"Han Sheng, how can you be so shameless? I hate you......" Su Jin's face blushed like clouds, and a sense of humiliation filled her heart. She recklessly stretched out her hand and shouted, "return my son, you shameless old monster..."

"Who are you scolding?" Han Sheng was angry. If she didn't worry that she was bao'er's mother, she would have died hundreds of times.

"I'll scold you." Su Jin opened her mouth with hatred and wiped the blood stains from the corners of her mouth. "I'm really blind. If I knew you were the bitch's favorite Han Sheng, I wouldn't look at you at all."

"Bitch?" Han Sheng sneered, "are you talking about yourself?"

"You know that I was calculated by the women in your palace. I haven't settled with you yet." Su Jin's voice was angry.

"She calculated you?" Han Sheng was amused. "She has a poor soul and a damaged body. She is still sleeping, but you have been at ease for tens of thousands of years. Who calculated who?"

"How can I be carefree?" Su Jin burst into tears, making his little face like a jade glow. He complained sadly, "... I was hurt by nine demons. When I woke up, I looked for you from heaven and earth. How many years have I been looking for, do you know?"

Han Sheng looked at Su Jin's tears and was upset for no reason.

He stared at Su brocade, his voice was cold and threatening, "if you don't want your green hill to be destroyed, you'd better get away from me..."

With that, Han Sheng hugged the child and waved a sword. Su Jin was heartbroken and didn't know to hide.

And Han Sheng didn't expect Su Jin to wait for him to stab.

A slap just now was just a warning. He didn't really want to kill her, but the sword was like water thrown out and couldn't be taken back.

Fortunately, Xia Qingluo and Nangong Li fought together and pulled Nangong brocade aside.

Nangong Li rushed towards Han Sheng, but was held by Su Jin, "no, be careful to hurt my child."

Nangong Li stopped.

Han Sheng snorted coldly and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

On the withered and yellow grass, Nangong Sujin cried without image.

Xia Qingluo is not in her mind and feels a little annoyed.

What's going on.

Nangong Li looked gloomy and clenched the sword in his hand. If he didn't care about the child in his arms, how could Nangong Li be so bent.

If you can't fight, you have to fight.

Xia Qingluo squatted down and patted Su Jin on the shoulder. "Don't cry. What's going on? I'm confused."

"Qingluo..." Su Jin rushed into Xia Qingluo's arms and cried more sadly, "I'm really blind. How can I be with him..."

"Alas, I knew it would be like this. I'll just lift your son's seal and let him live and die here." Xia Qingluo said angrily.

"Don't blame you, blame my bad life..." Su Jin raised her tears, looked at Xia Qingluo and choked, "Qingluo, in fact, my cold life is dead, isn't it?"

"HMM." Xia Qingluo nodded and said seriously, "in a sense, your cold life is really dead."

"My husband died and my child was robbed. What should I do?" Nangong Sujin asked Xia Qingluo with tearful eyes.

"Don't worry, let's find a way together. We can definitely get the child back." Xia Qingluo comforted.

"I'm going to find the emperor of heaven to judge." Su Jin suddenly thought of this road. She dried her tears, stood up and was about to fly towards the heaven.

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