Bai Ming looked at the contract scroll in front of him, and suddenly asked, "What if I don't want to sign this contract?"

This is the palace, his territory, no matter how powerful the Emperor Bai is, he can't beat thousands of troops.

Baidi said: "Although I can't destroy the entire Sun City, I can use your life as a threat to let the orcs outside let us go."

The star pattern on his waist lit up.

Bai Ming's expression moved slightly, he felt his son's exposed spirit beast breath, and his eyes were stunned: "You actually rose to five stars?!"

He had only four stars when he first returned to the palace, but in just four days he actually rose to five stars!

This upgrade speed is unheard of, it's terrible!

If you give him a few more years, he will definitely become the most powerful soul beast in Sun City!

Bai Ming looked at his son with a deep gaze: "If you really do something to me, you will never be able to return to Sun City in the future. Is it worth giving up your noble status as a prince for a female?"

"Without the identity of the prince, I can still live very well, but without slowing down, I can't live."

Bai Ming was speechless.

Baidi said in a deep voice: "If I have a choice, I don't want to do it to you. You are my father and I always respect you."

Bai Ming looked at him fixedly for a long time.

When it took a long time to think that their father and son were really going to do something, Bai Ming suddenly raised his hand and pressed a bright fingerprint on the contract scroll.

The contract is formed!

Baidi put the scroll away: "Thank you father for your understanding."

"Slowly took the risk and saved me. I should give her this promise. I asked you so much just now, but I just wanted to confirm your feelings for Slow. Now it seems that you are really affectionate."

Bai Ming paused, and he looked slowly: "I have something to talk to Baidi alone."

Slowly looking at the Emperor Bai, when he saw that Emperor Bai nodded slightly, he said, "Well, then I will go out and wait for you."

She turned and walked out of the bedroom, the door was closed again.

Bai Ming looked at the increasingly powerful son in front of him and was silent for a long time before speaking slowly.

"You have become a five-star soul beast at a young age. I believe that in time, your strength in the future will be far surpassed me! And your mind is very firm, and you are stable and thorough. If you hand over Sun City to you, I Even if you die, you can rest assured!"

Baidi said: "Your body has been healed. Sun City will definitely be stronger under your leadership. You don't have to worry about choosing the heir to the throne."

Bai Ming waved his hand, with a tired expression: "My illness does not come from the body, but from the soul."

"Father, you..."

"Since your mother passed away, I have been backlashed by my partner contract. I rely on holy water to survive and survive until now. Even if my body is slowly healed, my soul is already broken and I can't live long. ."

Bai Ming's voice is getting lighter and lighter, and his eyes are getting dimmer.

His partner was a tiger female who died in an accident three years ago. After that, Baidi chose to leave Sun City and venture outside alone.

After the death of his partner, Bai Ming was passive for a period of time, but then he survived again, and it looked no different from a normal orc.

Everyone thought that he was holding back the backlash of the partner contract, but unexpectedly, he did not hold it, but used holy water to delay the evil consequences of the backlash.

Now that the effect of the holy water has reached its limit, his soul can no longer support it, and it will only be a matter of time before it collapses.

Bai Ming looked at his son steadily, his voice was very soft, but his tone was very solemn.

"Would you like to become the king of Sun City?"


High priest Wen Qian returned to the temple with the attendants, and met Bai Luo who hurried back to the palace on the way.

As soon as Bai Luo saw Wen Qian, he immediately stopped his way and asked breathlessly, "Aren't you seeing your father in the palace? Why are you here?"

Wen Qian looked at him compassionately: "Your Majesty is about to fail. The gods can no longer protect him. I hope the third prince can prepare for the worst."

Upon hearing this, Bai Luo's face instantly became pale.

"No! You are talking nonsense, father will be fine!" Bai Luo was very angry.

Wen Qian waved his hand and asked the **** servant behind him to go a little further, and then he said slowly when there were only two of them left in the entire aisle.

"In fact, you know very well that your majesty's body is no longer good. The backlash brought about by the partner contract makes him worse than death. Leaving early is a relief."

Bai Luo wanted to refute, but was blocked by Wen Qian.

"I know that you love your father very much, but this is the end of the matter. No matter how uncomfortable you are, you must face the reality. My king is about to leave, but this beast city cannot live without a king. Who can become a new king? Where is his heir?"

Bai Luo clenched his fists: "Father will appoint an heir. This matter does not require the high priest to worry about."

"Innocent child, do you think my king will pass on the throne to you?" Wen Qian's eyes were full of sympathy. "Since childhood, my king has always been partial to the second prince. Whether it is strength, talent or mental means, you are only Can be your second brother's foil. The gap between you is so obvious, how could my king pass on the throne to a younger son who is not as good as his elder brother?!"

Bai Luo didn't speak, only his fists were clenched tighter and tighter, his knuckles faintly white.

Wen Qian paced slowly beside him: "Obviously you have worked very hard. From awakening the beast soul to rising to the second star, how much hard work you have done step by step! After the death of the queen, you have been with your majesty. By your side, why can everyone only see your brother in their eyes? It's like you can only live in his shadow forever and become his foil."

"Are you really willing to live such a life?"

Bai Luo couldn't bear it, and said angrily: "You shut up!"

Wen Qian looked at his azure blue eyes stained with blood, knowing that he had been shaken, so he added the last fire.

"Do I want to sit on the throne? I can help you."


Slowly sitting alone on the stairs outside the house, resting his cheeks in his hands, looking at the long walkway ahead in a daze.

I don’t know what Baidi and his father said in the room...

A person walked over from the end of the aisle, slowly fixed his eyes, and found that the person was Bai Luo.

He looks a lot like Baidi, but his hair is shorter than Baidi, and the emotional changes on his face are more extroverted and vivid.

Bai Luo stopped, looked down slowly, and asked, "Why are you sitting here? Where's the second brother?"

Slowly pointed to the closed door behind him: "He and Your Majesty are talking in the room."

Bai Luo stared at the door for a moment, then suddenly asked.

"Who do you think is more suitable for this throne?"

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