But unexpectedly, the little demon bowed her head down. Although she didn't know what she was going to do, the fragrance was very refreshing and slightly relieved his pain.

But the next moment, the little demon Xin's soft body left.

Yunqing felt bored and let go.

However, the little demon didn't go, but muttered how to cry.

I felt her impatience and the cluttered footsteps of her walking around the room.

If you can talk, yunqingrang will definitely drive her out.

But Yunqing let him guess the beginning, but he didn't guess the result. He didn't expect that Xia Qingluo ran from the window the next moment.

Then he threw himself on him and howled, "Shifu, you're dying miserably. Shifu, open your eyes and look at me, Shifu... Don't die, how can you live alone if you die..."

Yunqing makes the cold sweat flow more joyful.

I regret why I caught her just now.

Xia Qingluo howled and patted yunqingrang's chest, as if yunqingrang was really dead.

But Xia Qingluo still had no tears.

Not only no, but I feel that my eyes are dry at this time.

If only there were some chili water, Xia Qingluo was thinking.

"Master, you can't die, master... You can't leave me." Xia Qingluo continued to be emotional.

Yunqing feels that the veins on his forehead are jumping around. He really wants to wake up and strangle the little demon.

If he is really dead, will the little demon do the thunder and rain as before?

It's true that the heart of rattan is wood.

Yunqing made me a little bored.

Just interrupted by Xia Qingluo, I didn't seem to feel the pain of burning my heart just now.

About an hour and a half later, Yunqing asked Yun to exercise all his willpower to restrain himself. He didn't want to show pain in front of the little demon.

It's just that it makes him feel particularly difficult.

I just hope the little demon doesn't howl and leaves here quickly.

Xia Qingluo was excited. She patted yunqingrang's heart and continued to brew, "master, wake up, don't leave me alone. I can't live if you die

But I want to live, I want to eat ice cream, I want to go to the beach, I want to surf the Internet, I want to watch movies, I... I want to go home, I don't like here... I want to go home, I miss home, I miss my father and mother... "

Xia Qingluo choked and couldn't speak out. Her tears filled her eyes. She quickly leaned forward, held yunqingrang's head in her hands and raised it slightly. Drops of crystal clear tears fell on yunqingrang's thin lips.

Then disappeared.

Yunqing's heart suddenly danced irregularly. He clearly heard Xia Qingluo's words. It turns out that the little demon has always wanted to go back to xiaoqingqiu. It turns out that she doesn't like it here. What are the Internet and ice cream?

His body was slowly no longer stiff. The tears flowing in along the corners of his mouth were fragrant and cool like a touch of snow on the Tianshan Mountain. The fire in his body seemed to be watered out by Xia Qingluo's tears.

At this time, his face was held by the little demon. They were very close. Close, he smelled the fragrance of Xia Qingluo again.

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