The emperor had a spell of solidification time, which was also used by him.

Today can be said to be a time, place and people. The only pity is that AoYa and his subordinates could not be saved from the seal.

By chance, he learned from a mysterious man who came to him that the emperor of the earth Protoss was under the city of the dead city.

That is a god different from the emperor.

He has a strong desire for control. Moreover, he is cruel and vicious by nature and has no humanity.

Most importantly, the emperor began at the beginning of the world.

It will never die unless the six realms collapse and start the next era again.

Otherwise, she will always exist between heaven and earth.

Yes, the emperor is a woman.

Wearing a mask all year round and acting ruthlessly, she seldom knows the fact that she is a woman.

Yangfan doesn't know the purpose of the mysterious man to tell himself these things.

However, these news are good news for him.

The big array used to suppress the emperor is too old, but its power is still the same as that of the past. To start the big array, you need countless souls and hostility.

So he and the mysterious man turned his subordinates into ghost generals, obtained soulless grass, and then opened a restaurant in Haishi. After the first group of people were poisoned, the soul separated and came to the dead city.

However, their bodies have become like the plague under the erosion of soulless grass.

So, there was a change.

As a result, more and more wronged souls were attracted to waste the dead city, and finally reached a point beyond the control of the human world.

Although human beings are developing rapidly, there are also places where they can't do anything.

That's it.

To start the formation, we also need a key figure, Xia Qingluo.

Only she can trigger the emperor's time spell.

Let time stand still.

Then Xia Qingluo was killed and sacrificed to the emperor of the array with her blood essence and Yuanshen blood.

I don't know what grudges Xia Qingluo has with the emperor, but the mysterious man told him that only when Xia Qingluo is dead can the emperor start the time magic, then tear up time and space and send him back to his real space and real home.

But AoYa and the only thousands of subordinates left, he has no time to take care of them.

The longer he stayed here, the weaker he found his fighting spirit.

Even came up with the idea that living here is actually good.

He did not allow himself to forget his hometown. Since there was no hope of subverting the six worlds, he thought that even if he died, he would die in the beautiful sea where he was born.

And now it seems that everything is going well together.

So, at the moment when time was stopped, the hyacinth sail moved.

Holding the magic sword in his hand, he carried the pure magic Qi and stabbed Xia Qingluo fiercely.

The art of time stagnation can only last for five minutes.

These five minutes are enough for him to get rid of Xia Qingluo and Yun qingrang, as well as Jiang and GUI Jiang these days.

It's a worry.

At this time, with a proud smile and a heart of victory, rangfan rushed to Xia Qingluo like a touch of light.

Xia Qingluo moved at the moment when she thought the sword point stabbed into Xia Qingluo's heart.

She twisted her body hard. Although she was laborious, she hid in the past, and then a whip hit the hyacinth sail.

And Yunqing let him move, but his speed is very slow, just like slow motion.

And his body became thinner and thinner. He knew that he would be crushed and driven away by the power of time.

But Xia Qingluo is still there.

He can't wait to die.

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