Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 147: :Buy, buy, buy!

There is no cook in the palace, and the staple food of all orcs is raw meat.

Baidi opened a small kitchen next to his bedroom.

He simply used a small stove, roasted the cleaned chicken, sliced ​​it into thin slices, dipped it in a special sauce, and wrapped it in fresh vegetable leaves, and bite it down. The fragrance is overflowing and it feels really delicious. Extremely!

Slowly eat so that your mouth is greasy, and you are about to fly with happiness!

Baidi helped her wipe off the oil stains on the corners of her mouth: "Eat slowly, these are all yours, no one will grab them."

Slowly handed the chicken with rolled vegetables to his mouth: "You eat too!"

Baidi ate one, and then refused to eat it again.

As an authentic carnivore, he doesn't quite understand the deliciousness of vegetables.

He has roasted a larger chicken without slicing or wrapping vegetables. It can be eaten by just tearing it off and dipping it in the sauce. The taste is also very good!

Not long after the two ate and drank enough, Bai Luo came.

As soon as Bai Luo walked into the house, he smelled the scent of barbecue and couldn't help moving his nose: "What good food were you eating just now? Why didn't you ask me to join?"

Baidi said: "Who made you late?"

Bai Luo was also very regretful: "I should have gone out sooner if I knew I should come to you soon!"

Baidi asked his intentions.

Bai Luo said: "Slowly the first time I came to Sun City, you must have seen the sunrise here? The sunrise in Sun City is the most beautiful. I will take you to see the sunrise tomorrow morning!"

Slowly smiled sweetly: "I have already seen it."

"Huh?" Bai Luo was stunned.

Slowly holding Baidi's hand: "I watched the sunrise with Baidi this morning, it is really beautiful!"

The plan to invite the sunrise failed.

Bai Luo cured him and asked for the second best thing: "I'll take you to the Sun City for a stroll? It's a rare one. What a pity not to see everywhere!"

Slowly turned his head to look at Baidi: "Can you go?"

Baidi smiled slightly: "Go if you want."

Before leaving the house, he slowly and consciously wrapped in an animal skin cloak, his petite body was tightly wrapped, only revealing a pair of large watery eyes.

Baidi touched her head: "In Sun City, you don't need to wrap yourself so tightly."

This is his turf, and he is confident that he can protect his safety.

Slowly said softly: "It's okay, anyway, it's getting colder now, and it's quite warm wrapped in a cloak."

Baidi picked her up with one hand and let her sit in his arms.

Slowly and consciously, he hugged his neck and touched his long white hair. It was slippery and smooth, and it felt so comfortable!

So she couldn't help but touched it again.

Baidi looked at her helplessly, conniving: "Naughty."

Slowly smiled like a little hamster.

Seeing the tacit interaction between the two of them, Bai Luo laughed and joked: "You two seem to have such a good relationship. I can't help but be jealous when I see it."

Slowly covered his mouth and smiled: "You also quickly find a partner, so you won't be jealous."

Bai Luo said, "You and the second brother are indeed a couple, and even what they say is the same."

"Bai Di also asked you to find your partner?"

"Yes," Bai Luo glanced at his elder brother, "Second brother has already begun to marry me Zhang Luo."

"Oh?" Slowly looked very interested, "Is there a suitable partner?"

Baidi said: "The family chose a good female for him, but he didn't want to."

"I don't like her!" Bai Luoding looked at slowly, "I prefer a female like you."

This was supposed to be a very obvious suggestion, but slowly she didn't hear the other party's true intentions. She said regretfully: "It's a pity that I don't have a sister, so I can't help you."

Bai Luo touched a soft nail.

He was not reconciled, and wanted to speak more bluntly, but was blocked by Baidi's words.

"Come on, we have to come back before the sun goes down."

Baidi walked out of the palace slowly in his arms, Bai Luo walked beside them.

A group of guards followed behind them.

They came out to play. Of course, Bai Luo would not take it slowly to the slums of the outer city. They first walked around the palace, and then went to the area where officials and nobles lived.

The houses here are relatively neatly built, and they are all courtyards of different sizes. There is a tall fence outside the courtyard, and it is impossible to see what is inside.

However, judging from the specifications of these walls, we know that the living environment here must be much better than Hongjing City.

Passing through the living quarters of the nobles, you arrive at the most lively place in the inner city-the commercial district.

The entire business district is divided into two parts, the trading market and the Colosseum.

Bai Luo first went to the trading market slowly.

The variety and quantity of things traded here are very large, and she is slowly dizzying, and she even sees a very light tulle.

It feels very smooth, a bit like silk, but thinner and more transparent than silk.

Bai Luo explained aloud when he saw that he was slowly interested in such things.

"This is a material made of imitating shark yarn. The name is snow yarn. It is easily torn. Its flexibility and durability are far inferior to shark yarn. But its cost is not cheap, so there are few. Orcs buy it."

Expensive and not practical, no wonder you can't see customers.

But it's really pretty.

Everyone has the love of beauty, and Slow is no exception. She is a little tempted by these snow yarns.

Even if you can't make clothes, but if you make a veil or silk scarf, it should still be possible.

Baidi slowly said to him: "If you like it, buy it."

Slowly hesitated: "But it's very expensive..."

Seventy colorless spars can be exchanged for a roll of snow yarn that is not practical. The price is a bit beyond her budget.

When she was hesitant, Baidi directly took out two green spars and bought two rolls of snow yarn.

In full view, he was inconvenient to put the snow yarn directly into the space ring, so he gave them to the guards behind him and asked them to help hold them.

Slowly stunned by Baidi's gas.

She asked blankly: "You are such a trench, is your house artificial?!"

Baidi touched her head and asked instead: "Aren't you just my family member?"

After buying snow yarn, Bai Di slowly bought a pair of moccasin boots.

The small black boots have delicate silver-gray textures on the surface, and some shiny small rubble is sewn at the top of the boot, which looks a bit like scraps of colorless spar.

Baidi touched the sole of the shoe: "It's a bit thin. I'll sew an insole for you when I go back. It should be more comfortable."

Nodding slowly and vigorously: "Yeah."

To the slow surprise, she actually saw the clay pot.

The shapes of these clay pots are very simple, most of them are round and plump, and occasionally there are a few unique clay pots, which are relatively expensive.

Slowly thought, it's a rare occasion, anyway, I bought Xuesha and shoes, it's not too bad.

So she waved her small hand and bought fifty more clay pots.

Seeing that she liked these Taoguans very much, Baidi asked her in a low voice, "Should I buy the method of making clay pots?"

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