Shuangyun had already woke up.

Today, instead of going out hunting early in the morning as usual, he stayed at home and ran to the door and craned his neck to look out.

"Why haven't they come back? Didn't that fellow Sang Ye take the opportunity to slowly abduct him?!"

Thinking of this possibility, Shuangyun became even more uneasy.

The little wolf pups didn't understand what Baba was doing, and they all squatted beside him, craned their necks and looked out.

Shuangyun looked at it for a long time without seeing a slow figure. He picked up the furry and plump eldest daughter and sighed sadly: "My dear, your mother doesn't want us to be swollen? We will depend on each other in the future. Up."

Daguai stuck out his tongue and licked his face.

Shuangyun was happy immediately, and he turned his head: "Honey, hurry up! You have to lick your face too!"

Daguai rushed forward and took a bite on his face.

Shuang Yun slobbered and smiled happily: "My eldest daughter is so good!"

The other three little wolf pups circled his feet, shaking their tails, and their watery green eyes were full of hugs.

It's a pity that Shuangyun Baba, who is patriarchal, doesn't even look at them.

Babies said they would not open the forest! Baba eccentric!

When Baidi passed the door, the three little wolf pups immediately ran over, rubbing his calf hard, indicating that he wanted to hug.

As a cat, Baidi also has a common problem with cats, that is, he especially likes cubs.

Although the three cubs in front of them inherited their papa genes, it looks a bit stupid, but for their small, soft and cute character, Baidi still failed to restrain his inner nature and reached out and hugged them. stand up.

The three little wolf pups who were finally hugged were extremely excited, and stretched out their hot and wet tongues to lick Baidi.

Baidi who was licked all over: "..."

Forget it, considering their young age, he bears it!

Sang Ye finally came back slowly, and Shuangyun immediately put down the baby girl, rushed up in three steps and two steps, and slowly pulled to the front, up and down, left and right to observe carefully.

If it were not for slowly clinging to the clothes on his body, I am afraid that the clothes would be stripped naked on the spot.

Shuangyun saw a lot of hickey marks on her body, even on the back of her feet.

He glared at Sang Ye fiercely: "Beast!"

Sang Ye looked back at him blankly, without any intention of repentance.

The skin on her slow knee was scratched, and Shuangyun was so distressed that she knelt down on one knee and blew into her knee: "Does it hurt? It must be very painful if the skin is broken, I am sorry. Slow down, it's so miserable to be bullied!"

Slowly twitched the corners of his mouth: "Are you still awake after being drunk last night?"

Shuangyun raised his head with a blank look: "Am I drunk last night? Why don't I remember!"

Slowly stroked his dog's head, and sincerely suggested: "You should drink less bars in the future."

Baidi walked out carrying the freshly cooked broth, and he glanced at Sang Ye slowly: "I have been busy all night, should I be hungry? Come over for dinner."

As soon as he heard what he said, he immediately understood that he already knew that she had mated with Sang Ye.

She was a little disturbed.

Although Baidi pushed her out last night, she still felt guilty for him.

Whether it was she and Shuangyun at first, or she and Sang Ye now, every time she felt that she owed Bai Di.

After breakfast, Shuangyun and Sangye went down the mountain to hunt and work.

Baidi stayed at home to take care of the cubs.

After he settled the cub, he slowly lay down on the bed, first helped her smear the cut on her knee with crispy fruit puree, then crushed the golden willow flower and smeared it with water on the bruise hickey.

Slowly feeling cold on her skin, she was not wearing any clothes, and Baidi looked at her with earnest attention, making her face flushed.

After taking the medicine, Baidi helped her get dressed: "This will make her recover faster."

Slowly not looking at his face: "Well, thank you."

Baidi was careful, and soon saw the guilt and anxiety in her heart. He touched her head: "Sang Ye is a good candidate for companion. He will protect you with Shuangyun and me in the future. We are all one family. People, so you don’t need to feel guilty for me."

He spoke extremely sincerely, without any reluctance, which eased the anxiety in Slowly's heart slightly.

Baidi lowered his head and kissed the ring on her hand, and said piously: "Since you gave me the master ring, I will be able to bear your trust."

Slowly deeply moved.

She clenched his hand: "I believe in you, I will always believe in you."

Baidi hugged her and smiled softly.

Love will make people selfish and jealous, and love will make people open-minded and strong.

He loves her, so much that he is willing to let go of jealousy and possessiveness, transform into a big tree, stand in front of her, prop up a piece of world for her, shelter her from wind and rain, and protect her warm home.


In the afternoon, there was a noise outside.

After greeted Baidi slowly, he took the little wolf cubs to watch the fun outside.

At the door of Konoha’s house, Muxiang was pointing at Konoha’s nose and cursing: "Are you stupid? This female is simply wrong in her mind. Last night, she was trained by Elder Xue Ling, even the fox The patriarch abandoned her, you still want to take her home?!"

Konoha stalked her neck with a stubborn look: "Sister, I really like Yi Wu, I'm willing to take care of her forever! Leave it alone!"

"How can I leave you alone? You are my own brother, and A-niang specially confessed to me before she died, let me watch you well, don't let you get into trouble!"

Konoha yelled: "I'm already an adult. It's my right to choose a female couple to start a family. Even if you are my sister, you can't stop me!"

Muxiang was panting with anger. If it weren't for a lot of people around, she really wanted to rush up and beat up this **** brother!

At this moment, Jiu Yuan who was following Muxiang finally spoke.

"Konoha, we don't have any opinion on who you want to be your partner, but Patriarch Shuangyun specifically explained yesterday that you are not allowed to bring fox orcs into the rocky mountain. You can't violate the patriarch's ban."

Konoha was choked.

He has been worried about Yi Wu. After the bonfire party broke up last night, he has been following Yi Wu. When he saw that the fox clan chief was going to kill her, he quickly rescued Yi Wu.

To avoid being discovered by the fox, Konoha hid Yi Wu in a small stone house.

That stone house is usually used as a temporary warehouse for the bazaar. It is not built properly, and there is some air leakage at night.

Yi Wu said it was cold and kept holding Konoha and refused to let go.

Konoha was interested in her, and she took the initiative to get around, he couldn't hold it for a while, so he mated with her.

The two became partners in such a hurry.

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