Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 340: Envious Tony

"Roar!" At this moment, after feeling that his body was covered by all-round missiles, the lava giant couldn't help but let out an angry roar, two scarlet eyes the size of a small sun looking down at the small team in the distance. Members of the S.H.I.E.L.D. squad of Infinite Energy Firearms.

Then, just as the lava giant strode over to kill the little ants that hurt him, a small green hand suddenly appeared in front of him, and then a green figure appeared in front of him, before he could react. The other party directly hit his eyes with a punch.

Then the lava giant who was hit in the eye, after feeling a pain, couldn't help covering his eyes, and staggering back at the same time.

"Superman, what are you waiting for? It's time for us to play!" At the same time, Tony Stark, who had already dealt with General Falling Wind, rushed over after seeing the terrifying battlefield here. When he flew over Allen, he just dropped a word and rushed towards the lava giant with his mecha legion.

"Sister, Peter, I'll go ahead first, you take care of yourself." Seeing Tony plunged directly towards the lava giant, Alan couldn't help but feel his heart, and told the two people beside him. After a while, he flew straight towards the lava giant.

"Good guy, it's really lively. Those S.H.I.E.L.D. field agents are supposed to have energy weapons. It seems that they are really driven crazy by this guy." Tony, who rushed to the battlefield, watched it for the first time. When they arrived, the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents still spared no effort to shoot the energy cannon in their hands towards the lava giant. After seeing this, Tony couldn't help but speak.

"After analysis, these weapons are energy weapons and have great similarities with the powerful energy sources that appeared in New Mexico last time." At this time, Jarvis gave an analysis of the weapons in those hands through Tony's vision. Said an answer.

"It seems that the last time the alien invasion really made S.H.I.E.L.D. a treasure." Tony couldn't help but speak after hearing Jarvis's analysis consistent with his own thoughts.

Although Tony was not allowed to go out in the last alien invasion incident due to distance and rigid conditions, Tony was clearly seen through the satellites of the Stark Group, including the one who almost knew his mech. Alien War Armor.

Among them, Tony is particularly interested in the material of the other party's shell that can be teleported across the stars and the huge energy source that can release destructive rays.

You must know that the destruction ray of that level, even if Tony’s full energy of the battle armor, can only be put on two or three times at most. The battle armor is only on standby, and the opponent is not only playing with firecrackers, but also at the same time. The sturdy and fierce battle didn't hurt Tony himself when he first saw it.

It's a pity that S.H.I.E.L.D.'s marinated egg, in any case, did not agree to give himself a small piece of metal on the armor, and even did not agree to spend a huge amount of money on it.

"Envy!" Looking at the energy weapons in the soldiers' hands not far away, Tony couldn't help showing an expression of envy. As long as he borrowed that weapon for two days, he was sure to restore it in every minute to a exactly the same or even stronger weapon. Come, it's a pity that he knew this simple request, and that bitter egg would never agree to it.

"Jarvis created a data analysis model of a big monster for me. Today's copy time is about to begin." Then he did not continue to pay attention to the weapons in the hands of the soldiers, after turning his attention to the lava giant who had staggered to the ground. , After talking to Jarvis, Tony flew directly towards the opponent.

Beating down the dog, whether in the game or in reality, is Tony's favorite thing to do.

"Missile group launch!" As he was approaching, Tony fixed his gaze on the most important places of the lava giant's mouth, ears, nose and nose, and then ordered Jarvis to speak.

'call out! call out! call out! ’

'boom! boom! boom! ’

Then dozens of small missiles took off from Tony’s armor and flew toward the intended target. In just a few seconds, several large pits were bombed on the face of the lava giant, with the orange flowing inside. The magma is clearly visible like blood.

It's just that these magma just exposed to the surface for a while, and then condensed together, forming the outermost skin as it was at the beginning.

"Yes, Jarvis will stop other production plans and hurry up to produce liquid nitrogen missiles. I want to give this guy a big surprise." After looking at the other person's skin that healed in just a few seconds, Tony couldn't help but blink. Fan, then smiled and spoke to Jarvis.

"Damn!! Jarvis run!" Just as Tony's voice fell, he saw the giant in front of him turning over and staring at him with scarlet eyes, and then directly grabbed Tony with a big hand. And when Tony saw the big hand getting closer and closer like a hill, he couldn't help but hurriedly spoke to Jarvis.

Then the energy thruster under his feet was full, and a huge flame burst into the sky instantly under his feet. Then, as if uneasy, Tony still looked behind him, and this look made him unconsciously panicked. He, because that big hand is deceiving himself at an extremely fast speed, he will be caught in the next second.

'boom! ’

"No thanks!" Allen rushed to the battlefield, UU reading www. After shattered the big hand that was about to grab Tony, he spoke to Tony first without looking back.

"I...well, when I owe you this time." Tony, who wanted to explain something, couldn't help but feel discouraged after thinking about the scene just now and realizing that he really couldn't do anything about it, but as a superhero leader (Self-styled), that last trace of self-esteem still made him make a promise to Allen, after all, Tony Stark never apologized.

"Uncle, how are you, do you have any ideas?!" Without paying attention to Tony too much in the past, Allen stared at the lava giant who had begun to regenerate a palm and got up again, and then spoke to Tony.

"Roughly yes, the success rate is half and half, right." Tony, facing the lava giant who stood up again, took a guard posture, and replied after hearing Alan's words.

"How do I want to cooperate?!" After hearing Tony's words, Allen couldn't help but feel happy. Although Tony said half and half, Allen knew that if the odds were not high, Tony would never say that. , Alan couldn't help but raised his eyebrows, and then spoke.

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