Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 263: Mysterious little girl

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And if you pull it up on the contrary, the little boy does not think that he can need the power of the sword now. His family is already happy enough. There are brothers and sisters, parents, and the whole family is happy and harmonious. Every day It was living together with joy and laughter, and he was already content.

The reason that was said was also the boy’s true feelings. He always believed that one day in this world, a superhero belonging to Britain would pull him up, and then change his destiny just like the superman in the comics. , And save the world.

"well said!"

"It's wonderful! It's hard to imagine that these words came out of a child's mouth."

"You are our pride, child!"


After hearing the little boy's words, the surrounding tourists, including the patrol personnel who managed the place, couldn't help but stand in place and clap their hands in praise.

Although the little boy's words seemed so naive to them, after all, no one would believe that a sword would bring personal strength, it was just another fairy tale to coax children.

But for an innocent little boy, this was his heartfelt words in the innocent world that day, and no one would have the heart to break it.

At the moment when everyone was focusing and applauding the little boy, the stone sword in the center seemed to sense something, flashing a flash of light, very quickly, just for a moment, Even if someone saw it, it might just be the reflection of the sun.

Then, Allen also seemed to sense something, and turned his little head to the center not far away, on the sword in the stone standing on the stone slab.

Then Allen couldn't help but looked suspiciously at the silent sword in the stone not far away. Although he didn't know why, Allen always felt like there was a flash of energy fluctuation just now.

It's just that after I feel it carefully now, it feels like I'm nervous, and I've never existed before. Even Allen feels whether he's really nervous.

However, Allen still didn’t plan to leave it like that. Although it felt wrong, Allen didn’t believe that his eyes would lie to him. Then a thin layer of red light appeared in Allen’s eyes, not far away. The sword in the stone, even the molecular structure of the sword in the stone, which was nearly a thousand meters deep underground, was clearly seen by Allen's super vision.

It's just that this investigation that has penetrated into the bones is useless.

From the scanning of Allen’s super vision to zoom in and out a circle, the sword in the stone not far away is just an ordinary diamond sword, but its bottom is connected to a large scale. A piece of diamond, so it creates the illusion that it cannot be pulled out.

And if it’s only this level, as long as Alan wants to, he can even uproot a large piece of diamond attached to its bottom in minutes. Fortunately, Alan was still thinking about seeing the British one before. Is the sword in the stone really like the legendary sword used by King Arthur as in the fan art?

After all, the weapon of Superman in the comics next door, Superman’s Sword, once allowed Superman from a single universe-level combat power to become a multiverse-level ruler.

If the general state of Superman is regarded as a **** by ordinary people, then Superman holding the sword of Superman can be said to be omniscient and omnipotent, oh... no, that is the existence of God.

Creating things out of thin air, thinking about life and death, even infinite gems are just a joke in front of Superman’s Sword, half of the universe’s population disappears with a snap, and Superman with Superman’s Sword only needs one thought at no cost. It needs to be paid. If it is really to be regarded as the price, then it may be the loneliness of God alone.

After all, if everything is known, even those surprises or even "accidents" that should exist in life are known, it will be fine for a short time. If it takes a long time, for a person, it can really be said. It is an endless torture.

So Alan even remembers that the Superman in the anime, after getting the Superman Sword, threw it out more than once. Only when the world collapses and the universe is extinct, Superman will take it when Superman needs it. Raise the sword of Superman and go up.

All in all, Superman’s Sword is an unsolvable plug-in dedicated to Superman. Of course, Allen, the sword in the stone with the same similar name, naturally holds the attitude that it is also a legendary mythical weapon, and its natural effects are similar. With a look of hope, he rushed over to take a look.

The reality turned out to be a solid slap in the face of Alan, as if he was laughing and saying, ‘mythical weapon---the sword in the stone? Are you afraid that you are not thinking about eating ass, it is not enough to have superhuman ability, and you still want to be a god? It’s improper to be a Yoneda! ’

"Hey, did I think too much?" Looking at the frustrating sword in the stone not far away, Allen couldn't help sighing and muttering.

After all, if you just look at the material of this diamond, it can be regarded as an artifact in the past, but this is different from Alan’s imagination. After all, in the era of King Rather in the Marvel Universe, the gods should be It's still there.

No matter how hard this weapon is not to say that it is more than Thor’s Hammer, it can’t be like this is a stone sword made of diamonds. After feelings for a long time, you are said to be a sword in the stone, but in the end you are really not at all. The ambiguity is really a sword made of stone.

Allen said that after a while of speechlessness, he turned around and left to a sparsely populated place nearby The purpose of coming here has been achieved. Although it is not satisfactory, it is more or less revealing. A mystery was found, and now it was time to seek compensation from Sol.

After that, Allen walked to a remote corner of the human relationship, got into the grass, and then a black shadow rose into the sky and flew out towards the distance.

"Unexpectedly, the legendary Superman is still such a small kid." Just after Allen flew out, on the road where there was no one, two people, one old and one young, slowly appeared. After coming out, a blond little girl beside the old man couldn't help but said with emotion as he watched Ellen's leaving figure.

Although the little girl grew up in the United Kingdom since she was a child, thanks to the efforts of Warner Bros., Superman's animation, film, and comics, including peripherals, have also radiated to the United Kingdom, so the little girl has also seen Superman's comics since she was a child.

So when Superman appeared some time ago, she even begged her grandfather to take her to New York, wanting to get close to this well-known superhero---Superman.

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