Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 294: New York is coming

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"Oh my god, mother, why didn't you tell me that it was still going down." Finally, as time passed, Allen, who had returned to New York, looked at the dark cloud that once again expanded the scope, and couldn't help being surprised. Opened his mouth and said.

After all, if he remembers correctly, the rain seems to have been raining for more than a week, and looking at the situation in front of him, there is a kind of intensifying posture. There are many low-lying places in New York that are beginning to be flooded by rain, even The drainage system, which was originally proud of New York, was almost unable to carry out due to overloaded work at this time.

"Well, there should be no problem. I read the weather forecast and said that the rain should be over in the next week at most. Uh, I hope." Mei, who was still having fun, couldn't help but hear Alan's words. Looking at the distant sky as if it had been stained with black ink, he spoke slowly.

To be honest, if you didn’t watch it from the sky, maybe Mei still felt that the rain was just like this, but at this moment in the sky, Mei could see with his own eyes that many places in New York had been flooded by rain. , Even the currents next to Manhattan Island have become extremely turbulent.

Moreover, the government set up warning signs prohibiting traffic on the several bridges leading to Manhattan. Mei looked at other places in general. All the places are self-evident. Most of the city was flooded by water. .

Although May may have thought a little bit more, Alan looked at all this in front of her with a very solemn expression. If it was just what she saw in front of her mother, it would be okay. At best, it would just be inconvenient to go to school and work. .

But through super vision, Allen can clearly see the drainage systems under the cities in all major districts of New York, all of them are overloaded with work, and the most important thing is the seaside, and the whole sea has also begun to agitate.

In Allen’s vision, the originally crowded and prosperous Queens District Longgang Wharf, which was used for overseas transactions or where white-collar yachts used to go to sea, was parked. At this moment, except for a few scattered pieces on the whole wharf. A staff member, no one is there anymore.

Waves of turbulent waves began to beat the coast. The violent wind swept across the coast with the waves. The hotels or residential buildings close to the coast were surprisingly uniform at this moment. Closed tightly, the entire streets of Changgang are surprisingly few under Allen's perspective gaze.

Everyone stayed at home behind closed doors, and many of them were even worried, as if a catastrophe was about to come.

Looking at these scenes, all of them explained that the huge natural disaster that is coming, Allen could not help but feel Alexander for a while, because if he was in other places, he might still hold it if he can save it, or pull it if he can’t. To, and then save as many people as possible, after all, it is the mentality of one's own territory.

But now if this TM is really a natural disaster, this is the Queens area. If it is really a tsunami, as Allen thought, then the first one will be your own home. If you don’t do your best, When the time comes, his lair has been stolen by the enemy, so what else is there to play with?

As for moving to a new place, I’m sorry, Ellen hasn’t made that plan yet. After all, Ellen’s living in this home is quite comfortable, not big or small, neither looks very spacious nor too crowded. You can meet your family by yourself. For Allen, it is much happier than living in those castle villas.

So no matter what, Alan will not retreat, but before that, it is best to pray that he will not encounter something like this that has not been encountered in American history.

After all, in the past life, in Allen’s impression, it seems that New York has never encountered a tsunami or the like after the re-emergence of New York, and although this is the Marvel world, in addition to the level of personal strength and the cosmic civilization, it’s better Except that the earth is a little bit more, other general developments are similar.

So this should be just an ordinary heavy rainstorm. Allen thought silently in his heart. After all, if he really faced such a huge tsunami, Allen really didn't know how to use his own power to block the power of the entire sea. .

"Allen? Allen?! Allen!!" And Ma May, who was waiting for Ellen to reply after speaking, turned her head and looked at Ellen as if she was frozen, after waiting for a long time. The ground didn't speak, just staring at the distant coast without blinking. Demei couldn't help but shouted that Allen didn't respond, and then shouted louder and louder.

"Ah?! Ah! Madam Mei?! What's the matter?" After hearing Madam May's words, Allen, who had recovered, asked Madam May, who was looking straight at him.

"It's okay, Ellen, let's go back early. If it is later, your dad and others should be worried." After all, this time I went out but the guy who came here to pick him up called the Mayor of New York City and the police. The bureau chief, several big figures came forward, persuading Ben they to let themselves and the one-eyed pirate go to Alan.

So maybe they are still sitting in the living room waiting for their news at this time, DeMay could not help thinking in his heart.

"Yeah, okay." After hearing Ma May's words, Allen directly nodded and agreed, but as long as he thinks that he might face nagging or even scolding from my dad when he goes back, his head hurts.

"Oh, by the way, mom, what did Nick Fury tell you about my performance in New Mexico?" Then Allen, who started flying, asked the side of May's mother who was next to him.

After all, although death sooner or later is But if you can know your criminal law in advance, you can have a heart to prepare, right?

"Performance?! Tell me what?" Suddenly hearing Ellen's question, Demei couldn't help but didn't respond to it for a while, couldn't help but ask back, but then looked at Alan's guilty conscience, as if thinking of something. Mei, she couldn't help but suddenly realized, and then under Allen's expectant gaze, she smiled and asked, "Oh!!!! Haha, guess?!"

"Mom! What do you say, you also know that Dad, as long as you talk about it, he will never stop before dinner time. Mom, you won't have the heart to look at your such a cute son, just like that. Spirit torment for a day." After looking at Ma May's expression, Allen surrendered in an instant, and said to Ma May's pitifully.

After all, why Monkey King is so powerful in Journey to the West. Apart from Tang Seng's chanting curse from time to time, even if he doesn't read it, he is still tortured to death by Tang Seng.

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