Cute Baby Superman in Marvel

Chapter 368: Government bows

"I think it’s good to be in front of a group of murderers who have racked their brains and want to do everything possible to kill me, and then try to maintain the most basic sanity. I hope you will not try to challenge my bottom line and break this. Reason." After hearing the president's words, Allen spoke to the other party.

"Mr. Superman, after all, this is the land where you were born and raised. Do you have to destroy this place?" Seeing Superman's disdainful and aggressive attitude, the President gritted his teeth and couldn't help but speak. .

Now no matter what, he still wants to continue to fight, even if it is not for his own face, but also for the government's face and the country's order.

When I talked about this, Alan couldn’t help but feel the anger in his heart. If it weren’t for these guys in front of him, he would have been doing nothing and lying at home. The result was these politicians with overwhelming desire and power. , Pressed him step by step, and even wanted to kill him for a while.

"It was never me who destroyed this place, but you group of honest and arrogant war criminals."

A scarlet red light appeared in Allen's eyes again, and then with an angry tone, he spoke to the president in front of him with ugly words.

"Okay, I don't want to continue talking nonsense with you. Even if I look at you more, I can't help but want to evaporate you in place. Now... Give your answers, agree or disagree?"

Then, under the deterrence of Superman’s terrifying eyes, the President even thought that the other party would kill himself on the spot, only to see the red light in Superman’s eyes dissipate, and once again spoke to them calmly, as if just now The one who wanted to go and kill people on the spot was not like him at all.

And just as the president imagined, at this moment in Allen's heart, he couldn't help but feel palpitations. You must know that Allen really wanted to kill the politicians in front of him just now.

Even now Alan can still clear the feeling that in the last second, there seems to be a person in his mind, speaking to himself with a bewitching and tyrannical mood, as long as you kill them, you can liberate your true self, and then Be a real superman who will never be controlled by anyone, the real self.

Then conquer all the army and the government, establish your own power, and then conquer what you see and conquer, and then conquer the entire earth, and then back to the sun, while continuously absorbing the energy of the sun while conquering the entire universe , And even the multiverse.

But I didn’t think much anymore. At this moment, Allen even felt a kind of palpitations about the thought just now. The palpitations were so hard that I didn’t dare to think about it any more. After this time, I must find a mentality. The doctor took a look and found that this is Allen's most true thoughts right now.

Since the last Destroyer incident, Allen has always felt that his temper is getting bigger and bigger, and in many cases, if he hadn't been suppressing it, he might even do a lot of uncontrollable things.

Involuntarily, Allen just wanted to quickly solve the troubles in front of him, and then go to solve his own troubles.

"In this way, you are unwilling? You want to die for the country? Yes, I admire it. In this case, in order to respect you, I will kill you all neatly, and rest assured that there will be no pain. Under the high-temperature laser, you will disappear into this world without any feeling."

Seeing these silent congressmen in front of him, Allen couldn't help but smiled frivolously, then moved his body and spoke to these people in front of him.

And at this moment, Nick Fury, who has been standing in front of the computer, watching Alan, after hearing Alan's words, couldn't help but subconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth. This was the final reminder! If these people don't show their position, they will really be gone.

But at this moment, he has nothing to do. He can't stand up to represent the president's promise to the other party, nor can he stand up alone to resist the anger of Superman, so in this case, he can only watch quietly. .

If the situation really develops to the worst place, he can only find his home, and then send two bunches of flowers to these every year to pay tribute to these Federation heroes who sacrificed their lives for righteousness.

‘Well, which one should I go to? White bear or rabbit? Or those annoying nobles? ’Nick Fury, who couldn’t help but was watching the live video, also started to release himself and remembered.

"Please wait a moment, please, Mr. Superman, I can be the master and agree to your request, but can you guarantee that you will no longer be an enemy of the Federation?" At this time, a group of special teams were surrounded by security guards, and then a girl’s An old man who pushed the door and came in with his arm, said to the Superman flying above the sky.

"As long as you don't come to provoke me, I'm not interested in sabotage everywhere, originally... forget it."

I looked at the old man who came in a little surprised, the other party walked in straight in, and then said these things in a big way, even these councillors did not speak, could not help but Alan also looked at the other party high and then listened. After reaching the other party's words, he immediately spoke.

"By the way, I don’t want to see things that I don’t want to see here. Although I don’t know who is involved in this book, I’m not interested, but if I let I know that if one person is not sanctioned, then I will send a group of people to see God."

It doesn't matter the identity of the other party, anyway, as long as the person in question appears, Allen will speak to the other party immediately after speaking.

After all, although he has never been exposed to politics, whether it is in the past or this life, in all kinds of news and novels, it is not uncommon for Alan to steal from the dragon to the phoenix, try to cover up, and escape from the cicada, so I have to deal with it in advance. The other side warned.

After all, there are a lot of high-level officials in this incident. If they really find some scapegoats to convict them, then don't blame Alan for being merciless.

"Okay!" After hearing Alan's condition, the old man finished speaking cleanly, then turned around with the support of the girl next to him, and then turned around and walked out under the **** of the special team.

Coming and going like wind, doing things decisively, and cleanly, this is Allen’s evaluation of the other party. He can make all the parliamentarians, including the president, no longer say a word, even those who are to be sanctioned. Dare to speak, this alone made Allen couldn't help but once again become interested in the identity of the other party.

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