Slowly standing on the hillside, standing on tiptoes and stretching his neck, looking towards the direction of Sun City.

When Baidi's figure appeared in her sight, she ran down the hill in excitement and hurried towards him.

Baidi spread his arms and steadily caught the small female who was leaping over.

Slowly hugged his neck: "You finally figured it out."

Baidi smiled and said, "Sorry, I kept you waiting for a long time."

"Bai Luo didn't bully you, right?"

"No," Baidi said to Xue Ling, holding her, "Thank you just now for helping you get out of the city."

Just now, if the Baidi was slowly by his side, even though they were protruding from the encirclement, they would be somewhat restrained, and it would be even worse if she accidentally injured her.

Slowly poked his head out of Baidi's arms, "Thank you."

Xue Ling glanced at them: "I have helped you not only this time or twice. If you really thank me, you won't show your affection in front of me in the future. It is too an eye-opening."

Slowly: "..."

The gratitude to him just now all shattered into scum.

Xue Ling raised his eyebrows: "Why do you show this expression?"

Slowly and sincerely suggested: "When you see your sweetheart in the future, you must speak less and do more."


"Just your mouth, just one mouth, it's definitely a rhythm that makes friends in minutes."

Blood Ling: "..."

Baidi smiled and glanced at them, then waved his hand to Mayne: "While it is still early, hurry up and try to find a place to rest before dark."

Mayne brought nineteen males this time, and they were all fellows of the Chamber of Commerce.

They all turned into animal shapes, carrying large and small animal skin bags on their backs, looking bulging, and they didn't know what was inside.

Baidi turned into a white tiger and walked slowly at the forefront of the team. Mayne followed with his guys carrying their luggage.

Blood Ling spreads its wings, flying high in the sky.

Slowly turning her head and glanced at Mayne behind her, she lowered her body, approached Baihu's ear, and asked curiously.

"Why did you bring the Chamber of Commerce manpower out of the city?"

Baidi explained: "When I went to the Chamber of Commerce to check out, Mayne was very interested in the fruits and vegetables we planted. He originally wanted to buy our vegetable orchard directly, but I refused, so they had to withdraw. Secondly, I plan to sign a long-term supply agreement with us. I take them back this time to show them the way. If they want to come to Rock Mountain to receive the goods in the future, they can come directly."

Slowly thought, if this develops into a long-term business in the future, wouldn't the road from Rock Mountain to Sun City evolve into the "Silk Road" in the orc world?

No, it should be called Road to Vegetables and Fruits!

After thinking about it slowly, I am amused for nothing.

The journey is quite long and boring.

After getting bored slowly, I took out the "Introduction to Alchemy Guide" and opened it.

The characters in it are all simplified Chinese, which looks very simple, but there are too many professional terms.

She felt dizzy after reading two pages and couldn't stand it anymore.

Slowly couldn't help but whisper.

"Little Eight!"

The voice of System 438 rang: "Huh?"

Asked slowly: "I bought something in the spar mall, you should be responsible for after-sales, right?"

System 438 was dumbfounded.

It has never seen a host who made an after-sales request. It took a while before he came back to his senses and said uncertainly: "It should be."

Slowly and immediately said: "Then you help me translate everything in this instruction manual."

System No. 438 is surprised: "The text in this book is all simplified Chinese characters. Given the educational level of the host, I should be able to understand it."

"It’s okay to understand, but I just don’t understand what they mean," said a word slowly with his finger, "For example, this crucible, I have only seen iron pots, stone pots, stainless steel pots, and never seen a crucible. What the **** is it?"

"Before the host lived in the beast city for three days and three nights, didn't he reward the host with a set of crucibles after completing the mission?"

Slowly froze.

Too much happened during this period of time. After the task was completed, the reward was automatically distributed to her. She didn't care about it at that time, so she threw it into the ring space.

Listening to Xiao Ba's words, he slowly and immediately took out a set of crucibles from the ring space.

A set of four, with a lid and a small spoon, the material is still gold, it looks very tall.

Slowly thought, if this is put on the earth, it will definitely sell a lot of money!

System No. 438 gives an overview of the usage of crucibles.

After listening slowly, contact the description on the instruction manual. If she has some enlightenment: "I feel that alchemy is a bit similar to refining medicine."

But if you want to study it carefully, you will find that alchemy covers a wider range than ordinary medicine, and it can even be said that medicine is just a small branch of alchemy.

In addition, alchemy can also purify metals, change the structure of matter, and produce countless kinds of magical works through various chemical reactions.

In the world of alchemy, there are only things you can't think of, nothing you can't do.

Even if you want to build a cannon!

Of course, the premise is that you want to become a powerful alchemy master.

Slowly and silently open the "Introduction to Alchemy Guide" again, let's get started first.

She spent five days reading the entire instruction manual.

The great Grandpa Deng once said that practice is the only criterion for testing truth!

Slowly decided to do a small experiment to check how well I learned.

In order to avoid accidents, she deliberately took advantage of everyone when they were eating and resting, ran to a remote place alone, took out the crucible, and put it on the fire.

According to the example recipe in the instruction manual, she first poured some water into it, then added a small stone, a small piece of animal bones, two dead bugs, and then threw a piece of black mud in. Finally, finally threw it in. A green spar.

Cover the crucible slowly, then step back two steps, staring at the crucible without blinking.

At this time, Baidi had already roasted the chicken. He looked back and found that it was slowly missing.

He immediately asked: "Slowly? Any one of you saw her?"

Mayne pointed to the upper stream of the stream: "I just saw her run there alone."

Everyone thought it was just a little female who was playful and didn't take this matter to heart. Anyway, she didn't go far, and she could hear a little movement.

Xue Ling stared at the roast chicken for a long time. When he was about to take it out, Baidi glanced at him: "Don't move, wait until you come back slowly."

"Okay," Xue Ling withdrew his paws boredly, "you go and call her back, the barbecue will not taste good when it is cold."

As soon as Baidi took two steps, he heard a loud bang!

It looks like something exploded!

The sound happened to come from the direction slowly!

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