Ma Qing was tortured into a beastly shape.

He was locked in the dungeon and was dying. Jiu Yuan and another male beast were in charge of guarding him.

In order to prevent Ma Qing from dying too quickly, Dongya will make a bowl of soup every day according to the slowly formulated prescription, and send it to Ma Qing to drink to help him continue his life.

Jiuyuan estimated the time, and Dongya will soon come to deliver the decoction.

Ma Qing raised his unrecognizable face, looked at Jiu Yuan not far away, and suddenly said, "If I remember correctly, Konoha should be your brother-in-law, right?"

Jiu Yuan glanced at him: "It's up to you!"

Ma Qing laughed happily, showing teeth full of blood and dirt: "Then do you know that Konoha is dead?"

Nine Yuan: "..."

"Looking at you, it seems that you have known it a long time ago, so do you want to know why Konoha died?"

Jiu Yuan's face became extremely gloomy: "If you say one more word, I will cut your tongue!"

Ma Qing knew that he didn't dare to cut off his tongue, after all, Shuang Yun still wanted to know a lot of things from him.

Ma Qing smiled confidently: "Because Konoha learned that the Heihe tribe is about to attack the Rock Wolf Race, he wants to send you news, but unfortunately, he died on the road before he could run back to the Rock Mountain. What an idiot hahahaha!"

Jiu Yuan was so angry that he stretched out his hand to lift the limp Ma Qing from the ground, killing intently.

"shut up!"

Another companion of the male beast hurriedly pulled away the nine yuan: "Don't be impulsive, calm down!"

Ma Qing looked at Jiu Yuan who was anxious and frustrated, and laughed louder and louder.

Anyway, he has nowhere to survive, so don't think about it!

Jiu Yuan's eyes were red, staring at him, wishing to kill this **** now!

The companion hugged him tightly and prevented him from doing anything to Ma Qing.

Suddenly, the companion noticed the figure at the door of the cell and asked sharply: "Who is outside? Come out!"

After a while, Muxiang walked in with a bowl of soup medicine.

Today, Dongya had come to deliver the decoction, but he had something to do with him, so he left it to Muxiang.

As a result, Muxiang just approached the cell when he heard what Ma Qing said.

Konoha is dead.

Her brother is already dead.

Muxiang stood at the door of the cell blankly, like a puppet that lost its vitality.

When Jiu Yuanyi saw her like this, he couldn't help panicking. He quickly said, "Don't believe what Ma Qing said, he is a lie!"

Ma Qing deliberately wanted to tear his lies.

"Konoha has long been abandoned by Yi Wu. He died on the way to Rock Mountain! If you don't believe it, you can find it yourself, maybe you can find one or two corpses that were not eaten by wild beasts. !"

Jiu Yuan shouted angrily: "Enough!"

Ma Qing smiled sullenly and proudly: "Why don't you dare to tell her the truth? Why cheat her? Don't you think it's cool to play with her applauding like a fool?"

"It's not like that!" Jiu Yuan reached out to Muxiang's hand, "Don't believe his nonsense, let's leave here first."

Muxiang directly smashed the soup medicine in his hand at him: "Don't touch me! You liar!"

Jiu Yuan was splashed with decoction.

But he didn't care about it, his eyes were fixed on Muxiang, and he said anxiously: "It's really not what you think it is. You should leave here with me first, and I will explain it to you slowly?"

"You don't need to explain, you just tell me, is Konoha dead?"

Nine Yuan held back for a long time, and finally only squeezed out two words: "Yes."

Muxiang's eyes flushed: "Did you already know everything? Are you lying to me?"

"I don't want to lie to you, I just don't want to make you sad!"

"Don't you lie to me, I don't feel sad anymore?"

Jiu Yuan was speechless and could only apologize non-stop: "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry..."

"I don't want to hear your apology, I'm so disappointed in you!" Muxiang turned and left.

Jiuyuan wanted to chase her, but he heard Muxiang say coldly.

"Don't follow, I don't want to see you again, and I don't want to say a word to you again."

Jiu Yuan could only stop and watch her go further and further.

The companion patted him on the shoulder, and comforted: "After waiting for a while, she calms down, and you can explain to her slowly, she will definitely forgive you."

Jiu Yuan strode towards Ma Qing and grabbed him, his eyes full of violence: "Are you satisfied now?!"

Ma Qing grinned and said: "You lied to her. She will never believe you again. The relationship between you will get worse and worse. Until she abandons you, you will only be like a bereaved dog. And died lonely, hahahaha!"

Jiu Yuan was so angry that he grabbed his neck.

The companion hurriedly took his hand: "Don't be impulsive! Patriarch Frost Yun let us look at him. If you kill someone, how can we explain to Patriarch Frost Yun?!"

At this time, Jiu Yuan had been dazzled by anger.

He threw Shuangyun's instructions behind his head, pinched Ma Qing's neck and continued to use force, no matter how his companion pulled him, he would not let go.

He must kill the **** Ma Qing!

When Shuangyun heard the news, Ma Qing had been strangled to death.

His corpse was thrown on the ground, the way his limbs were laid out was very distorted, and the body that had been tortured had no good flesh. He was bloodied at first glance, and it was extremely disgusting.

Jiu Yuan stood beside him, breathing heavily, with blue veins on his forehead, obviously he hadn't recovered from the anger just now.

Shuangyun grabbed his short silver hair and said annoyedly: "Nine Yuan, didn't I say that I told you to look at Ma Qing and don't let him die easily? How come I just walked away and people died. Up?!"

After a while, Jiu Yuan gradually calmed down.

He said stiffly: "I killed Ma Qing. I will bear all the guilt, and I am willing to be punished!"

"I don't want to be held accountable, but you must give me a reasonable explanation for this matter."

Jiu Yuan said bitterly: "He damn!"

"I also know he deserves to die, but it's definitely not let him die now. We still need to pry out more useful information from his mouth. Didn't I tell you this a long time ago? Have you forgotten them all? ?!"

"I haven't forgotten, but I just can't help it, he is so hateful!"

Shuangyun was defeated by his answer, and in the end he could only tell the others: "Go and dispose of Ma Qing's body, and then wash the place, so as not to attract bugs."

The wolves immediately took action and threw Ma Qing's body down the mountain.

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