Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 304: The Iron Legion and the Giant Steel Mecha

"Cute Baby Superman in Meiman(!

"Humph!" After hearing Alan's words, Tony turned his head and glanced at Alan, snorted in disdain, and then quietly looked at the sea.

"Fuck!" Afterwards, after feeling that Tony could not be counted on, Allen, who originally wanted to shoot directly, suddenly heard a thick roar in the sky behind him, and couldn't help but look back. Ai Lun opened his mouth in shock.

Without him, I saw dozens of steel mechas spraying in flames in the distance, and even on the ground, there were several giant mechas coming in. Fortunately, because the government evacuated early, Therefore, the mecha didn't need to worry about it, and came straight towards the beach.

As for the losses caused, let’s not say that Tony Stark does not care about the small money, just say that it is to save the citizens, and the government cannot let him pay for the money.

Then, in Allen’s eyes, the colorful and fancy mechas in the sky landed neatly on the edge of the coastline, one by one facing the sea, and Tony’s red-gold screaming armor was in this group of mechas. Standing upright, it's like the stars holding the moon.

Not to mention the three large four-meter-high mechas that came afterward, standing on both sides of Tony like door gods. This scene instantly raised the overall begging.

"Have you been doing wholesale recently? So many mechas! How did you get them!" Looking at the nearly twenty uniform Mark series mechas in front of me, and the mainframe the size of anti-Hulk armor next to him. A, Allen couldn't help but his eyes went straight, and he asked Tony on the side with a surprised look.

"Everyone has a little hobby?! And I just provided some ideas for these armors, which were produced by Jarvis for me, so it won't take me a few days. I think I should do it next. You can let Jarvis come to help me take care of the company's affairs." After hearing Alan's surprised look, Tony shrugged nonchalantly, and then spoke in a'plain and unremarkable' voice. Opened his mouth and said.

After all, there is no way. Artificial intelligence can be willful. Most of the time, in terms of mechas or scientific research experiments, he only needs to provide a general plan and direction. As for details and the like, Jarvis naturally Will help him make up.

"Sir, although I don't want to say it, there is actually not much difference between my previous job and taking over the company's affairs." At this moment, Jarvis's electromechanical sound rang in Tony's mask. However, the helpless words made people can't help but imagine the way Tony squeezed Jarvis.

"Puff! Uncle Tony, I don't think I need to continue to complain about you." After hearing Jarvis's words, Alan couldn't help but laughed out of place, and then spoke to Tony.

Feelings are not only that people and people will become funny after long time, but even robots and people will become funny after long time. Alan couldn't help but think of the complaints between the master and servant.

"Jarvis!! Have I told you to save me more face when you are outside." After hearing Allen's laugh, Tony couldn't help but feel unable to come off the stage, and then faced Jia in the mask. Weiss spoke with'anger'.

"Okay, sir." Jarvis answered immediately after hearing Tony's words.

"So, uncle, what do you want to do with so many mechas? Fight with the tsunami?" Then, after returning to normal, Allen couldn't help pointing to the mechas standing in a row in front of him, then turned his head and spoke to Tony on the side. Asked.

After all, if brute force alone is useful, then he can handle it himself, and it's your turn to play, but Alan doesn't think that Tony will not know this, so all this becomes curious.

And Allen also noticed that although these mechas are made of bells and whistles, most of the shapes are the same. This is not like Tony's style. If it is really the Mark series armor, then each one is definitely another. This kind of shape, can play with flowers, absolutely does not take the usual path, this is the impression Tony gave to Allen.

Now the appearance of these mechas gave Alan the feeling that Tony always took the Legion flow route again, that is, in Avengers 2, when the entire team rescued Sokovia, the Iron Legion robots sent by Tony were only But now there is no reunion 2, what Allen saw in the movie is normal.

"Hmph, look at it, little guy, it's up to your Uncle Tony to teach you a lesson, but your brute force is not always useful, and it still depends on your brain in many cases."

After hearing Alan's words, Tony couldn't help showing a meaningful smile, then touched Alan's head with his arm in metal armor and said.

‘I have to say that although I can’t talk about the hand feeling through a layer of metal, it feels very good. "Finally one day I will be able to touch Alan's soft yellow fur, Tony couldn't help but think of it happily.

In the past, his father always touched his hair like this with his hands and looked happy. At that time, he still looked puzzled and felt that his father was annoying, but now it seems that, sure enough, what his father did. It still makes sense, isn't it cool.

After a little joy in his heart, Tony closed his armor, and after the high-tech eyepieces on the mask reappeared brightly, Tony took a step forward and walked out.

"What are Jarvis waiting for?! Let's start the carnival!" After a short step forward, Tony raised his hands as if to welcome the carnival, and then said to Jarvis.

Then, just after Tony’s voice came down The front row of mechas all raised their robotic arms and aimed them into the sea. The only difference is that these mechas are at this moment. But his arm is like a barrel, revealing the complicated metal structure inside, and inside the barrel arm, there are also faint flashes of metallic red light.

As for Tony’s several large mechas at this moment, they are also taking heavy steps one by one, and they have reached the predetermined positions. Then, as the chest collapses and the metal compresses and deforms, the entire breastplate suddenly becomes a huge one. The structure is similar to the antenna pot cover.

Then, under the full firepower, all the mechas were concentrated at one point, and heavy and thick sonic gravity waves shot towards the depths of the sea. Under the influence of the huge sound waves, even the sea water along the coast. All are deformed due to distortion.

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