The Baidi, who had been silently observing, suddenly asked, "What does Elder Xue Ling want us to do to believe in our sincerity?"

"Sincere..." Xue Ling thought for a while, "Why not, if you can solve the problem of our feather clan's fertility difficulties, we will not only agree to move, we will also take the initiative to help you mine veins."

As soon as he said his words, everyone present was stunned.

Shuangyun reacted first, slapped the table and said angrily: "What does it have to do with us if you can't give birth to a child? Why should we be responsible for helping you Yu clan manage this kind of mess!"

Xue Ling said: "Then I don't care. Anyway, my words are left here. If you can accept it, let's talk about it. If you can't accept it, then just shoot and break it."

Shuangyun wanted to say something, but was slowly pulled by his wrist.

She shook her head at him: "Calm down, leave this to me to take care of."

Shuangyun was dubious: "Can you do it?"

"Try it, maybe it will work."

Slowly didn't have any experience in treating infertility, but she remembered that there were some medicinal materials against infertility mentioned in the book of animals and plants. She went back and studied it, and she might be able to think of a solution.

Slowly met Xue Ling's sight: "I promise your terms."

Xue Ling just made an offer casually, but she didn't expect that she could actually agree to it. I really don't know if she should be too courageous, or should she be too stupid and naive?

He looked at her with a faint smile: "Okay, then we are settled. We will help you mine veins, and you will help us solve the problem of fertility difficulties. If you dare to lie to me, I will definitely not let you go. ."


As the patriarchs, Shuangyun and Shen Yan couldn't find a chance to interrupt, they just watched them and you finalized the cooperation plan every word.

I really don't know who is the patriarch!


With the addition of the Feather Clan, the speed of mining veins immediately more than doubled.

Slowly stay at home and browse through the sheepskin atlas, and mark out all the medicinal materials that can treat infertility. She has most of the medicinal materials here, but there are still a few missing. Let me go back and let me look in the forest .

Xue Ling sometimes came to look for her. One time he came too suddenly, and he didn't have time to clean it up. He saw the sheepskin album in his hand.

Blood Ling's expression immediately became meaningful.

"I said how dare you dare to agree to my terms, it turns out you have a secret weapon!"

"It's none of your business!" Slowly felt a little flustered. Baidi once told her not to let people find the sheepskin atlas. Now that Xue Ling saw it, would he reveal the secret?

Seeing her nervousness, Xue Ling said nonchalantly: "Don't worry, I'm not interested in your catalog, and I won't take your things."

Slowly still didn't want to ignore him.

She turned around and walked to the kitchen. Who knows, just walking a few steps, she suddenly felt a pain in her stomach!

Slowly covered his stomach, his face turned pale.

Xue Ling supported her: "What's wrong with you?"


Xue Ling glanced at her swollen belly: "Could it be you are about to give birth?"

Slowly pained: "You put me on the bed, and then go and inform Baidi and Shuangyun, they know what to do."

Xue Ling hugged her horizontally, strode into the bedroom, gently put her on the bed, and then directly opened her legs and lowered her head to check the situation in that place.

Slowly frightened and angry by his bold actions: "What are you doing?!"

Isn't this guy still thinking about playing hooligans at this time? !

Xue Ling said without raising his head: "I will help you deliver the baby."

Slowly and directly stunned.

She stared at him incredulously: "You, will you deliver a baby?"

is that a lie? This guy doesn't look like a midwife at all!

"Although I am not a witch doctor, if anyone in the clan is sick, they basically come to me. I have also helped a pregnant woman deliver babies. I'm pretty experienced," Xue Ling patted her thigh, "Relax. Don't be too nervous."

Listen to what he said slowly, and feel relieved.

Just have experience...

It is really painful to have a baby, especially the slow body bone is very small, it is difficult for the baby to get out of it.

She almost passed out in pain several times.

She felt like she was going to die.

In the daze, a warm feeling flowed from her belly and spread all over her body, alleviating her pain.

She seemed to smell the familiar fragrance of vegetation.

When the little wolf cub was finally born, Baidi Shuangyun Sangye just rushed back.

The tender little wolf cub was held in his arms by the blood feathers. His clothes were soiled and he didn't care. He smiled and said, "The four little wolf cubs, the biggest one is a female, and they are all healthy!"

Baidi Shuangyun Sangye looked at her slowly first, and saw that everything was safe for her, and then went to see the newly born little wolf cub.

Shuangyun was so excited that both dark green eyes were glowing.

He wiped his hands clean on the animal skin skirt, and then carefully took the four little wolf pups.

He used to see the little wolf pups who were just born in other people's houses, and he would think that the parents would be ugly, but now it is his wife's turn to have children, but he feels that these little wolf pups are really cute no matter how they look!

How can there be such a cute little wolf pup in this world? !

Baidi went to the kitchen to cook some food to slowly replenish his energy.

Sang Ye helped slowly change the soiled clothes and animal skin blankets. He hugged her in his arms. Seeing her pale and weak, he couldn't help holding her tighter.

He touched her belly lightly, and asked in a low voice, "Does it hurt?"

"It hurt so much when I was born, but it's much better now."

Slowly looked at Shuangyun, and said weakly: "Show me the child."

Shuangyun immediately put the little wolf cub in front of her, smiling very proudly: "Our child is really beautiful!"

Slowly glanced at the four little wolf pups, and couldn't help frowning: "Looks like a mouse."

Shuangyun was not convinced: "Where is it like a rat? It's obviously cute!"

Xue Ling inserted a knife next to him: "It's really like a mouse, ugly."

Shuangyun's eyes flew towards him like a knife.

Slowly said to Xue Ling: "Thank you just now."

Xue Ling calmly said, "It's just a small matter."

Shuangyun looked at Xue Ling suspiciously at this time: "How do you know how to deliver babies?"

"I have delivered births to females in our family before. I have some experience."

Sang Ye suddenly asked, "I remember that your feather tribe, like our snakes and beasts, lay eggs? Do you need to deliver an egg?"

Blood Ling: "..."

Seeing that he couldn't answer, Shuangyun immediately reacted: "You don't know how to deliver babies at all, right?"

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