"Heaven?" the man didn't seem to understand.

"Where did you come from?"

"I'm the guard of Sala Dharma world. I'm ordered by our Dharma protector to catch the defected Prince..."

With that, his face turned white.

He didn't want to say it. Why did he say it like that.

It's confidential.

If the Dharma protector knows, his life and his family will be ruined.

Who is this woman and why she has irresistible power.

Xia Qingluo took back the invisible flower hanging in the air, which is a plant that can tell the truth.

However, before Xia Qingluo asked, the man suddenly twisted his face, and then his facial features began to shed blood. It seemed that something was surging under the skin on his face.

Xia Qingluo stepped back. The man suddenly screamed and blew up.

Xia Qingluo flew into the air and waved her sleeves. The smoke after the explosion went with the wind.

It soon disappeared.

This is a strange town.

The ground seemed to be surging with blood.

Xia Qingluo still walked forward. After walking for a while, she heard a faint breath. She stopped and turned her head. It seemed that there was still a person lying in the alley filled with garbage... It was a living person.

Xia Qingluo walked over gently. The smell here was terrible. If she were an ordinary human, she might have been infected with the plague.

Fortunately, it is still a long way from the Central Plains.

Xia Qingluo closed the five senses, then flicked her finger, and a green light brushed away part of the garbage. If there was someone, it was just a boy.

The boy is about 10 years old. His clothes are dirty, with black hair and white skin, which is rare in the human world.

His eyes were closed and he looked beautiful. However, there was blood left on his face, and some of it had begun to dry up, adding a bit of gloom

The boy's cracked lips faintly spit out, "water... Water..."

Xia Qingluo took a leaf. There was clear water in the leaf. She gently stroked the boy's lips with the tip of the leaf. The leaf moistened it, then fed him some water and wiped the blood on the boy's face with a cloth.

Not to mention, what a beautiful child.

Unexpectedly, the boy suddenly opened his eyes. His pupils were as dark as his hair. It seemed that he couldn't see to the end.

Xia Qingluo was stunned. She had never seen such eyes. They were cold and with boundless defense. They were the eyes of talents living in the dark world all year round.

"You... Who are you?... are you going to kill me?" the boy said hard.

Xia Qingluo pretended to smile easily. "Children should be naive. Don't always say whether to kill or not. My sister is your lifesaver!"

The boy stood up, gasped and said coldly, "how do you want me to repay you?"

Xia Qingluo smiled. "Let's talk about this later! But can I ask you a few questions?"

Xia Qingluo doesn't use invisible flowers because they are harmful to children.

The boy was stunned. "What do you want to ask me?"

"Do you know where this is?"

"This is..." he looked at it and hid the cold in his eyes. "This is the meteor town in the Dharma world of Sara."

"Where is meteor town in your salafa community?" Xia Qingluo asked with a smile.

"On... An island of death." the boy hesitated and answered quietly.

Xia Qingluo stood up. This is not the island of death at all.

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