Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 657: : I have four of you enough

Slowly immersed in the ocean of knowledge, not paying attention to the passage of time.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

She crawled out of the space, opened her eyes and saw that Yun Hui was standing by the bed looking down at her.

Those eyes are weird.

Slowly sat up immediately, and tugged at the skirt of his body: "Is something wrong with me?"

"It's okay. I haven't seen you go out for several days. I thought you were sick, so I came to see you."

The three of Baidi Shuangyun and Xueling knew that she had entered the study space, so they were very relieved of her, but Yunhui didn't know about the study space. He saw that she had been drowsy and thought her body was in trouble.

Slowly noticing the black marks under his eyes, he couldn't help but ask: "Aren't you staying by my bed forever?"


Slowly let out a long sigh of relief: "I don't have any..."

If he stayed here all the time, she would have to wonder if he was interested in her.

Fortunately not.

Before she could fully breathe out her breath, she heard Yun Hui continue to say: "I will be by your bed during the day, and by the door at night."

Because Baidi Shuangyun Xueling would take turns to sleep with her every night, they did not allow Yun Hui to stay by the bed at night.

Imagine that anyone who has a big living person next to him when he sleeps at night will panic.

So Yunhui could only retreat and choose to stay at the door.

Slowly: "..."

She thinks this is going to be bad.

The atmosphere is a bit awkward.

Yunhui asked her if she was hungry?

Slowly felt that this was a good excuse to escape, and quickly said: "I will go to Baidi, let him get me something to eat."

As a result, she was caught firmly by Yun Hui before she jumped to the ground.

"You haven't eaten for several days, and your body must be very weak. I will hold you and find him."

Slowly was very surprised. I didn't expect this elm lump to be silent at ordinary times, but it was so considerate at this time.

She stretched out her hand and patted Yunhui on the shoulder, and taught him earnestly: "If you apply this thought to other females, I promise you will be able to reap a lot of girls' hearts in the future!"

"I don't need their hearts."

"Then whose heart do you want?" As soon as the words were spoken, I couldn't wait to make a mouthful.

Which pot is really not open and which pot! The mouth is cheap!

Before Yun Hui could speak, he slowly continued to say: "You are still young now. It is not the time to consider these things. When you grow up, you will have more experience and see more outstanding people. Girl, go and think about this slowly."

When Yun Hui heard this, he didn't say anything, but gave her a deep look.

This glance seemed to see through all the thoughts in her heart.

Slowly was seen inexplicably guilty.

She turned her face away and pretended to look up at the ceiling.

When Yun Hui slowly found Bai Di in his arms, Bai Di was looking at the chart.

Slowly patted Yun Hui's arm and whispered: "Let me go down."

Yun Hui didn't move.

Slowly thinking that he hadn't heard him, he raised his voice and repeated what he said just now.

Baidi heard the sound and raised his head to look at them.

"Why are you here?"

Slowly stretched out his arms towards him: "Hug."

Baidi immediately put down the chart, got up and walked over, holding her into his arms.

Even if Yunhui didn't want to let go, he could only let her go.

Baidi weighed her weight: "It feels like you have become lighter again, are you thinner again?"

Slowly touched his chin, smiled happily, "It's okay to lose weight."

"Where is it? It hurts to look thin, or fat and cute."

Slowly disgusting his straight male aesthetics, she pouted and said, "I'm hungry, is there anything to eat on the boat?"

"There are still some pancakes in the kitchen, I'll heat it up for you."


Baidi Zhao Yunhui nodded slightly, and then walked slowly towards the kitchen holding Yunhui, leaving Yunhui standing alone.

Yun Hui watched them walking away until his back completely disappeared in the corner, before he retracted his gaze, looked down at his hands, and kept recalling the feeling of holding the little female in his heart.

It is very light, very soft, and has a hint of vegetation.


Slowly sitting on the bench, dangling white legs, holding warm pancakes in his hands, eating with relish.

Baidi handed her the cooked seafood soup.

There are not many other things on the sea, but a lot of seafood. Just throw a net every day and you can catch a large group of lively fish, shrimp and crabs.

One dish that must appear on the dinner table every day is the seafood smorgasbord.

At first everyone still ate deliciously, but no matter how delicious the delicacies are, they can’t stand three meals a day and eat them every day. After ten days, the big guys are almost tired of eating, and they only have to hide in the space. After the meal, the seafood is delicious, fresh and delicious!

Don't ask why she can still be alive without eating or drinking for ten days, she can't explain this principle herself.

Maybe it has something to do with her special physique.

When she was almost done eating, Baidi asked: "I saw Yun Hui holding you just now, he..."

"He just sent me along the way," slowly and quickly cleared the relationship, "there is no ambiguity between me and him!"


"You don't believe me?"

"I don't believe it," Baidi touched her head, "I just want to tell you, if you are fancy of someone, remember to tell me in advance, I have to make arrangements."

"What's the arrangement?" Slowly frowned, "Could it be that you still have to help me get a table for me? I have four of you enough, and I don't want anyone else."

"I thought your attitude towards Yun Hui was different, maybe you would..."

"It's no different. He saved me before. I treat him as a friend and family member. I have to go and get him back for reasons. This has nothing to do with the relationship between men and women."

Baidi looked at her expression carefully, and saw that she really had no other thoughts about Yun Hui, he couldn't help but chuckle and said, "It seems that I think too much."

Slowly put down the bowl in his hand: "By the way, you see that I am so close to Xiao Hei, aren't you jealous?"

If it had been replaced with Frost Cloud and Blood Ling just now, it would have been so sour.

Only Baidi can always remain calm and calm.

Baidi took the empty bowl and gently wiped her mouth clean: "I want to protect you more than being jealous. If Yun Hui's joining makes you safer, I'll be happy to accept him."

Slowly approached his arms and hugged his neck.

"I'm not a princess queen, where do you need so many people to protect? I have four of you enough."

"Four is not enough..."

"Enough," slowly and seriously plan the future, "when we go back, I will find Sang Ye back, and the family will live in peace and stability in the Rock City. Every day sunrise and sunset, with you The abilities of four people are enough to support this big family."

Baidi put his chin on top of her head and his eyes were unpredictable: "There are many things in this world, not as simple as you think."

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