Is it today?

Xia Qingluo stands in the air on the wall, holding a cane whip. Behind him are the Tianjiang summoned by Yunqing and the ghost general brought by the king of Hades.

She gathered her divine knowledge and went towards the center of the dead city.

But when approaching, it was blocked by a fierce barrier.

That array can fight back.

It seems that this is not an ordinary defensive array, but also offensive.

Not long after, Yunqing asked and Pluto to to fly back from the yellow spring.

Their faces were so calm that they couldn't see anything unusual.

Xia Qingluo's heart also calmed down a lot.

It's not the first time Yunqing and Pluto have experienced such changes.

Yunqing asked him to turn to Xia Qingluo and said in a deep voice, "go back to the human world. Here is my Pluto."

Although the human world is very dangerous, there are all kinds of patrons and Nangong, which is much safer than the underworld.

Xia Qingluo looked at Yun qingrang with some worry, "is the problem serious?"

"It's not the worst yet," said Yun qingrang softly. "As long as you know the array eye, you can stop the start of the array, and then release the soul to restore the sun to calm the change."

"Well, I'll go first. You should be careful." Xia Qingluo whispered.

Yunqing rubbed Xia Qingluo's head, her eyes were soft and nodded gently.

Xia Qingluo returned to the human world.

Standing at the intersection of yin and Yang, I suddenly felt a little different.

She suddenly looked back and saw a blue figure standing in the air not far away. Her eyes were still tied with white yarn, and her black hair was light in the wind.

In the night, it also seems particularly attractive.

Xia Qingluo has been looking for Lang fan in the past six months. Unfortunately, she still hasn't found it. She also hopes to have the news of the emperor. She wants to ask him why the condition she exchanged with her was to let her go to infernal hell.

Xia Qingluo knew what kind of place it was.

Xia Qingluo, who has been in and out of the underworld countless times, knows about infernal hell very well. Therefore, she doesn't understand why the emperor wants her to go to infernal hell and why she hates her so much.

She couldn't think of anything to offend him.

So, when seeing the emperor, Xia Qingluo flew towards him and asked directly a few steps away. "Emperor, do I have a grudge against you?"

The emperor was stunned with his hands behind him. He didn't seem to expect Xia Qingluo to be so direct. He thought seriously for a moment and shook his head, "we have no hatred."

In fact, in the battle to overthrow the God family, Xia Qingluo was the size of a 10-year-old human girl. They had no hatred for both public and private.

Xia Qingluo didn't understand, "without revenge, why did you let me go to infernal hell?"

"Go and get someone else."

"Replacement?" Xia Qingluo was stunned. She looked at the emperor and tried to see what was different from his face. She paused and asked with her eyebrows, "who is it?"

"Change a person to atone for you." the emperor opened his mouth lightly.

"Who is that man?" Xia Qingluo asked.

"You'll know when you go."

"Hum, emperor, do you think I am a three-year-old child? Atone for me. Dare you ask me what crime I have committed?" Xia Qingluo asked sarcastically.

"Do you remember what you experienced in the samsara?"

"Isn't that a dream?"

"It's not a dream, it's real, but it's a dislocation of time and space." the emperor calmly explained.

"What do you mean?" Xia Qingluo looked at the emperor.

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