Although crystal mines are rare, the fruits of the volcanic eruption are too serious, and Baidi slowly does not want to see the tragedy of the forest being burned to ashes.

And there is Changgu guard here, he will not let people mine crystal ore.

Under the balance, Baidi finally gave up his plan to mine crystal ore.

Chang Gu said: "Thank you for your kindness, the goddess of nature will like you."

Baidi smiled: "The Black Crystal Essence you gave us is worth more than the entire vein in terms of value, and we didn't suffer."

He told him to slowly collect the black crystal essence into the ring space, and bring it back to Sang Ye.

Sang Ye's beast soul has a dark attribute, and this black crystal essence is very suitable for him to use.

Before leaving, Chang Gu suddenly called in front of him, his indifferent tone revealed a bit of depth.

"You are a kind little female. If one day, you condense the heart of nature, I hope you can maintain your kind heart."

Slowly smiled and said: "I will not condense the heart of nature, because my sacred tree seed is a dead seed."

Chang Gu said something meaningful.

"Sacred tree is a symbol of life force, as long as you have hope in your heart, it will never decline."

Slowly as if understanding but not understanding: "Oh."

Saying goodbye to Mr. Pangolin, the group set off again and continued on their way.

Two days later, they finally saw the familiar forest.

Four silver-white little wolves ran out of the forest. They seemed to have grown a lot, their silver-white hair gleaming in the sun, and running majestic.

They directly threw themselves down on the ground and stretched out their wet tongue to lick her face.

Slowly being licked very itchy, he smiled and said, "Don't lick, let me get up."

Shuangyun walked behind and chased him up. With two hands, he picked up the four little wolves and threw them aside.

Slowly finally got up from the ground.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she stood firmly, Shuangyun picked her up, her dark green eyes full of tenderness.

Looking at him slowly, I missed him very much.

Shuangyun said, "You seem to have gained weight."

Slowly: "..."

Bastard! You can't live this day, get a divorce!

She glared at Shuangyun furiously, and Shuangyun leaned forward and kissed her cheek: "Don't look at me that way, you'll see me hard."


What a big pervert, it's a rogue in broad daylight, and it's shameless!

Slowly pushed Shuangyun's dog's head aside and asked, "Where is Sang Yeren?"

Shuangyun was unhappy: "Why do you ask Sang Ye when you meet? Why don't you ask me?"

"You are already hard, do you still need to ask?"

After saying this, slowly couldn't help covering his face.

When it was over, she was also broken, and she could say such dirty words.

Shuangyun smiled happily: "Would you like to touch it? You haven't seen it for a long time, it misses you very much."

Slowly shouted: "I don't want to touch, don't mess around!"

In the end, Baidi took the shot in time to stop Shuangyun's hooliganism.

Slowly hiding behind Baidi, Chongshuangyun stuck out his tongue: "You big pervert!"

Shuang Yun laughed loudly.

A black constrictor swam out of the forest.

Slowly when he saw him, he immediately waved his arms: "Sang Ye!"

Sang Ye swam quickly to Slowly and slowly curled up with a snake's tail, and the scarlet Snake Xinzi swept across her face: "You are finally back."

Slowly hugged his head and rubbed it.

Shuangyun noticed that Emperor Bai was still following other orcs, and he asked in a low voice, "What's the matter with these guys?"

Baidi talked about the Chamber of Commerce.

Shuang Yun said: "It is a good thing to be able to do business with the Chamber of Commerce, but we have to let them sign a contract first, so that they won't reveal the true situation of the Rock Wolf Race."

Before they are really strong, revealing their strengths too early will cause unnecessary trouble.

It is better for them to keep a low profile now.

Baidi nodded: "Yeah."

He paused and added another sentence: "We have caught a fellow this time."


Baidi dragged the dying Ma Qing out: "We met him halfway, so we caught him back easily."

Shuangyun grinned: "Fortunately, we have spent so much work before, and we have never been able to catch him. I didn't expect him to hit us by himself!"

Baidi said: "After returning, I will try to pry out the Dark Moon Temple thing from his mouth."

"No problem, this matter is on my body!"

The group returned to Rock Mountain.

Dongya waited at the foot of the mountain with his sister. As soon as they saw that the waiting person was coming back, they immediately greeted him and said with joy, "Teacher, welcome home!"

Slowly raised his head to look up at the rock mountain surrounded by green creeper, his eyes filled with nostalgia.

Finally home!

The creeper smelled the familiar breath on her body and took the initiative to stretch out a strand of vines and gently touched the back of her hand.

Slowly hold onto the vine: "Thank you so hard, you helped to look after the house."

The leaves on the vine shook lightly, as if to say you're welcome.

Slowly letting go of your finger, the vine retracted.

She and Sang Ye went up first, leaving Baidi at the foot of the mountain to arrange for Mayen and the others, while Shuangyun took the dying Ma Qing and strode towards the second underground floor.

Not long after walking slowly, Shuangyun drew a place in the second underground floor as a dungeon, and there was a matching torture room next to it to punish those who broke the law.

Shuangyun threw Ma Qing directly into the torture chamber and began to torture him about the Dark Moon Temple.

Baidi signed a contract with Mayne and was not allowed to disclose the affairs of the Rock Wolf Race.

He led Mayne into the fortress.

As soon as he entered, Mayne and the guys behind him all showed shock.

They didn't expect that in this shameless mountain, there was still a secret fortress hidden in the sky!

Baidi said to Mayne: “The first floor is the commercial area. All the shops are here. If you want to trade, you can do it here. As for other places, you can’t go there for the time being. Wait for the number of times we trade. Much, when I can fully trust each other, I will personally take you to visit."

Mayne nodded quickly in response: "Please don't worry, your lord, we will definitely not walk around."

"I asked someone to delineate a few houses on the basement floor for you as temporary accommodation. The place may be a bit crude. Please make a living for a while. We are still trying our best to improve it."

"His Royal Highness is too polite. It is a great honor for us to live in such a big fortress."

Baidi said: "I am no longer a prince. You don't need to call me your Highness anymore, just call me by my name."

Mayne said hurriedly: "No way, no way! Your status is so noble, how can we, as civilians, call you by your name?!"

No matter what Baidi said, Meien refused to call his name. In the end Baidi could only choose this method.

"You can call me husband."

Before Mayne slowly learned that Mr. is also an honorific name, he nodded in response: "Okay, sir."

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