When it fell, Xia Qingluo found that it was really an oasis worthy of the name. However, it was strange that it was small and round.

The place where they fell was the periphery of the oasis, which was completely clear.

A green river divides here into two worlds.

The water surface is about ten meters wide. On the other side is the green forest. The trees are towering into the clouds. They can't see the top, as if they are connected to the heaven.

And at their feet is the desert. Looking back, there is boundless and endless. In the distance, there are clouds of sand and dust rolling.

A river separates the two worlds. Perhaps there is such a beautiful scenery only in the Xianxia world.

But it's really deserted here.

I think if you want to go to this oasis, you have to cross the desert.

Of course, if you are an immortal who can fly, there should be no problem.

As if aware of Xia Qingluo's idea, Yunqing asked him to look at the rolling dust in the distance, "there are prohibitions here, and he can't fly, no matter who."

"No." Xia Qingluo looked at her head, "what shall we do when we go back later?"

"We come from Pangu pool in the sky. Naturally, we can enter from the junction point. I'm talking about the other end of the desert."

"Then I'll try..."

"Be careful." Yunqing told him uneasily.

Xia Qingluo jumped up curiously, and then it was like a barrier in the air. Xia Qingluo stumbled and fell in yunqingrang's arms.

Yunqing let him enjoy the feeling that no one threw himself into the arms. He kneaded it a few times before he was unwilling to let go.

Looking at the dark blue sky above his head, he said in a deep voice, "let's go to the entrance of the barren sea."

The green river is not deep and clear. It is said that there is no fish when the water is clear. On the contrary, there are small silverfish with long fingers in the water.

Shining with white luster, swimming in the green river, it's a bit like a 3D Screensaver.

A white jade bridge was erected on the river.

"Wow, master is an expert in architecture." Xia Qingluo joked and ran up the bridge happily.

Running through the water is not impossible, but Yunqing likes to create a little romance, and Xia Qingluo is also happy to enjoy it.

She also stamped her feet playfully, and then let Yunqing down the bridge.

The forest here is also quiet.

A foot stepped down and made a rustling sound of fallen leaves.

It seems particularly attractive.

The air here is a little humid. Xia Qingluo releases her divine consciousness and finds that the oasis is really small, just 500 meters.

In other words, if you take more than 500 steps, you will reach the entrance of the barren sea.

Xia Qingluo saw the end of the oasis and there was a mountain wall like a natural barrier.

In the middle of the mountain wall is an arched entrance, where there is a dark blue light.

When Xia Qingluo looked back, her eyes inadvertently fell in the center of the forest.

It was a tree, towering into the clouds, with a huge crown. Unlike other trees, every leaf on it was crystal clear, like emeralds.

Compared with it, other big trees have become its foil.

Xia Qingluo felt that the big tree looked familiar.

Where have you seen it?

She frowned, but couldn't remember for a moment. Yunqing asked him to let go of his divine knowledge at this time. He had never been here before. Naturally, he wanted to feel the situation here. When he put his divine knowledge on the big tree, he frowned in surprise.

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