The emperor shook his head and pointed to the surrounding air, "how can I do peeping? Look, the surrounding air is stirred by your countless consciousness like running water."

Xia Qingluo looked down the emperor's hand and really saw it.

The air around her was really flowing slowly, and then, more and more slowly. I think it's because of the single reason she thinks now.

However, how can she stop thinking in her mind, including those things of reincarnation, and the true and false experiences in this world, Xia Qingluo has too many questions.

Moreover, there are too many illogical places.

"I'm confused in my mind, so I think a lot, and I don't have any clue. What you appear is too strange. The reincarnation disc is the thing of demon zunyitian. Thoreau's world is now stopped by clouds. However, there are traces of you here. What I want to ask is, if I didn't come here, what would you do and wait?"

Although Xia Qingluo had no clue, she still asked.

The emperor did not directly answer Xia Qingluo, but walked towards the gate of the hall with his hands on his back. As he walked, he answered the question, "I haven't been here for 100000 years. Come in with me."

100000 years?

What is this concept?

The emperor's life span is really long.

The body turns into nothingness, but as long as the divine knowledge and the original God are there, these gods live with heaven and earth.

The emperor in front of us is an example.

Xia Qingluo followed her into the border.

But suddenly it seemed to enter another world.

From the outside, it is a noble and mysterious hall.

There is a wide square and white jade steps.

However, once I came in, I found that it seemed as grand as the heaven.

Countless colored clouds are floating in the air.

Dozens of halls hidden in the clouds are golden colored glass in the sun.

On both sides are towering white jade pillars, covered with ferocious dragons.

They are the kind of divine dragons with back wings, which are very similar to Ying dragons sealed under the seabed of the East China Sea except for their body color.

At this time, the emperor walked slowly, as if savoring the past a little.

Xia Qingluo couldn't see the emperor's eyes, but she also knew that he must be very moved at this time.

It's been 100000 years. What's this concept.

The vicissitudes of life, the vicissitudes of life, I don't know how much I have experienced.

Xia Qingluo hurriedly chased after his back.

This is a strange place. Here, she is no longer a role-playing, nor does she have the so-called God perspective.

Everything is unknown, she naturally needs to be careful.

In a twinkling of an eye, he followed the emperor to a place.

The lake is like a mirror, reflecting colorful clouds and palaces.

The purple bamboo forest encircles the lake.

And at their feet, there are strange flowers and plants.

The emperor stopped, and Xia Qingluo naturally stopped.

It feels like something's wrong.

Xia Qingluo looked around and found something wrong. That is, there are no creatures here except buildings and strange vegetation.

Birds, butterflies, even mosquitoes and flies.

No wonder it's so strangely quiet.

"Emperor, isn't this a holy land? Why isn't there a living creature?" Xia Qingluo asked.

"All the gods have fallen, and there are no more living creatures here." the voice of the divine emperor is very vicissitudes, with a feeling of dusk and morning bell.

"By the way, you haven't answered what I asked just now?" Xia Qingluo asked with a pair of Xiu eyebrows.

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