Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 137: : No one can hurt you

When Baidi He slowly left the house, he ran into a blood plume.

Xue Ling looked at them with a smile: "Are you going out to play?"

Baidi's attitude is polite and courteous: "We want to go to the exchange, do you want to go together?"

This was originally a polite remark, who knows that Xue Ling even agreed to take advantage of the situation.

"Okay, it just so happens that I want to go out too."

Slowly getting unhappy, it was obviously that she was dating Baidi, but the blood ling suddenly got in and the atmosphere of the date disappeared.

She ignored Blood Ling along the way.

Xue Ling didn't care about it either.

His appearance is extremely handsome, his red feather coat is very dazzling, coupled with his unpredictable strength, walking on the street is like a night pearl.

There were even females who came forward to strike up a conversation and invited him to spend the spring evening together.

Attracted the envy and hatred of many male beasts.

Xue Ling seems to be accustomed to this, facing the female who took the initiative to send it to the door, he did not curb his poisonous tongue in the slightest, opening his mouth was a mockery.

"Don't be scary if you are ugly. I don't want to have nightmares at night."

Slowly did not dare to watch the female's face change.

This is to be changed to her, she must kill this cheap-mouthed bird man!

The female who failed to strike up a conversation and was ridiculed was of course very angry, but the strength of Blood Ling was too strong. Even if the female called all her male beast mates, she might not be his opponent. In the end, she could only put down a harsh word and walk away.

Slowly endured and endured, and finally couldn't hold back, she sincerely offered a suggestion.

"It is better for you to go out less in the future."

Xue Ling raised his eyebrows: "Why?"

"Your ability to pull hatred is too high. A random group of ridicules can attract a large number of enemies. I am afraid that you will be involved."

"It doesn't matter, if I protect you, no one can hurt you."

Slowly shook his head: "You better protect your sweetheart. I just want to be a melon-eating crowd quietly, and I don't want to be beaten by the crowd with you."

Blood Ling: "..."

His expression was quite complicated, and he couldn't find a rebuttal for a while.

The exchange is located in the mine tunnel.

This place used to be a mine tunnel for digging Hongjing. After the spar was dug out, it was left unused. The city owner thought this place was good, and didn't want to waste it, so he regarded it as an exchange.

The mines are deep, with caves dug by the orcs on both sides, and each cave is a shop, selling all kinds of goods.

Slowly I finally found a little excitement here.

She craned her neck and looked around, trying to see clearly what those commodities were used for and what their prices were.

The common currency here is spar, colored spar and colorless spar can be used.

Xue Ling is particularly generous: "What do you like? I can buy it for you."

Slowly touched his own space ring, with great confidence: "No need, I have money myself."

They hollowed out a small mineral vein. Although it was only a relatively cheap green spar, it couldn't hold up the large number! She is also an invisible rich woman with small assets!

Xue Ling twitched, as if she didn't put the green spar in her hand.

Baidi walked slowly toward the depths of the mine tunnel in his arms, and finally came to a place similar to a hall.

An auction is being held here, and a lot of orcs gathered in the hall. On the high platform in front, a shrewd male beast is introducing the lot, his mouth is very neat, and he praises a plain animal skin.

What was even more surprising was that there were actually people bidding.

I really don't understand the brain circuits of these rich people!

Xue Ling disliked the bad environment of the hall, took out ten colorless spar, and booked three seats on the stands.

He asked Bai Di He Slowly to come with him.

Baidi didn't refuse, and slowly sat down in the stands with him in his arms.

The so-called stand is a few rows of seats dug on the rock wall. The environment is simple, but it is much better than the messy hall.

Sitting on this, you can take advantage of the high degree to see clearly the goods being auctioned.

In addition to the Baidi slowly relaxing the blood plume in the stands, there were also a dozen orcs sitting scattered among them, including several females.

Of course, these females are surrounded by many males, some of them are their partners, and some are just suitors.

In order to win a smile from the beauty, these beasts did not hesitate to smash the spar.

They can't wait to put a label on their forehead that "people are stupid and money comes quickly"!

Baidi spread soft animal skins on the seat before letting him sit slowly.

Slowly took out the fruit seeds, divided them among Baidi and Xueling, and watched the auction below while eating.

The lots were put up one by one, slowly at first they were quite interested, but later I looked at them more and found it meaningless.

She yawned and was a little sleepy.

Baidi asked: "Do you want to go back?"

Slowly just about to nod, I saw a new lot being brought up.

It is a very bright golden flower with layers of petals, and it exudes bursts of fragrance, very beautiful!

Slowly and immediately attracted attention, he whispered: "It's witch hazel!"

At the same time, the shrewd-looking male beast on the stage also introduced: "This is a very rare golden hazel flower. Legend has it that the gods have left a finger on the Orc Continent. After the finger fell, it opened a golden color. The flower, the orcs who have it can get the blessing of the gods! The opportunity is not lost and never come again. This witch hazel flower is extremely difficult to find. We only have this one. The starting price is 800 colorless spars. The minimum price increase shall not be less than fifty!"

Slowly very speechless.

Fingers or something, doesn’t it sound weird? !

This legend is too scary!

I don’t know who made the story, it’s not beautiful at all, it must be badly reviewed!

Both Bai Di and Xue Ling noticed the slow strangeness.

Baidi asked, "Do you like that flower very much?"

Xue Ling is still very embarrassed: "If you like it, buy it!"

Slowly said: "Witch hazel is a drug to treat infertility in your feathers. I have not been able to find it. It is rare to see it here. You can bid quickly and try to buy it."

Upon hearing this, Xue Ling was a little disappointed: "It turns out that it's not your favorite flower."

Slowly touched the small flower buds on his head, and said with a smile: "My favorite flower is Xiaolian, and I don't like anything else."

The Scutellaria barbata rubbed her finger, the petals became more and more tender and delicate, and it called out shyly: "Aniang~"

Xue Ling thought that Xiaolian was a gift from him slowly, and his disappointment was immediately calmed down and he became happy again.

It coincided that the auction of witch hazel had begun.

Blood Ling has five red spars as soon as he shoots!

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