Cute Beast World: Beast Husband, Memeda!

Chapter 676: : Future daughter-in-law

Slowly boiled some decoction to soothe the nerves and invigorate qi to Yunhui.

Yun Hui took the bowl silently and finished it in one breath.

"You take a good rest, call me if you have anything."

Slowly took the empty bowl and left. When she turned and closed the door, she inadvertently caught a glimpse of Yun Hui's expression.

He looked lost, like a large canine abandoned by his owner.

Slowly, my heart trembled.

But in the end she was still cruel, pretending to see nothing, and gently closed the door.

Slowly go downstairs and walk into the kitchen, scooping water to wash the dishes.

I thought of Xiao Ba's voice in his head: "Tsk tsk, I like someone but I can't get a response, Xiao Hei is so pitiful."

Slowly moving non-stop: "He is still young, how can I know what like is?"

"If he doesn't like you, why should he care about you so much? He even stayed by your bedside for dozens of days. If he didn't like you, what would he do?"

"When I was still Yu Tian, ​​he had a sense of dependence on me with relatives. This sense of dependence has now extended to me, so it has an illusion that he likes me very much."

Xiao Ba chuckled: "You have a good analysis, and you have the ability to tell Xiao Hei this to see how he answers you."

Slowly and immediately persuaded: "I don't want to say this to people in person, it seems I am so narcissistic."

Xiao Ba saw through her essence as a counselor: "You will only talk about it."



Xuehui came again slowly.

When Shuangyin saw that Xuehui was coming, she put off her plan to go to the barracks and stayed at home.

"Sit down, A-niang will come down soon."

Xuehui sat on the stool and looked around: "You have always been the same here, and nothing has changed."

At this time, he slowly walked downstairs.

As she walked, she said, "Well, at home, you can live comfortably by yourself. There is no need to make so many changes."

Xuehui saw that the clothes on her body were sewn with fine shark gauze at a high price. Coupled with her peerless beauty, she set off more perfect and exquisite.

Such a female, even if she doesn't say anything, just walks out of this gate, she can be admired and bowed down by countless males.

When she slowly sat down on the chair opposite her, Xuehui retracted her gaze, smiled and said, "I came to you today for two things."

"You said."

"The first thing is naturally because of the Shenmu family's pregnancy. I wonder if you can think of a solution?" Xuehui's eyes revealed a bit of eagerness that could not be hidden.

"I'm in poor health these days. I have been recuperating and resting at home. This matter was temporarily put on hold."

Hearing this, Xue Hui couldn't help being very disappointed: "That's it..."

"Don't worry too much, there is still a long time, we can take it slowly."

"You're right, I was too anxious." Xue Hui tried to suppress the expectations in her heart and made herself look more relaxed.

"If I have news, I will send someone to notify you."

"Then I look forward to your good news."

Slowly said: "It's not necessarily good news, after all, I'm not sure about this."

"I believe you can do it!"

Faced with Xuehui’s eager anticipation, he slowly smiled helplessly: “Rather than putting all hope on me, it’s better to think about why you can’t give birth to a child. Everything has a cause, if you can find it For that reason, it may be more effective."

Xuehui sighed: "We have also checked the cause of this matter before. It may have something to do with the loss of the protection of the sacred tree, but the sacred tree has died. The new seed of the sacred tree is here. We have no other choice but to ask for help. For you."

"As far as I know, the reason why you have become like this is not just because of Shenmu."

Xuehui quickly asked: "Is there any other reason?"

Slowly did not say too carefully, but vaguely mentioned: "Remember that your Shenmu clan had a civil strife that year?"

"I remember that after the civil strife, the vitality of the Shenmu clan was greatly injured, and it took a lot of time and effort to gradually relieve it. That is to say, since then, the fertility rate of the Shenmu clan is getting lower and lower..."

Speaking of this, Xue Hui suddenly reacted: "Is there a connection between these two things?"

"These are the internal affairs of your Shenmu clan. You should know better than me what kind of internal affairs are."

Xuehui didn't know what was thinking, her expression became very ugly, her brows frowned.

Slowly, she didn't care about the internal struggle of their Shenmu clan, and she changed her words: "Didn't you say that there are two things? There is another thing?"

"Oh, the other thing is related to you," Xuehui returned to his senses, but the space between her eyebrows was still a little gloomy, "I have already informed all the members of the Shenmu clan about your return. Everyone is very happy that you can Come back, if you have time, can you meet them? They all miss you."

Slowly agreed very simply: "Okay, you find a time, we will see you, it happens that I have something to announce to everyone."

"whats the matter?"

Slowly did not say clearly: "You will know when the time comes."

Xuehui thought for a moment: "I think it will be fine tomorrow, otherwise you will see you tomorrow?"


The two chatted again.

Assuming that the time is almost up, Xue Hui got up and left.

Seeing that the guests were gone, Shuangyin also left home for the barracks, leaving only three people in the house: slow, Dandan and Yunhui.

There was only one child in the house. She was idle and bored. After getting permission from the older sister, she flew out of the house alone.

Dandan first started in the yard, and expanded his activity area out a little bit...

The farthest place she flies now is the Yu clan.

The Yu clan has many kinsmen, and some cubs about the same age as her. Dandan met a lot of friends there, and everyone had a great time together.

So she has been flying to the top feather clan almost every day recently.

Today is no exception. It wasn't until it was time for lunch that Dandan fluttered his wings and flew back.

As soon as she entered the house, she went straight to the kitchen and uttered a crisp cry: "Aniang! Quickly see if my new clothes are beautiful?"

When he was cutting vegetables, he raised his head slowly, and saw that Dandan was covered with colorful feathers, like a colorful little peacock.

Slowly couldn't laugh or cry: "Where did you get so many feathers?"

"These are all given to me by my little friend!"

Dandan was very proud of her small chest, and by the way, she shook the colorful feathers on her body. Two red eyes the size of soybeans were full of contentment.

Slowly didn't think too much: "You just want to be happy."

After lunch, Yun Hui took the initiative to clean up the dishes, and was slowly preparing to take Dandan to take a nap when he heard a knock on the door.

Slowly opened the door and took a look, and found that there were more than 20 feather orcs standing outside.

"What are you guys?"

The feather orcs said in unison: "We are here to see our future daughter-in-law!"

Slowly dumbfounded: What? !

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