Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 344: The upcoming nuclear bomb

"Huh?! Jarvis, how do I feel that the current situation seems to be wrong, obviously we have successfully killed this guy, but why do I have a feeling of heart palpitations, and at this critical moment, the people of SHIELD are all I started to retreat, and I suddenly had a bad feeling."


And the people of S.H.I.E.L.D. who had carried energy weapons on their shoulders to block the lava giants at this moment seemed to have evaporated, and suddenly disappeared without a trace. Tony could not help but frowned and said, the atmosphere on the scene was not right. Tony seemed to feel a great upset, as if there was a kind of terrifying darkness that was coming.


   "Sir, S.H.I.E.L.D. agents two minutes ago, when you and Mr. Allen were looking at the lava giant, they already evacuated. They have already flown out of the New York area, but I suggest you move immediately."


After hearing Tony’s question, he saw the video of S.H.I.E.L.D. evacuation a few minutes ago through the surveillance record of the satellite, and he couldn’t help but speak to Tony, and at the same time gave a warm reminder, apparently even though It is artificial intelligence, but it can also feel the weird atmosphere now.


   "Jarvis, immediately use satellites to monitor the activities of the surrounding army and government personnel."


After hearing what Jarvis said, Tony couldn’t help but quickly ordered to Jarvis. Although he didn’t know what happened, Tony asked Jarvis to use satellites to check the military situation, no matter what happened. There is definitely no problem following the military and government personnel.


After hearing Tony’s anxious tone, as if he felt something, Jarvis’s computer group also began to run frantically. Just a few seconds later, the actions and retreat routes of the army and government police officers included their locations. They are all marked on the display panel, but the icon on the map that represents the gate of the underground air-raid shelter is replaced by a bright red color at this moment. In any case, it all shows that the storm is coming.


   "Sir, according to surveillance, the army has already evacuated outside of New York City. The National Guard and the remaining government officers and civilians also entered the underground air-raid shelter and locked the exit gate."


   Then he marked the finished Jarvis on the display panel and said immediately.


   "Damn, what do these people want to do."


   Looking at the bright red logo on the monitor, although I don't know what the situation is, the current situation is definitely not optimistic, and Tony gritted his teeth and said angrily.


   "Hey! Ellen, things are a bit awkward now. S.H.I.E.L.D. people have all been evacuated. The army and police have entered the underground air-raid shelter, and they have also locked the entrance and exit gates."


   Tony felt that things were anxious, and then flew towards Allen who was parked in the air not far away, and then hurriedly said.


"Huh?!" Alan, who was still at ease about defeating the lava giant in front of him, heard Tony's words, the original Panasonic's heart could not help but immediately brought it up again, after all, the scene in front of him. Looking at that is simply not to be too familiar.


In the movie, those high-level government officials used nuclear bombs when the Zetarian invasion was in full swing, and the superheroes had no proper way to fight back. They wanted to neutralize the aliens and superheroes together. This look is simply a replica of the Zetarian invasion. Alan looked at everything around him with super vision and couldn't help but think in his heart.


"No, to suffer, Uncle Tony, go there quickly and re-insert the four flags in the four directions where the previous four generals were. Be fast! A little bit later, I'm afraid we will all have to finish playing. At this."

   Thinking of the possibility of a nuclear bomb coming, Allen couldn't help but point to Tony, pointing to the banner he had seized from the General of the Four Elements loudly.


No way, if it was really a nuclear bomb, I would definitely be able to run away, but Uncle Tony and the Hulk below who are still casually photographing the construction waste and letting out air, the two of them are definitely not much better, even if Surviving is probably a half-dead state, so no matter what, before the last moment, Allen still intends to stabilize things first.


   At least if Allen didn't guess wrong, those four flags could definitely solve the dangerous situation they are about to face now.


"Okay!" Hearing Alan's anxious tone, Tony did not continue to ask why he did this. Instead, he nodded and flew in the direction Allen pointed, and then after he got the four flags. , And flew toward the museum.


   "Ellen?! What's the situation now?! How do I see Iron Man rushing out again?!"


At this time, Peter and Skye came from a distance after bypassing the Hulk who was venting. After seeing the Iron Man flying out in a hurry, Skye couldn't help but ask loudly with a puzzled look floating in the sky. Allen.


   "Sister?! And brother?! Why are you still here?"


   At this time, Allen, who was thinking about going to the edge of the city to watch the progress of the nuclear bomb, heard the familiar voice, and after turning his gaze down to see Skye and Peter, he couldn't help but speak in surprise.


"What are you talking about, didn't you let us play support? By the way, what's the situation now? I saw Iron Man flew towards the museum with the banner in your previous hand just now. UU Reading"


After hearing Alan’s question, Skye said with a speechless expression. It was obviously the job that the guy in front of him had arranged for the two of them, but the other party forgot first. It really was, but Skye still didn’t care too much. , But after speaking for a while, he turned the topic to Iron Man again. After all, Iron Man was holding the banners that Allen had just taken, and Skye always felt something was wrong.


   "Yes, now we have finally finished the mobs and the boss, shouldn't we have a good celebration?!"


   Peter on the other side couldn't help but happily said after Skye finished.


Although this experience was a bit unacceptable for Peter at the beginning, but at any rate, he can be considered a part of saving the world. Just think that he is one of the superheroes who saved the city. This guy had forgotten the bruises that had been beaten on his body, and even the pain in his body that he had suffered several times.


"Sister, it’s not the time to renew the past, the matter is not over yet, now you hurry up and take Peter to fly out over there, you must be fast, you can fly as fast as you can, and let me throw you out. , You remember to control your body balance in the middle of the journey."


At this time, Allen, who turned on his super vision and super hearing, could already clearly hear the roar of the flames of the nuclear bombs flying towards the edge of New York City, and then Allen couldn't help but look anxious. Speak to Skye, and at the end of the talk, he even started directly.

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