This is not something the police can solve.

It will make things out of control.

Lu Ziyi nodded. When he was about to bend down and pick up the child, Nan Yan moved his hand, and his eyes opened coldly, "since you don't go with me, go to hell."

After that, a full moon machete appeared in his hand. His hands were raised to condense magic gas. Black lightning on the machete was winding and undulating.

She chopped at xuanyuanze.

Xuanyuanze bit the tip of his tongue, turned his fingers, and formed a complex seal. Black flames flashed at his fingertips. He rushed straight towards the South smoke.

The meat palm collided with the two machetes, and the blood flowed out in an instant. Xuanyuanze held the two machetes to prevent Nanyan's knife from moving forward.

Do you want to die with her?

Nanyan was furious. No matter whether she was found by Yunqing or not, as soon as she rotated her hands, she went towards xuanyuanze's heart.

"No......" Lu Ziyi shouted desperately.

Unfortunately, her body is stiff and she can't move. Even if she can move, she can't do anything.

Can only watch Chu Linxue's knife stab into Du Kun's body.

At this critical moment, a green vine winds from the balcony, like a green lightning or a green Youlong, tightly entangled the full moon machete of Nanyan.

"Nan Yan, are you looking for death?" a crisp girl's voice came out, and then Xia Qingluo flew into the house.

Standing opposite Nanyan, the corners of her mouth seemed to smile. This woman was really stubborn.

Then, several figures flew in.

It's Nangong Li, Lin Gang, and several other practitioners.

The magic spirit appeared in the seaside villa area of Haishi, which naturally alerted the practitioners with high cultivation here. We naturally want to see it.

In any case, they dare not slacken their responsibilities entrusted by heaven.

Unexpectedly, I really saw a woman, a woman with great evil and murderous spirit.

But Xia Qingluo recognized the woman at once.

Just don't understand, she came to Du Kun, that is, what xuanyuanze did.

It seems that xuanyuanze obviously remembered the past, while Lu Ziyi was shocked, and behind him were the crying children.

"Sister Ziyi, take the children away. Don't worry, no one dares to hurt them." Xia Qingluo said.

Lu Ziyi has no mind to think about what she met today.

Just instinctively looked at xuanyuanze.

Xuanyuanze nodded, his eyebrows wrinkled tightly, but his voice softened and said to her, "don't be afraid, take the children back to the room first."

Although Lu Ziyi was full of questions, she also knew that now was not the time to speak. She left quickly with the children.

Nangong Li glanced at xuanyuanze, and the fox's eyes narrowed slightly, "Hey, xuanyuanze, we meet again..."

Xuanyuan Ze hooked his lips and smiled, "you're still the same..."

Nanyan said coldly, "Nangong Li, this is a personal grudge between me and the devil. I hope you don't interfere."

Xia Qingluo put away the vine, moved her palm and turned the bracelet into a vine whip. She shook her head disapprovingly and asked with some laughter, "Nan Yan, what personal grudges do you have with the devil? Does he owe you money or your life? By the way, hasn't the life owed been returned to you?"

Nangong Li puffed a smile and glanced sideways at Xia Qingluo, "your mouth is more and more unforgiving..."

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