Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 121: : The farmer and the snake

Dongya was startled by what Shuangyun said.

Orcs have almost blind worship and superstitious beliefs about ghosts and gods. They firmly believe that souls can contact ghosts and gods after death, so souls are the most precious wealth of orcs.

Selling the soul is tantamount to surrendering one's life and death to the other party.

The price is too great!

Dongya trembled and asked, "What do you want your soul to do?"

Shuangyun seemed to have not seen the color of terror on the rabbit clan youth's face, and still looked careless.

"Have you heard the story of the snake and the farmer?"

Dongya shook his head: "No."

This allusion was slowly said during class, and Shuangyun decided to learn and apply it lively.

"After a farmer finished his farm work, he saw a snake freeze and felt it was pitiful, so he picked it up, carefully carried it into his arms, and warmed it with a warm body."

Speaking of this, Shuangyun deliberately sold a pass: "Guess what the result is?"

Dongya was attracted by this story and asked, "How is it?"

"In the end, Snake En avenged his revenge, biting the farmer back and killing the farmer."

Dongya: "..."

Shuangyun said slowly: "This story tells us, don't easily lend a helping hand to strangers you don't know, because no one knows whether those poor looking guys will hide harmful fangs."

Dongya immediately understood that he was insinuating himself, and quickly promised: "We will never avenge revenge!"

"No matter how nice it is, it's useless. I believe I can control what I have in my hands."

Dongya hesitated: "Should I give you my soul?"

Shuangyun smiled without saying a word.

Dongya gritted his teeth at last: "I can give you my soul, but please let my sister and my people go!"

The little female next to him immediately raised her head and looked at him eagerly: "Brother."

Dongya squeezed her little hand: "Don't be afraid, brother will protect you."

Shuangyun took out the primary contract scroll. Now he has learned a lot of characters. The content on the scroll is handwritten by him. The handwriting is relatively blunt, but to the rabbit orcs who don’t know the words, they are all mysterious and mysterious. Intricate strange patterns.

"You press a handprint on this contract, and your people can enter the rocky mountain."

In Dongya's view, this is a devil's contract, as long as he presses his handprint, his soul will be taken away by the devil.

Dongya is very worried, but as the son of the patriarch of the rabbit clan, he must not back down at this time!

He squatted down and hugged his sister vigorously: "You have to take care of yourself in the future, and your brother can only accompany you here."

"Woo, brother don't go..."

Dongya let go of her cruelly, and then, with a determination to feel like home, pressed a bright red handprint on the contract scroll.

Red light emerged, and the pattern of the crown of thorns appeared on the back of the scroll.

Frost Yun closed the scroll: "The contract is reached."

Dongya stood upright on the spot. After waiting for a long time, no devil came to take away his soul. He couldn't help showing a surprised expression: "That's all for it? Don't you want to take my soul?"

"Your soul is temporarily placed in your body. From now on, as long as you obediently and obey the rules of the Rock Wolf Race, your soul will always belong to you, but if you become harmful, your soul will be immediately destroyed. destroy."

Dongya's heart was tense, and he hurriedly said, "I will definitely not harm people!"

"It's the same with your people."

"Of course, we are all kind herbivorous orcs!"

Shuangyun put away the scroll: "Follow me."

Dongya felt relieved, and quickly led his sister to follow, and other rabbit orcs followed.

When they walked into the rocky mountain and saw the huge fortress, they all showed the same astonished expressions as when the Bronco orcs first came in.

While leading them, Shuangyun said to them: "No matter what you see in the Rock Mountain, you can't tell outsiders. If any of you causes trouble for the Rock Wolf Race, I will personally end his little Life!"

He glanced at the Rabbit Orcs, his eyes were extremely cold: "I do what I say."

The rabbit orcs received the dangerous gaze from the carnivorous beast, and immediately nodded in response: "We remembered."

They were arranged in the area near the Mustang orcs.

Shuangyun didn't have the time to waste time with them, and after throwing them to nine yuan, he left without looking back.

At this time, the Mustang orcs were working outside to earn work points, and they were not at home. The nine yuan allowed the rabbit orcs to choose the house they liked, and then explained the work point system and laws and regulations to them.

The first time the rabbit orcs heard about the work points system, they were all very novel.

Can't fight and fight at will, and females can't abandon male beast mates at will...

Everything in the rocky mountain seems to be different from the outside world. It has its own rules, like a small world hidden in three thousand worlds. At first glance, it is not obvious, but if you go deep into it, you will find it. What a difference here.

Until it got dark, the Mustangs came back from outside, and they were surprised to find a new neighbor came next door.

Everyone is a herbivorous orc, and there is not much hostility between each other. After a few conversations after meeting, they temporarily achieved the common goal of "friendly neighbors".

From the wild horse tribe animal population, it is known that the rock wolf tribe runs a study class, as long as they can pass the entrance examination and pay a certain amount of work points, they can obtain the qualifications for admission.

When Dongya heard it, his heart moved.

To be able to learn precious knowledge, this is a great opportunity of a lifetime!

Early the next morning, the rabbit orcs went out to work to earn work points.

It didn't take long for Dongya to save enough work points, and he took his younger sister to find a place to take the entrance exam.

The brothers and sisters are very smart and passed the exam successfully. After they paid the work points, they became students in the class.

The number of slowly learning classes is increasing, and it seems that there are almost 30 people.

Fortunately, everyone is very obedient, very serious in class, and it is easy to teach slowly.

After two classes, the get out of class is announced slowly.

"goodbye teacher!"

The students walked out of the classroom one by one, and when it was Dongya's turn at last, he hesitated for a moment, and finally bit his scalp and walked slowly in front of him.

He blushed and asked, "Teacher, can I ask you a question?"

Smile slowly: "You said."

"Have you heard the story of the farmer and the snake?"

Since Shuangyun told Dongya about this story, Dongya has kept it in his heart. He thinks this story is very meaningful, just like sharing this story with others.

Slow is an erudite female, Dongya wants to discuss this story with her, maybe she can make Slow look at him with admiration.

Unexpectedly, he nodded slowly: "I've heard it. This is a famous allusion. It tells people that they must distinguish between good and evil, and they can only extend their helping hand to kind people, and don't be merciful to the wicked. ."

"Huh?" Dongya looked dumbfounded, "Isn't this story telling us that we can't save people easily?"

"Of course not. It is a kindness to save people. This is a good quality that deserves encouragement." He smiled slowly. "The person who told you this story may not have told you clearly."

Dongya: "..."

Bastard, he was actually fooled by the big-tailed wolf from Shuangyun!

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