Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 273: Sol is coming

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"Then Mr. Superman, can you give it to us? We will have someone to take care of him." After hearing that Allen didn't have the coveted tone of this hammer among his opponents, Coleson couldn't help but speak. Asked.

After all, Superman may not like this thing because he doesn't need it. After all, he can wave it at will, so his physical strength must be very strong.

It’s just that they are different. They don’t have Alan’s powerful body, so only the material of the hammer itself or the scene that caused the thunder sea to fall, all represent the unusualness of this hammer, as long as they can pass technology Analyze the secret hidden in this hammer.

Then they S.H.I.E.L.D. can definitely take a bigger step in protecting mankind and guarding the world.

"You said this? Of course you can." After hearing Coleson's words, Allen motioned to the hammer in his hand. After confirming that Coleson wanted it, he threw it on the ground where it was originally. Without turning back, he walked towards the bald Stwell.

"Super...Mr. Superman, do you need any help?" Sturwell, who originally only wanted to look at Superman's extraordinary power from a distance, saw Superman throw the hammer down like a shoe, and then turned towards After he walked, he couldn't help but stepped forward with a nervous look, only to speak in a voice.

After all, now that Coleson is back, he is not alone here. If he lets others discover his private relationship with Superman, then those things he did secretly will definitely not be able to withstand S.H.I.E.L.D.'s investigation.

"Find me a lounge. I want to take a good rest. The hammer resisted too fiercely, but it exhausted me." Seeing the nervous look of Stwell, Allen I was embarrassed to embarrass him, so I just spoke up.

After all, the tug of war with Thor's Hammer just now, although he still won, it was a complete physical work that would exhaust Allen. Now he just wants to lie down and take a rest. child.

"Okay, okay, over here, please over here." After hearing Superman's simple request, Sturwell said immediately, and then walked forward to signal Alan to follow.

In the end, under seven turns, under the order of Sturwell, his men put a comfortable simple bed in a room that had just been cleaned up, and then arranged Allen in the room.


"Hey, Sol rain has stopped, and the thunderstorm is gone." On the other side of the distance, Sol and Jane, who were on the way, saw the dark clouds scattered above their heads and the light on the ground again. In the sun, Jane couldn't help but leaned out of the car window alone, feeling the temperature of the warm sun shining on her hands, and said happily.

After all, after the torrential rain, mild sunshine is the most beautiful tenderness for all people.

"Hmm..." On the other hand, compared to Jane, who is now happy and optimistic, Saul still looks dignifiedly into the distance, the closer and closer destination.

If he can choose, he would rather the heavy rain is still falling and those thunders are still leaning unscrupulously. After all, only then can he be sure that he still has a chance and that his Mulnier will not be taken away by others at least temporarily.

But now, everything needs to be guessed by himself, and he hates guessing the most. For Sol, if he has the power, he still needs to think so much like he does now, and he doesn’t want to just go over it. correct.

And now because he doesn't have the power to be proud of, he must once again use his rusty brain that has not been used for a long time because of the power, and start thinking about a solution again.

"Sol? What's the matter, it's sunny, aren't you happy?" Jane, who originally wanted to get the man next to him, didn't hear Sol's reaction after speaking, and couldn't help turning his head towards with confusion. Sol looked around, then asked.

After all, it was heavy rain or a thunderstorm. It doesn’t matter if you look unhappy. Now the thunderstorm is over and the sun is coming out. You still look unhappy. The two opposing weather conditions have offended you. Who When you come out, you don't give it a good look. Looking at the pensive Saul next to him, Jane couldn't help but think angrily.

"Ah?! I'm sorry, Jane, I didn't pay attention to hearing you just now, sorry." At this time, I was still thinking about who else in the Nine Realms has this ability and is qualified to **** his own Thor's Hammer. Sol, after hearing what Jane said, he couldn't help but regained his senses and said apologetically.

After all, in any case, the woman next to her who has never met before is the only woman who is willing to believe in herself, and the only woman who is willing to take risks for herself, even if she is as proud as him, in front of this woman beside him, he I don't want to, or I can't be arrogant.

"It's okay, it's just Sol, why are you still thinking about you even when the sun is out?" Jane, who was still angrily trying to get angry, suddenly felt soft after hearing Sol's apology. He got down, then shook his head in a nonchalant manner, and then asked.

"You don't understand, Jane, there is too much hidden behind this." After hearing what Jane said, Saul shook his head and said. Things that are simply impossible, even if his four good friends knew about it, they would definitely think he was changed by Rocky.

I have to say that Odin's exile for him this time, it can be said that Sol has grown a lot in just one day.

"Look, it's coming soon! We can already see the deep pit, my God...what the **** happened there?"

After hearing Sol’s mysterious Jane couldn’t help but feel a little confused, but she didn’t continue to ask, but turned her head to continue driving, but a huge deep reflection not far from the car In their eyes, he couldn't help but simply said with a shocked expression on his face.

What made him feel even more shocked was that the military base there should have existed at this moment, as if it had been washed by war, and it was full of dilapidated scenes.

"Is this what you expected?" After being shocked, Jane couldn't help but turned her head and looked at the melancholy man Sol next to him in disbelief.

After all, judging from the expression on Sol just now, at least Jane felt that the other party must have known in advance that there would be such a scene where they were going.

It was just that this possibility was easily overturned, because she also saw Sol with the same solemn look at the broken pit not far away, but compared to Jane, Sol’s superior eyesight made him Saw the special service humans who were still cleaning up the wreckage.

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