Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 271: crashed? ?

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At least after hearing Saul's words, she turned to look at Saul's face of a mature man who had never been discovered before, and Jane couldn't help but become obsessed with it.

And at this moment, as if to respond to Thor’s maturity, the Thor’s Hammer in Ellen’s hands could not help but began to sway slightly, but before it started brewing, he was given the opportunity by Ellen. Hold it tightly in your hand!

"Hmm!!" As Ellen picked up the Thor's Hammer, Allen took the opportunity to lift the Thor's Hammer upwards, and then wanted to release the thunder god-like thunder that gathered in the hammer body. The glorious scene, Alan couldn't help but shouted.

It's just that. At the moment when Alan picked it up, the countless thunders in the sky that originally wanted to shoot downwards began to disperse with the dark clouds.

In less than a minute, the military base that was originally a scene of extinction, ushered in the first ray of the sun after the storm.

"Lived! Lived!"

"We survived!!"


"Hmm, mum..."

After seeing the sun, all the field staff, even the scientific researchers who were supporting the data research in the base, couldn't help but hug each other happily.

It’s like celebrating the rest of the life after the disaster. Just now, the lightning that was thicker and wider than a big car just went one after another, just like you don’t need money, and it smashed not far away. At most a dozen meters away.

No one is not afraid. You have to know the width of the lightning, even the narrowest, the smallest, and stunted lightning has a width of four or five meters. In this way, they can still survive. They can only say God, **** is even Maitreya Buddha, Guanyin blessed him.

"Hey?!!!" It's just that compared to everyone's happy aftermath, Allen, who was in the deep pit at this moment, couldn't help but look at the hammer held high in his hand, and his face looked dumbfounded.

"Thor's Hammer!!"

"For the glory of the northern god!"

"Mommy, Mommy, coax!!"

"Open Sesame!!"


After watching him pick up Thor's Hammer, he didn't even have the special effects of the sparks and lightning on his face when Thor was transformed.

Allen couldn't help wondering if his opening method was wrong, and then he held up the Thor's Hammer again and again, and said loudly, until the end he patted and patted the hammer in his hand as if he did not believe in evil.

After all, it’s impossible for him to get so big, and then worked hard for a long time, but what he was holding was a trash thing, then Alan took the Thor’s hammer in his hand to pad and pad, and looked left and right. Still holding this thing and knocking on the ground.

At this moment, Allen only felt whether a big boss was playing with him, and when he was about to pick up this thing, he stopped time and then dropped the Quake.

After all, the hammer of Thor, which was just as heavy as a planet, could not be lifted, except for its appearance at this moment.

Allen felt that this thing was so light and unreasonable, and even Allen had a feeling that he might have to squeeze it out of a little bit of force.

Allen couldn't help but began to reflect, thinking about where the problem went, at least Allen can be sure that the scene full of thunder and madness before he mentioned it can't be faked.

And that thing was 100% from the fake and unspeakable hammer in his hand.

However, after picking it up by yourself, the special effects scene that was still burning with billions of effects, just like this, it is gone, don't you tell me to make me a big scene like Thor, you will shine some light on some face Silk is fine too!

Looking at the hammer in his hand, Allen couldn't help but feel depressed and thought that at this moment, he was more constipated than Coleson, who was constipated before, as if he had eaten mouse shit.

‘Good guy, you really save face. Just when Allen finished thinking about it, the Thor's Hammer in his hand made a'poof', and a small electric light hit Allen's arm holding the hammer.

Afterwards, Allen seemed unconvinced, and took the hammer again to flatten Aces on the ground. The result was obvious.

The hammer is still the same, except that it does not have Thor's supernatural power, and the weight is so light in my own hands, but the quality is still that quality.

Only why Alan said that, just after the base was like a magnitude seven earthquake, after two jumps, Alan had a general idea.

Anyway, the meow hammer in my hand is like a simple artificial intelligence or basic intelligence, and it has a set of independent screening methods.

If someone forcibly wants to pick him up, he will change his mass and become the weight of a true death star, making the other person unable to lift it up.

And if the hammer judges that the opponent is really threatening to itself and can be lifted by brute force, then it will release the sight of the violent thunder sea like Alan to kill the opponent as much as possible.

And if neither of them work, and the other person will eventually lift it up, then the artificial intelligence in this hammer will not cooperate with you. Anyway, even if you get my body, you will not get my heart. You use My body can, but you don't want me to cooperate with you.

I don't know what other people think, anyway, Allen at this moment is a constipated expression.

After a long time, I got this kind of tasteless stuff. Although this weapon is powerful and powerful, it may not be as easy to use as Alan's two small fists.

The reason why Allen tried to lift this thing was not because he coveted that gorgeous special effects transformation scene. If there was no such thing, then Thor's Hammer might not really have fun with Mindy in Allen’s eyes. .

At least with Mindy, Mindy will still find ways to make Allen happy, and such a cute little girl is also very seductive, but what about this hammer in his hand? There is nothing else but a bit harder.

Thinking of this Allen wanted to hammer a few hammers, UU reading www. was able to relieve his hatred in this way, but Alan just raised his hand and was interrupted by a rapid voice before the hammer was down.

Coleson, who wanted to come out to celebrate because of the rest of his life, was watched as Superman smashed the ground twice with that hammer before he even waited for it to begin.

Then everyone in the entire camp seemed to be pushed by the ground, jumping towards the sky, and everyone fell to the ground abruptly.

"Mr. Superman, don't don't don't don't!"

No, before Coleson could stand still, he saw Superman still wanting to knock on the ground, Dang Even said loudly, and hurriedly ran towards Superman.

Just kidding, with his current body bone, the backache and leg cramps would have been caused by hammering twice. If Superman was hammered down a few more times, he was afraid that his life would be accounted for here.

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