Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 338: Lifting the ban on unlimited energy plan weapons

The nuclear bomb should have been fired long ago, but the plan was disrupted by the projection of a dead blind man who suddenly appeared on the screen meeting, making the guys who originally supported them couldn't help becoming neutral.

"Director Fury, do you have anything to say?!" Looking at the weirdly quiet situation, the President sitting in a high position couldn't help but speak to the projection in the middle of the conference table.

"I would not agree with the use of large-yield nuclear bombs in New York, and I only see the army. Our SHIELD is no longer in this range."

Nick Fury, who didn't want to get tangled with the general, couldn't help but speak with the old **** after hearing the president also speak.

"Hey, anyone who speaks big words can talk about it. All I know is that as Director Nick Fury continues to delay time, that monster will probably have to pay a huge price even if it can be solved with a nuclear bomb in the end."

Looking at Nick Fury, who was still holding on, General Black on the side couldn't help but ridiculed his way.

"Tell me about your plan, Mr. Nick Fury. If there is no clear plan, I will order the use of nuclear bombs." Then, looking at the two confronting each other, the president couldn't help but speak again.

Obviously, if Nick Fury can't provide a reasonable explanation, even if he doesn't want to, he will have to issue a nuclear bomb order. Although this may cause his reputation to plummet, one is a deep valley and the other is an abyss. Although they are all dead, The former has at least one thought.

"Hulk, I have already sent someone to take the Hulk Hulk over. I believe that when the Hulk Hulk and Superman will join forces, that monster will not be unbeatable, and according to my information, Hulk will also Arrived on the battlefield soon."

After hearing the president's words, Nick Fury spoke.

"Hey, just rely on that brainless monster?! Use monsters to deal with monsters, Chief Nick Fury, you can really do it." After hearing Nick Fury's words, General Black couldn't help but sarcastically said.

After all, I’ve seen the Hulk’s battle video of General Black, a no-brainer. This is General Black’s evaluation of Hulk. Although Hulk can be said to be a monster, the lava giant in the video is now compared. In other words, the two are not of the same magnitude at all.

What's more, the opponent is not controllable at all. If they are on the battlefield, the two monsters will point their heads at the humans when they hit the contract, then it will be fun.

"This time the weapons of the Infinite Energy Program will also be put into use, Mr. President, trust me, you will definitely get a satisfactory answer." Ignoring the voice of General Black, Nick Fury turned his head and looked straight. Addressing Mr. President, he said solemnly.

If it’s not necessary, he doesn’t want to reveal the plan, but now if they don’t come up with a satisfactory answer to these people, these idiots are really capable of plowing the ground with nuclear bombs, and they have to choose the lesser of the two. Nick Fury can only do this.

"Director Nick Fury, your people have three hours. If the battle cannot be resolved within three hours, I will arrange a nuclear strike."

After hearing Nick Fry's powerful and confident words, the president looked at his watch after thinking for a moment, and then spoke to the other party.

"Natasha, it's time for us to fight back, lift the ban on the Infinite Energy Program weapons, let all action personnel be fully equipped, the target-the lava giant"

After getting the final confirmation, Nick Fury didn't say any more, he turned off the video connection, and then looked at the lava giant raging in Queens on the big screen, then picked up the Bluetooth headset in front of him and spoke.

"Received." On the other side, Natasha, who received the latest order from Nick Fury, trot to the side of the command room, and authorized the controller at the center, and then all the transport planes that came this time The weapon boxes located in the deepest part of the weapon arsenal opened one by one, and a low-temperature thick mist was released from the box.

"All operatives, immediately return to their respective transport planes, and grab the weapons in the D-2 weapon box, the target is the lava giant." After unlocking all the weapon boxes, Natasha held it with one hand. The headset turned on the microphone to communicate and spoke.

A few minutes later, all S.H.I.E.L.D. field agents were armed with long-barreled weapons comparable to sniper guns. Just the orange-red light from their muzzles made people no doubt about their weapons' lethality.

"Start action!" Natasha, who was sitting in the command room, couldn't help but speak loudly after seeing all the squads have obtained the energy weapons.

"Dr. Banner, I beg you for the survival of New Yorkers this time." On the other side, Coleson, who had already arrived in the airspace of Queens by a Quinn, looked at Bruce Banner, who was already prepared, and he couldn't help but speak in a casual tone Said sincerely.

After all, this time they invited the man in front of them. From a certain aspect, the moment they appeared, they left a lot of disgust in the other person’s heart. After all, no one would want to be caught in their lives at any time. Surveillance, but there is no way. Whether it is for the safety of the people or for the director's plan, the other party is an important part.

And now it’s time to use the other party, so it’s just a little bit of disgust, UU reading and they are not afraid, as long as they can overcome this difficulty, they have enough think tanks to attack the person in front of them. Favorability.

"After this time, I don't want any of you to enter my life."

Looking at the smiling man in a suit and leather shoes, Bruce had to admit that the other party's superficial work was indeed very good, no matter how angry he was, he couldn't pick out any space for temporary manipulation, and couldn't help but after hearing the other party's words. , Bruce looked straight into the other person's eyes and spoke with a slight anger.

"This doctor, you can rest assured, if it is not necessary, we will never disturb your life, Dr. Banner, this time the reason is really compelling, I believe that Dr. Banner, you do not want this beautiful city. Just be razed to the ground, and we also help you block the prying eyes of the military, FBI, CIA and other organizations." Looking at the other party with a tone of dissatisfaction, Coleson was not angry, but with the usual Said with a smile.

"Huh!" Although he knew that what the other party was saying was the truth, but didn't know why, Bruce always felt that he was so dissatisfied. He couldn't help but patted the hatch door open button hard, and went straight without any hesitation. Jumped down.

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