The little one is a girl of 14 or 15 years old. She is petite and slender, has a beautiful appearance, turns her big eyes and asks in a crisp voice, "Grandpa, when can we get to Fuzhou?"

Grandpa Du smiled, and his fingers spoiled Du Xiaodu's small nose. "Come on, just go through the valley."

Du Xiaodu smiled, then stopped, turned around, held the big tree next to him, gently rubbed the trunk with his face, and sighed with satisfaction, "it's good in the Central Plains. I'm back in the Central Plains again."

Grandpa Du tied his horse to the tree on the other side, lifted up his robe and sat down, "who cried that the western regions were good and didn't want to come back..."

Du Xiaodu hurried to Grandpa Du's side, kneaded his shoulder with his small hand, and said forcefully, "sister aloshan is so kind to me, I can't give up her. She roasted the whole sheep. It's so delicious."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a coo. It is particularly obvious in the silent forest.

Du Xiaodu felt embarrassed and said with a smile, "when I say this, I'm hungry again."

"Little greedy girl." Grandpa Du smiled helplessly.

Then he twirled a fallen leaf and flicked his fingers. Du Xiaodu felt that there seemed to be a strong wind in his ear, and the surrounding trees seemed to tremble.

She quickly trotted along the direction of the fallen leaves, bent up and picked up a colorful pheasant.

The pheasant's heart was deeply inserted with a leaf, and there was no blood flowing out.

I'm afraid he died before he could react.

Grandpa Du's Kung Fu is as steady, accurate and cruel as ever.

Du Xiaodu held his chin and watched grandpa Du roast pheasants for her. The fire lit by the wood was jumping naughtily and roasting golden pheasant meat.

The attractive aroma of chicken spread everywhere. Du Xiaodu looked at Grandpa Du admiringly, "Grandpa, Grandpa, you are really my most powerful Grandpa. You not only have good Kung Fu, but also have higher barbecue skills!"

"You greedy cat, why so much nonsense..."

Grandpa Du glanced sideways at his granddaughter. Although his tone was accusing, his eyes could not hide his kindness.

Du Xiaodu smiled and looked up at the sky above the valley.

The ancient sky is really blue.

She has been here for three months.

As for the reason why she came here, she didn't think it was routine at all.

It's strange.

She saw Yitian, which gradually became transparent and then disappeared, and then a purple orchid appeared on her forehead. At the beginning, it was light purple, with three petals. After a few breaths, it turned into a strange blue, like a deep sea.

Then, as soon as her eyes were dark, she came to the world.

This is a very strange world.

It can be said to be the immortal Xia world or the martial arts world.

Because her grandfather is a Wulin expert, but it is said that he entered the cultivation with martial arts, that is, the legendary martial arts cultivation.

The original owner, like her name, is also called Du Xiaodu.

Since childhood, both parents have died and have been traveling around with Grandpa.

She has seen the mountains, rivers and even the imperial palace. She has drunk the holy spring of Buzhou mountain and eaten the delicious food that the emperor can eat. It's really insightful. A hundred girls can't compare with her.

This is a lucky girl.

However, the original owner did not die, because at the moment when her soul crossed, she saw the girl and should go to the modern, that is, the future.

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