If he doesn't feel wrong, the way of heaven seems to have his own divine consciousness.

Without Xia Qingluo, maybe yunqingrang would stay here until the end of time. However, now with Xia Qingluo, she is still at the critical moment of awakening, and he can't help being with her.

However, if there is no God with high power to control here, no one knows what will happen.

The son of the emperor of heaven, Jiaxiu Tianjun, contains the power of heaven and is the best successor. He also taught Jiaxiu the skills of connecting heaven.

Kejiaxiu is still unable to take over.

Heaven doesn't recognize him.

Yunqing doesn't know what's wrong, because there's nothing in this world that has to be done.

He stepped on auspicious clouds and looked at those light balls floating in the air, which is all the world that the Tao of heaven can control.

Nature also includes parallel spaces.

Yunqing let the touch of divine consciousness left here fulfill his duty, stand in the air on the side of the nothingness, and perceive everything in the three thousand world.

He was relieved, so he quickly found the birthplace of the strange dark cloud just now, flashed and went towards the space.

South Vietnam.

Separated by two space-time distances from the Chinese earth, it is a separate world formed after being stripped away.

For more than a thousand years, human beings have been derived here.

However, the wisdom of these human beings is still at a low stage. They live the most primitive and simple life under the jurisdiction of the dragon family.

And they have a natural awe for the dragon family.

This sea area is called Nanyue Tianhai, which is the stronghold of the Dragon nationality.

Not far from the coast, there are mackerels throwing fish to the people on the shore.

Those humans crawl on the shore and sincerely appreciate the gift of the Dragon messenger.

Long Sanduo became the Dragon God here.

The chimaeras are naturally the messengers of the Dragon God.

These chimaeras are male and female, dressed in long blond or brown hair, handsome men and beautiful women, with a human body on the upper body and a shining fish body under the navel.

They jumped in the air and drew a colorful and crystal water line. When they fell, they splashed pearl like spray.

The sea is peaceful and calm, and the blue sea is breathtaking under the sky.

No wonder long Sanduo only went back to heaven once in more than 1000 years. It seems to have become a paradise.

Yunqing let fall on the head of the cloud, turned into a meteor and flew towards the dark cloud dense vortex.

Long Sanduo also waited there. The two said a few words and didn't greet each other too much.

For these gods, it is common to separate for thousands of years.

At this time, the dark clouds are getting stronger and stronger. There is a faint black light flowing in the dark clouds, as if filling something and describing something.

Two people are waiting.

Wait for the things in the dark clouds to come out.

The Dragon God's men drove the fish demon and mackerel to the distant sea.

Prevent it from being affected by the battle.

Suddenly a gust of wind rose and rolled up the sea water under the dark clouds. The sea water whirled rapidly, forming a deep vortex.

Yunqing asked to sacrifice the Biyun sword. The weapon of long Sanduo is a trident.

Both men stared at the vortex.

The vortex is still expanding. A golden and black light rises slowly from the vortex, and then twines together. It quickly twines into a golden and black sphere.

A flash of lightning struck the sphere. The sphere suddenly grew bigger and bigger, just like a blown balloon, and suddenly burst open with a bang.

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