Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 123: : She must report this deep hatred!

Slowly lie down at home for a whole day before getting over.

The next day she went to class on time, and the students shouted in unison: "Good morning teacher!"

The word teacher immediately reminded me of the horror of being entangled in Shuangyun and shouting that the teacher could not close her legs the night before. She was so frightened that her legs became weak and she had to pretend to be calm: "Honey, classmates!"

Bastard Shuangyun, don't even think about touching me again this month!

At this time in the Heihe tribe, Bu Jin was furious.

"That idiot Shuangyun dared to take in Meng Li and the Rabbit Race Orcs, is he deliberately trying to fight me Bujin?!"

A group of wild horse tribes knelt down on one knee, shrunk their shoulders, not daring to speak.

Yi Wu walked in, and her hair that had been burnt out was cut off by her and turned into short hair with ears. The wounds on her body have also healed and become smooth as before.

She was wrapped in snow-white fox fur, her eyes were slightly raised, her simplicity was mixed with charm, and she had an indescribable alluring style.

In the coveted eyes of the male beasts, Yi Wu approached Bu Jin's arms and gently stroked his chin with her fingers, her voice soft and sweet.

"Bujin, don't be angry, even if you run away from Mengli and the Rabbit Orcs, aren't there other orcs from other tribes? As long as you subdue all the tribes in this forest, will you still be afraid of a rock wolf tribe? !"

As soon as he saw the beauty, Bukin was instantly stunned by lust, and he forgot his anger.

The subordinates retired wittily.

Bu Jinhou was too anxious, so he opened Yi Wu's legs and hugged her and started having sex.

After the matter, Bu Jin fell asleep, and Yi Wu dragged her tired body to get up.

She glanced at Bu Jin in disgust, then wrapped in fox fur and walked out of the stone house.

Konoha, who had been guarding the door, immediately held her back, his eyes filled with distress: "I have heated hot water, shall you go take a bath?"

"No, I still have things to do."

Yi Wu didn't even look at Konoha, and walked away without looking back.

In the corner of the Heihe tribe, there is an inconspicuous cave. This is a place for piles of debris. Very few people usually come.

At this time, there was a slight firelight in the hole.

Yi Wu went straight into the cave and saw a middle-aged male beast sitting next to the fire. This man was the missing Ma Qing.

He was wearing a mermaid-specific shark gauze robe, but it was a pity that there was a lot of blood on the robe, and several ribs were broken, the wound has not been completely healed, his face is pale, and his lips are in heat, making him look more embarrassed.

Since he fell into the Heishui River, he was washed away by the river. At the critical moment, he grabbed the branches and climbed up the bank with difficulty.

Ma Qing was seriously injured and almost died, and she accidentally met Yi Wu.

Yi Wu saw that the clothes he was wearing were shark gauze, and the orcs who could afford this kind of clothes were definitely not ordinary, so she secretly rescued Ma Qing and brought him back to the Heihe tribe.

She had concealed this matter very well, even Bu Jin had no idea.

As soon as Yi Wu walked in, Ma Qing turned her head and looked towards the entrance of the cave, her eyes swept across her hickey-scarred arms and legs, becoming somewhat meaningful: "It seems that Bu Jin really likes you very much."

Yi Wu sat down on her knees, nestled in Ma Qing’s arms, and complained coquettishly: "But I don’t like him at all. I am rude and savage, and stupid as a pig. If it were not for the power in his hands, I would really I don't want to look at him more at a glance."

Ma Qing hugged her soft and slender waist: "You can bear it again. When the Dark Moon Temple comes here to receive the slaves, I will take you back to the Dark Moon Temple and never let you suffer here again. Up."

"Then I want Bukin to look after those slaves!"

When Yi Wu said this, she was a little angry: "Bu Jin always wanted to find trouble with the Rock Wolf Clan recently. Although I stopped him, he will definitely go to Rock Mountain in the future because of his reckless personality. It's getting more and more disobedient!"

"If Bu Jin is not obedient, we will change to a more obedient patriarch in the future. We don't need to be familiar with him. As for the rock wolf clan..." Ma Qing showed a cruel and gloomy grin, "They won't be proud of it for long, waiting for the reinforcements of the Dark Moon Temple. First, it is their death date!"

Yi Wu also didn't like the Rock Wolf Clan, especially the Frost Cloud White Emperor and Blood Ling.

These three male beasts dared to humiliate her in public, and caused her to be driven out of the fox clan, and was almost killed by Xuanying. She must report this deep hatred!

Knowing that the Dark Moon Temple would deal with the Rock Wolf Race, Yi Wu was very happy.

She took off the clothes on her body, revealing the Miaoman body covered with hickeys, leaned down, and opened her mouth to hold the Ma Qing Ding Ding.

Ma Qing was very comfortable being served, and kept moaning low.

At this time, outside the cave, Konoha quietly clenched his fist.

He had heard all the dialogue between Yi Wu and Ma Qing just now.

The people of the Dark Moon Temple are coming soon, they will attack the Rock Mountain!

He must tell Patriarch Shuangyun of this news as soon as possible!

Although he left the Rock Wolf Clan, it was the place where he was born and raised, and there was his only relative.

Konoha has always felt guilty about the disappointment and pain in her sister's eyes before leaving.

He is willing to leave his family and friends for the sake of his partner, but he must not just watch his family and friends being killed!

Konoha sneaked out of the Heihe tribe in the dark, turned into a gray-black wolf, and ran towards the rocky mountain.

In the cave, Ma Qing looked at the dark night outside the cave with a cold smile: "Your partner has just been here. He heard what we said. I remember he is an orc from the Rock Wolf Race?"

Yi Wu raised her head and looked at him with eyes full of light: "Then I will abandon him. It's no use keeping him anyway."

Ma Qing touched her ruddy face: "You are such a good baby~"


Konoha was running in the forest. Not long after, he suddenly felt black in front of him and a sharp pain in his chest!

The black wolf staggered and fell to the ground.

The contract that originally connected him to Yi Wu's partner was broken.

He was abandoned by Yi Wu.

The backlash of the partner contract made Konoha feel painful, and his soul was being torn hard. He clenched his bleeding teeth and struggled to climb towards the rocky mountain.



Now the situation is chaotic and business is very difficult to do. After discussion, Shuangyun decided to cancel the ten-day market and officially open the commercial area inside the fortress.

The entire first floor belongs to the scope of the business district.

Fifty shops are neatly divided into the commercial area, and they are distributed in two horizontal and two vertical directions. Looking down from top to bottom, it looks a bit like a huge "Tic Tac Toe". Each shop is marked with a number.

These shops are only rented but not sold. The orcs only need to pay ten work points to rent a store here for one month. If you want to renew the lease after one month, you need to pay the work points again.

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