Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 366: 10 minutes! Superman's conditions

"...I need to discuss it."

It’s just that, compared to the conditions of the responding party, if the senior executives really disagree, then Nick Fury can imagine that Superman, who was killed twice and twice, could definitely do it to detonate all nuclear weapons in the United States. The base matter came, and Nick Fury couldn't help but talked after being silent for a while.

"Yes, but if you really insist on being the peacemaker, then I can only tell you that there is not much time left for you, ten minutes, at most ten minutes, if I haven’t waited until what I want According to the news, then this nuclear base under my feet is just the beginning."

After hearing Nick Fury's hesitation, Allen did not continue to struggle, but directly agreed, and even reminded the other side friendly at the end.

After all, let a superpower cleanse a large number of executives at once. This is certainly not something that can be done in one sentence, so Allen is very kind to give the other party ten minutes of discussion time. If the other party has not made a decision by then, Then I can only set off these nuclear bases one by one as bigger fireworks.

"Okay." Nick Fury couldn't help but replied bitterly after hearing Alan's words.

Although the current government wants to fix it with Superman, it cannot stand the other side's request at all. Even the national media can clarify the cause and effect of the incident, which can make the government's face plummet in an instant.

The prestige of America's Big Brother, who has been accumulating in the hearts of all countries in the past few hundred years, will also fall to the bottom in an instant, so Nick Fury really doesn't know those high-level choices even now.

Then Nick Fury hung up the phone and tapped the screen. After connecting and entering the video conference, Nick Fury signaled that the president and the congressmen in front of the screen could start talking.

Well, that’s right, it’s the video. From the very beginning, the reason Nick Fury would take the initiative to contact Superman was that they were asked to contact Superman under the strong suggestion of these people, because these people, in just a few hours, With the destruction of military bases and cities by Superman, they have already tasted unforgettable pain. After all, they were piled up with a sum of money, and they did not lose one, which made them extremely distressed.

"To put it simply, Superman needs the U.S. government to come forward and announce the causes and consequences of this incident to the national media. All the details must be announced..." Looking at the congressmen in front of them, Nick Fury couldn't help but tell Allen before him. What he said was told word by word.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! If this incident is really announced to the national media, then the prestige of our government in the people and the world will be wiped out. This is absolutely impossible!"

Before Nick Fury could finish speaking, a congressman couldn't help but interrupted Nick Fury's words in a hurry, and then spoke.

"If you insist on thinking this way, Superman also gave us another choice." After hearing the congressman's words, Nick Fury looked at the fat-headed congressman on the screen and said directly without changing his face.

"What choice?" At this moment, before the congressman who insisted on Nick Fury could speak, another congressman's voice came through the screen.

"That is at this moment, the nuclear base standing at the feet of the opponent will be set off as a larger firework, and this... is just the beginning." It doesn't matter who asks, anyway, Nick Fury looked at these congressmen in front of him. , Most of them are just a bunch of raccoons, and after hearing the other party's words, Nick Fury couldn't help but speak directly.

"Maybe he will only fire one, and then watch the entire New York City being submerged by the sea, and then go back home to sleep when he is angry, or maybe the other party is not satisfied with this and wants to put the entire nuclear base on the territory of the United States. All detonated, and then it is over."

After ignoring the opposing congressmen who started talking to themselves, Nick Fury continued to speak.

"Oh, by the way, just to remind you that the nuclear base under Superman not only contains more than one hundred tactical nuclear bombs, but there are also several ten-million-ton nuclear bombs. If Superman's persistence detonates, then The power that bursts out can completely sink New York."

Maybe it was because he was afraid that the MP in front of him would continue to be stupid, Nick Fury could not help but kindly reminded him.

Afterwards, Nick Fury's words instantly blasted all the congressmen on the screen, and for a while everyone couldn't help but start talking.

The solutions proposed by everyone are different. Some propose reconciliation, some propose to unite with the world to want Superman, some propose to find a way to capture Superman’s family, and even a member of the Council proposes it, or detonates that seat in advance. The nuclear bomb in the nuclear base, striving for the idea of ​​killing Superman in one fell swoop.

In short, all sorts of wild and frantic thoughts blurted out without thinking, and even Nick Fury, the king of agents who is used to seeing big winds and waves, couldn't help being stunned.

Especially the congressman who proposed to detonate the nuclear bomb in the base, and even Nick Fury once felt that the opponent must be a spy from another country, or was bought by a rebel.

Otherwise, it will sink a continent. Is this a way that people can come up with? Why don't you get a bigger picture? UU Reading will release all the nuclear bombs in the U.S. stockpiles and blow up New York to the sky, and then Superman can say goodbye.

"Oh, yes, Superman only gave ten minutes, and now three minutes have passed since everyone's arguing time, which means that we all have seven minutes left to discuss."

After watching the noisy voices in the video like selling vegetables in a vegetable market, Nick Fury couldn't help but once again spoke to the people inside, and also set the watch in his hand along the way, indicating that there was not much time to be here. .

"Okay, this matter is over, we promise, what's next?" At this moment, the president said directly and strongly.

After that, the congressmen who were still arguing fiercely, after hearing that the president had already spoken, did not continue arguing after all. They all acquiesced in not speaking, and the originally noisy conference room was once again in a flash. Quieted down.

"The second condition, that is, the last condition of Superman, is to hand over all those who participated in this incident, no matter who they are, from big to small, as long as they agree to this action! The court will try. , And then execute the death penalty publicly!" After hearing the president's words, Nick Fury nodded and then continued.

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