"Young master, hurry up and do it. The stagnation time here can't be too long."

An elder in Taoist robe frowned and said.

"OK, let's work in a group of three. Ye Lin, you go and arrange the Reiki grid." Hai Xiaodong didn't delay, but quickly gave the order.

Obviously, these people are used to cooperation. They surround Xiaoqi in a circle.

Xiaoqi is angry. These humans are so vicious that they want to catch them alive.

So she opened her mouth and began to sing.

The melodious song floated on the sea, and white fog filled all around.

It looks like a dream.

Those disciples with low accomplishments smiled foolishly and fell into the sea.

After being dumped on the beach by Ru man, several elders had long shielded the five senses and waved their swords at them, "bold demons, dare to confuse people."

Then the sword spirit surrounded them. Xiaoqi's cultivation here was the highest. She suddenly waved her hands and set off a huge wave to repel these people. Then she shouted, "you two go quickly."

Ruman and xunshui couldn't walk by themselves. They also carried huge waves and beat those people back a few steps.

Then dive into the sea and swim away.

Hai Xiaodong and several elders also followed into the water.

They are as comfortable in the water as on the shore.

It's because the sea family has a secret method. Otherwise, they can't go into the water. How to catch the sea demon.

Xiaoqi tried her best to swim towards the front. I remember they came out from behind a reef. Obviously, there must be the entrance to go home.

Unfortunately, just after swimming a few hundred meters, they were stopped by a big net with lightning.

Haixiaodong behind him made a gesture and several people narrowed the encirclement. Haixiaodong bit his index finger and put blood on a round magic instrument. The magic instrument was so bright that the three of them couldn't open their eyes and felt that they didn't have any strength.

Then ye Lin and several disciples manipulated the big online game. One of the elders raised his hands and brushed out three runes. The runes burned into light points and hit the three of them. Xiao Qi couldn't move any more.

So haixiaodong and several elders caught the three mermaids into the big net, and then surfaced.

A medium-sized sea boat came and opened the cabin. Several people threw the mermaid into the cabin together, then got on the boat and drove in the other direction of the sea.

It was only ten minutes before and after. With a click, the boundary was broken and the time worked normally.

On the sea, there is no breath.

People on the beach, looking at the living fish still jumping, feel like a paste in their head and forget what happened just now.

The coast guard who patrolled the sea sailed over. After patrolling around, he didn't see anything unusual, so he turned around and continued patrolling.

The hustle and bustle of holidays has resumed here.

A few days later, after the exam, Xia Qingluo nestled in yunqingrang's arms. A Bai and Xiao Hei were upstairs playing online games with Nian haoshu.

Xia Qingluo and Yunqing are going to Kunlun to find Xiao Kun.

Although Hou Qing had hidden powers, after this period of search, the general direction was almost the same.

And I owe this position to the boy.

The young man named Yousheng carries the soul of Hou Qing's life. This soul is very important, which directly leads to whether the magic power of Hou Qing's whole body will return to the previous peak.

When Hou Qing came back, he didn't directly return his soul, because he hadn't found the mysterious man who hid Yousheng.

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