a corner of Sol’s clothes, and then skillfully injected a powerful sedative into it. So far, there are more hospitals in this peaceful and peaceful town. Gave the name of a mental patient.


At this time, after setting up Sol in the hospital, Jane and his team immediately returned to their rented house in the small town, and began to study the mysterious rainbow that had fallen on the earth not long ago. beam.

"Do you think this is more than just a simple magnetic storm?" After printing out the photos and printing them on the whiteboard wall, Eric turned and spoke to Jane. .

After all, judging from the information they have so far, from the data records of just a few seconds, it can be clearly seen that the so-called magnetic storm is not simple.

At least he had never seen a magnetic storm composed of rainbow colors illuminating the earth like a cylindrical elevator channel, and it also left behind that mysterious pattern.

"Look at this remote aperture. This is the characteristic of Einstein---Rosen Bridge!" After hearing Eric's words, Jane recorded the photos originally taken on the spot with his computer at this time. After comparing and verifying the various information, he couldn't help but said to the two with a look of excitement.

After all, the nickname of Einstein---Rosen Bridge is the "wormhole" that people often say. That's right, the wormhole that only exists in the universe in various science fiction movies. According to Einstein's hypothesis, wormhole It is the narrow tunnel connecting two different time and space that may exist in the universe.

The general idea is that Einstein believed that through wormholes, it is possible to make instantaneous space transfer or time travel, but its existence has not yet been confirmed in academia.

And what makes Jane most excited now is that her current discovery, the previous magnetic storm and the pattern left behind, are, to some extent, evidence of the true existence of the Einstein-Rosen Bridge.

If reality has existed and happened, then she has the confidence to thoroughly prove the authenticity of Einstein-Rosen Bridge based on the information just now.

As long as she succeeds, she believes that not only the scientific community will be shaken, but even the entire human society will resound through her-Jane Foster's name.

"What?!" At this time compared to Jane with a look of excitement, the student beside Jane-Louis couldn't help but ask with a dazed look.

After all, what kind of bridge is Einstein? She seems to have never heard of it. She doesn't know why it is just a bridge. As for the excitement like that?

"Aren't you majoring in science?" Hearing Louis's incomprehensible tone, Eric on the side could not help but frown and ask. After all, Einstein-Rosen Bridge is for graduate students majoring in science. It should not be a partial problem.

"Political science." Looking at Eric's serious picture as if he was asking some elementary school questions, Louis couldn't help but hold his glasses, and said embarrassedly.

"She is the only one who applied to join us." Jane, who was comparing the two materials on the side, explained what Eric said at the right moment.

After all, their research project, it is already very good to have someone looking to join, Jane didn't have the time to pick the bones in the egg anymore, and without looking at it, he pulled Louis into his current group.

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