Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 150: :write a letter

Xue Ling wanted that space ring.

Slowly and resolutely: "I can't give you a ring, you have to die."

"If you don't want to give me a ring, then I can't help you cover."

"Forget it, let's figure out our own way."

Slowly took Baidi's hand and turned and left, showing no nostalgia.

A **** voice came from behind: "Do you really stop thinking about it? It's just a ring. I don't mind being bound for life. What do you mind?!"

Slowly stopped and turned to look at him: "I don't like you again, why do I tie you to my side? Even if you make you a roast chicken, I think your meat is too old."

Xue Ling raised his eyebrows: "How dare you think I am old?!"

Slowly unable to complain: "Should you not be more concerned about being made into a roast chicken than you are old?"

Although he was very angry, Xue Ling couldn't help but tease.

"If you baked it yourself, I would be happy to take myself off and take it home."

Slowly: "..."

This bird man is already hopeless!

She said to Baidi: "Let's go quickly and ignore this shameless guy!"

"it is good."

Baidi picked her up and quickly disappeared into the forest.

Xue Ling took out a palm-sized red spar, and he looked at the reflection in the spar left and right.

The skin is still tight and the blonde hair is bright.

Are you not old at all? !

Returning to the palace, he slowly hugged the pillow and beat it hard, spitting out angrily: "Asshole birdman, let him help and have to sit on the floor and raise the price. There is no friendship at all!"

Baidi said: "It doesn't matter if he doesn't help. When we talk to Zhuxiong, we should try to keep a low profile. As long as we don't disturb the people in the temple, there should be no problem."

Slowly nodded, but still can't get angry after thinking about it.

"We will never talk to that **** birdman again! Let him play in the mud alone!"

Bai Di felt that she was angry like a child, and couldn't help but chuckle, his eyes full of petting, "Okay, I will ignore him in the future."

Slowly stretched out his arms and acted like a baby in anger: "Hug."

Bai Di picked her up and kissed her cheek: "Don't be angry anymore."

She rubbed Baidi's chin: "You still treat me best."

"It's getting late, go to bed soon."

"Well, sleep together."


Slowly took fruits and bamboo shoots from the space ring, and unintentionally pulled out a slate.

There are words on the slate.

The handwriting is rather awkward and tender, and you can see Shuangyun's handwriting slowly at a glance.

There are simple two lines written on it-

"Slowly, are you safe to Sun City? If you arrive, please write us back. We miss you very much."

Slowly and very surprised: "Why is there a letter written by Shuangyun in the space?"

Baidi took a look at the slate, and rationally analyzed: "The four of us are wearing rings, and the space in the ring can be shared. This shows that Shuangyun and Sangye put things in the space, we can also take it. Arrived."

Slowly suddenly realized.

Unexpectedly, the space ring can replace long-distance calls!

She was very surprised by this, erased the writing on the slate and re-written two lines of words——

"My door has reached Sun City safely, and I will go back after finishing the business, don't read it."

Slowly put the slate back into the space.

There are a lot more fruits and vegetables in the space. Obviously, a batch of fruits and vegetables newly harvested by Shuangyun and Sangye are all put into the space.

Slowly took out some fruits and vegetables, packed them together with Baidi, exactly one hundred bags.

The Emperor Bai called the guards, asked them to carry these fruits and vegetables on their backs, and sent them to Zhuxiong's house.

In order not to attract people's attention, Baidi deliberately asked them to go out of the palace when they were young, and deliberately went around the city a few times. After making sure that no one was following, they secretly put the fruits and vegetables in the chamber of commerce for consignment.

Nimei had long received news from Baidi and had been staying in the Chamber of Commerce store.

As soon as she saw that the fruits and vegetables were delivered, she immediately paid for them to buy them, and then had them move them home, and opened them all for inspection.

Each bag is very fresh and delicious, and Nimei is very satisfied.

Especially the fresh and tender bamboo shoots are so delicious!

The guards returned to the palace and gave the spar obtained from buying fruits and vegetables to the Baidi.

There are five red spars in total.

The price is many times higher than the one bought by the slow family in Rock Mountain.

Of course, they have to bear a lot more risks, and the cost of shipping over the mountains is also included. The price is actually not too outrageous.

Slowly and joyously put Hongjing into the space: "I didn't expect to go out and transfer money at random, our luck is really good!"

It is a pity that most of the people living in Sun City are carnivorous orcs, who are not very interested in fruits and vegetables.

Only the bamboo bear beast family is an alien. They eat meat as well as fruits and vegetables, especially for bamboo shoots.

At present, the only customers who can slow transactions with are the bamboo bear beasts.

Baidi thought while sewing clothes: "The females in the city like to eat fruits and vegetables. We can ask the Chamber of Commerce to sell some fruits and vegetables. I believe there should be females to buy them."

Slowly feel very curious about the Chamber of Commerce.

"Are the chambers of commerce in the city controlled by nobles?"

"No, the headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce is in Thousand Beasts City. The Chamber of Commerce in Sun City is just a branch point. Their annual income is very impressive. The nobles are very greedy. Unfortunately, the backer behind the Chamber of Commerce is very hard. The nobles dare not intervene. "Bai Di gestured to her with the sewed clothes, "It seems to be a little smaller, have you gained weight?"

After a while, I feel unhappy.

She stuck her waist in angrily and said loudly: "I am not fat! It must be your illusion!"

No sister paper can tolerate others saying that she is fat, even her dear husband!

Bai Di squeezed her small fleshy face: "Well, you are not fat, you just look more fluffy."

Slowly: "..."

The boat of love is turned over if it is turned over!

Baidi took apart the clothes sewn just now, planning to make it bigger, so that it would be more comfortable to wear slowly.

Dinner is stew.

The meat is stewed so soft and rotten, the aroma is tangy, and it melts in the mouth.

Slowly took two bites and stopped eating.

Baidi asked her why she stopped eating?

Slowly wrinkled a small face, and said grievously: "I'm getting fat, and I want to lose weight. I can't eat too much meat."

Baidi said: "Where are you getting fat? You are obviously very thin, so you are not allowed to lose weight, so hurry up and eat more!"

Slowly pointed to his nose and complained: "You still hate me for getting fat during the day!"

Baidi quickly explained: "I didn't dislike you, I really like the way you are now, how cute you are!"

"Go away! A guy with eight pack abs will never understand the sorrow of a fat man!"

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