Chu Linxue, that is, Nan Yan, looked at the handsome man in front of her. Even if he gave her the magic pill, he was just an ordinary man who couldn't be ordinary anymore.

But once as a demon, he was still calm and calm in the face of this sudden change.

She is very satisfied.

Although she doesn't know whether she loves him or not, she knows that there is no possibility for her and yunqingrang.

It still hurts to think of her here.

Pressing down thousands of thoughts at the bottom of her heart, she took a step towards Du Kun and recalled the corners of her mouth, "I'm Chu Linxue, brother Kun. Have you forgotten me?"

Du Kun didn't speak, but looked at Chu Linxue in silence.

"Brother Kun, will you go with me?" she begged softly.

"Go with you?" Du Kun finally opened his mouth. He frowned slightly, "where are you going?"

"Go to your demon world, your men are waiting for you to come back..."

Du Kun pursed his thin lips and asked quietly. "Chu Linxue, you killed Chu Qingcheng, didn't you?"


Nanyan doesn't care to admit it.

"What you should do now is to turn yourself in to the police station and accept punishment for your mistakes."

Du Kun said very calmly, but his heart was not calm. Chu Linxue appeared so strange today. Thinking of her disappearance, Du Kun calmly looked at Chu Linxue and wanted to ask her why she lived so comfortably and smiled so sweetly after killing Chu Qingcheng.

Chu Qingcheng lost her when she was a child, so she was not familiar with them, but she was a very gentle girl. When she disappeared, Du Kun helped find her for a long time.

And Chu Linxue followed him.

Du Kun couldn't seem to remember what her expression was like at that time. Maybe he didn't want to think about it.

When Nan Yan heard Du Kun's words, he was stunned at first, and then stared at Du Kun strangely. "The dignified devil said such words to me to accept punishment for his mistakes. Ha ha, xuanyuanze, reincarnate several times. You really think you are a just person. Ha ha, it's really funny..."

As he spoke, the smiling Nanyan made Du Kun frown.

Xuanyuanze, reincarnation, the word has appeared several times today.

He was silent for a moment and slowly opened his mouth, "who is xuanyuanze and who are you?"

"Xuanyuanze is you, I'm Nanyan..." she smiled.

Then, before Du Kun could speak, she pressed the center of her eyebrows, and a silk of black and gold magic gas lingered on Nan Yan's index finger. Then she pointed at Du Kun. Du Kun had no time to avoid, so she was hit in the center of her eyebrows by the magic gas.

Then the devil vaporized into a black light, entered the center of the eyebrow and disappeared in an instant.

"This is the true life of your magic pill. It can't be integrated with me. I think it can't be separated from your master. Now, it can be regarded as returning to its original owner..."

Nanyan said faintly.

Du Kun could not seem to hear any sound from the outside. He only felt a burst of overwhelming pain invading his head from his forehead.

He held his head involuntarily, trembling all over his body, and his head seemed to crack.

The black light of the devil's gasification swam outside his consciousness. Suddenly, the black light was like a black lightning, which split Du Kun's consciousness in an instant.

His eyes were wide open, and pictures flashed before his eyes.

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