Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 333: More than 400 small goals

But before the same level of damage, not only did the other party have no trouble, even the huge loss was recovered in the blink of an eye, but now it hurts so much after a laser? !


Looking at the extremely painful stone giant in front of him, he couldn't tell whether the opponent was selling him to lead him and want to fight melee, or whether it was Allen, whose hot gaze did damage the opponent's attributes, couldn't help but use a laser. The eyes were printed on the stone giant's body again.


Unexpectedly, under Allen’s hot sight, the Golem made a violent scream again, and in the end even the original huge body could not be maintained, and it became Allen just watching When he arrived at the opponent, the muscular man who was originally more than three meters tall.

‘Huh...It seems that my hot sight is really this guy’s exclusive restraint skills. Looking at the man in front of him who couldn't maintain the most basic elementalization because of his hot sight, Allen couldn't help but touch his chin and thought to himself.

"Hi... the strength of this little monster is really getting more and more perverted." On the other hand, Natasha, who was still holding a howitzer and wanted to support Ellen, saw Ellen’s powerful and hot sight not only turning that foot After a giant as high as a mansion was knocked down, and after whipping his corpse, he couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath and said.

"Um... Natasha, do you say we have to go again?!" At this moment, next to Natasha, Patton, who has also prepared high-explosive arrows and has all bows and arrows, is watching that he is already torn apart. The stone giant (because of the perspective, the muscular man cannot be seen), Patton couldn't help turning his head to the side Natasha.

Originally, their plan was to let the team members solve the terracotta warriors and horses outside, and the two of them brought blasting weapons to support Superman. They didn't ask for help, even if they showed their faces, it was good, but the other party was unreasonable. The strength is really ruthless.

"Forget it, let's go up and ask... Uh, forget it, let's go to area D, there is also a big monster there." I wanted to go up and ask Superman if he needs any help, but it seems that he has already flown away. Superman, Natasha could not help but let go of the hand that originally wanted to raise, and then after speaking helplessly, he and Patton ran towards the lava giant that was still raging on the other side-General Fire .

After all, this kind of monster of tens of meters is fatal to the destruction of the surrounding environment, not to mention that the opponent is a walking melting pot. Anything that touches the body of the monster will be swallowed by the opponent. At present, they There is simply no effective way to deal with the opponent, even if the small missile is used, it is useless at all.

And they are rushing over now, at most it is only the command staff analyzing the situation on the scene, as for going up and fighting the monster? ! Please, they haven't lived enough yet.

"Hey! Tony, how are you doing here?!" On the other side, after successfully pulling out the earthen flag, Alan, who already holds the three elemental flags in his hand, couldn't help but ask after arriving at Tony's battlefield again.

"Well, there is no problem. If nothing else, I'm about to take him down." After hearing Alan's words, Tony turned his head to look at Alan, and then the old **** said.

"I'm going, when did you guys get so many armors!!" Seeing that there were more than 20 suits constantly firing condensate bombs at General Feng, who was trapped in the middle and wanted to break out. Moreover, there were two high-powered battle suits guarded like vacuum cleaners on the ground, and Allen couldn't help but speak in surprise.

"Hahahaha! Amazing! The last time I went to Afghanistan, I met this guy. At that time, because I was not prepared enough, I accidentally let this guy go, and this time, in my Tonys Under Tucker’s genius brain, my armor can be said to be completely Kyzyl, this guy’s ability."

After hearing Alan's words, Tony couldn't help but laughed.

After all, how miserable he was beaten by the opponent before, it was really horrible, a bit of bitter tears are unknown, and now that he finally has a chance to retaliate back, Tony feels incredibly happy.

Under the siege of one's own Frozen Legion, it is impossible for the opponent to be elementalized. The condensed bomb will greet the opponent at the moment of elementalization, freezing the opponent's body, and the two large battle suits below are not. Decoration, ultra-powerful vacuuming...Bah, anti-element armor, as long as the opponent dares to be completely elemental, Tony will dare to let the opponent taste the taste of being sucked in the suit and then being frozen.

After fighting with the opponent last time, Tony specially created these two large anti-elemental battle suits. As long as the opponent is still disappearing that can be explained by physics, then these two things can restrain the opponent to death. of.

And not only that, in order to take into account all the special circumstances, Tony also installed electromagnetic shielding positions on the two suits. It was not enough time. Otherwise, Tony would even have to create a space gravity field, as long as the opponent Dare to disappear in front of his face, Tony is sure to let the other party disappear completely.

"Admire, admire, Uncle Tony, your brain is really powerful, but what I am curious about is how many suits do you have in your house?! These plus the suits for the tsunami last time, there are at least fifty sets, right? "After hearing Tony's words, Allen couldn't help but patted his hands, and then spoke again.

Although Alan is not sure about the specific cost of these, Alan still vaguely remembers that in the last life, it seems that someone has counted Tony's suits, and the most basic set is also It will cost nearly 100 million U.S. dollars.

And the total of more than 50 sets, more than 5 billion U.S. dollars? ! How many small goals are converted into RMB? ! More than 400 small goals? !

‘Tsk, how much money does this big dog family have? "Just a rough estimate, Alan is not calm, watching Tony on the side can't help but smack his tongue inwardly.

"Fortunately, it's only a few billions. It's all small money. It's worth it to protect humans." After hearing Alan's words, Tony waved his hand carelessly, and then casually spoke, as if Besides, the transaction is only a few dollars.

"Hey, by the way, Ellen, why did you come here? Have all the enemies on your side been resolved?!" After finishing speaking, Tony suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but ask Ellen on the side.

After all, if he remembers correctly, it seems that Allen said before that he would help himself after solving the big guys, but now Allen is here, which means that those people are all solved? !

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