Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 291: I can be your ally

And looking at Vostag, who seemed to be an undercover undercover he had arranged next to the other party, Nick Fury felt extremely satisfied, because the other party asked exactly what he wanted to know.

After all, if Thor is really as incomprehensible as the fat man just said, then their S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau estimated that they would have to come up with dozens of top-secret taboo weapon plans to appease the hearts of those already fragile politicians.

And the most important and most important thing is that he doesn't have so many so-called taboo weapon plans in his hands. Even if he counts sub-level super weapons and the like, there are only a dozen, and in these non-human In front of the alien creatures, it is estimated that it is only a round up.

Nick Fury looked at the few people in front of him who had been bombarded by the metal man in front of him. They were still able to jump alive and there was nothing wrong with the three warriors of the fairy palace and Princess Sif in the fairy tale. He couldn't help but think secretly in his heart. .

Before coming here, Nick Fury had seen the general strength of the gods in these so-called Norse myths from the satellites. In general, the people in these myths not only suspected to have almost immortal lives, but also their bodies. The quality is also tens of thousands of times stronger than their terrestrial people. In short, they are the lives of two worlds.

After all, let alone life span, even a little accidental car accident may have lost a living life, let alone aliens like this kind of hard anti-laser explosion, and then nothing. , The gap is too big.

If Nick Fury is really asked to find a comparison, maybe Captain America is roughly equivalent to the physical strength of the so-called gods in front of him. It may be a little weaker, but the gap will definitely not be the same as it is now, as far away as the abyss. and.

"Hey hey! Friends, you guys think too much, how can it be that simple? This not only requires me and Mauernier to build a deeper bond, but also needs to accumulate in Mauernier over the years. A lot of divine power can do it, and now there is not much remaining my divine power stored in Mulnier."

After hearing that some of his good friends had started YY that he couldn't even think of, Saul couldn't help but immediately stop the endless fantasies of the few people, and then said with a wry smile.

After all, if he could, how could he not want to push it all the way as the few people said, and then when he was about to die, he cursed for a year, and then with a bang, it was full of thunder and lightning. Return to the battlefield to continue fighting, but those are impossible.

A situation like that can only exist in the fairy tales of the bard population, or in the bizarre novels in the library. Here is the living real world, how can such outrageous things happen.

"It's a pity, but at least now you can resurrect in full condition. This is already very good." After hearing Saul's words, Seif couldn't help but regret. If Saul really has the ability to restore the battlefield to full state in time If it is, then it is a great thing for them Asgard.

After all, although they are nominally the masters of the Nine Realms, they are in charge of everything under the Nine Realms, but they have been indifferent to this universe for too long and too long. The creatures who have been in this universe for a long time do not rarely remember them. .

Of course, in addition to their affiliated races, the Dwarves, there are also the world's enemies, the Dark Elves. Jotunheim, who has been trying to stir up trouble from time to time, basically has no impression of other places.

Even they once appeared to rule the earth for hundreds of years, but now they are only spreading their myths.

"My friends, it's already very good, we should take action, Asgard still has a huge crisis waiting for us to rescue."

After hearing Sif's regret, Saul couldn't help but laughed, then patted Sif's arm, then walked forward, and spoke loudly to the surrounding comrades.

After all, he hadn't forgotten that Asgard was still in constant danger of being invaded by the Frost Giants. If he were not there, the Asgard would at least pay a high price to resist.

"And you, Alan Parker, the powerhouse of the earth, my eldest son of Odin, Thor of Asgard, admitted your power and status. If I fight again next time, I won't be like this. Lost in your hands."

After speaking to his extremely comrades-in-arms, Saul turned his head and looked at Alan with a warlike expression, and then spoke.

After all, for Thor, a powerful fighter never fears those opponents who have defeated him. After all, from ancient times to the present, those who have defeated him but were defeated by him in turn are nowhere to be seen. And this person in front of him is just another number that is about to be filled in in his lifetime record.

Thor, the **** of thunder, will never fall twice in the same place. If he does fall, he will get up and beat the opponent.

"Huh huh!" Seeing Sol's warlike invitation, Allen couldn't help but promised with a smile. Because of the battle, in the late stage of the battle, Allen had already involuntarily converted the helmet into a ring and wore it. On the little finger.

So at this moment, Alan’s expression and that cute face are displayed among several people without any cover. Although Saul initially saw Alan’s true face and was so a little surprised, but always In general, Thor is very positive about his psychological quality.

It wasn't because of the other party's potential, age, and other imaginary reasons that he couldn't beat him now. After all, he could only use his **** to know what thunder **** Thor was relying on in the Nine Realms?

That's a tough attitude that never So Sol just wants to make friends with each other, turn fighting into jade, isn't it good to be a mature king?

It wasn't until this moment that Saul understood how tired it is to be a qualified king. It was too difficult to bear all the pain that shouldn't belong to him.

"Well, Vostag, Fandral, Hogan, and Sif, we have to go to the Rainbow Bridge now." After hearing Alan’s affirmative response, Sol nodded, and then faced the person next to him. Several comrades spoke.

Now he needs to leave quickly, after all, a lot of mess in Asgard is still waiting for him.

"Oh, by the way, and this gentleman who doesn't know his name in the blindfold, do you know? Anyway, we are all fighting for the same thing, that is to protect the world, and if you can let you The man behind you, Coulson, if you return what you took from Jane, I can be your ally from now on."

After turning around, Sol, who wanted to stay warm with his little girlfriend, after seeing each other, he couldn't help but remember one thing he promised to each other, and then turned and walked towards Nick Fury. He stared at him without saying a word and said.

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