This is the world under the control of heaven.

Since there are more memories of later generations, Yunqing also knows that the three thousand worlds under the heaven may not be the whole of the universe.

There are still many time and space he doesn't know.

For example, the meteor town suddenly appeared. I don't know which parallel space it blinked from.

The cloud is clear, let me raise my head slightly.

The way of heaven was originally invisible. At this time, it was shrouded in the three thousand worlds, but only the cloud was clear so that its shape could be seen.

Yunqing asked him to open the sky skill. When he looked carefully, he was suddenly shocked!

The way of heaven has indeed changed.

In the past, the way of heaven was just very small light intertwined, like a sky net.

Now, the sky net made of these small lights has turned into little stars.

The stars haunt each other and form a very strange pattern.

Then everything else is normal.

Hiding from heaven?

Yunqing let himself think to himself that the man wearing the mask is so high in cultivation and is on the verge of becoming an immortal. Why does he draw a talisman?

And the purpose of his painting is to hide the sky and cross the sea to change the life style of mortals.

After the mortal's life style is changed, the Tao of heaven is not aware at all, but over time, the foundation of the avenue will definitely be damaged to varying degrees.

Moreover, after the change of life style, resentment and Yin Qi are increasing day by day. If these resentments and Yin Qi accumulate more, the power will rise to the sky, which can't be coveted!

Why do these things?

It is often said that you can't get up early without profit. When a person does something, he always has his purpose and the final result he wants.

What's the purpose of this masked man? What kind of result does he want?

Subvert the Six Worlds?

Although the Yin Qi and resentment are powerful, even if they are absorbed by a person, they are only supported by Yin Qi and resentment for a while.

It's not so terrible for heaven.

So what else should we do?

Yunqing asked him to suddenly stretch out his hand, make a pen with his fingers in the air and write in the air.

Hiding from Tianfu, masked man, divine dragon, Ba snake, waste sea, Qingyi, Yinglong, divine emperor, human emperor

Yunqing asked him to write these out one by one.

These words were floating in the air with a faint golden light.

Yunqing asked to check carefully.

Then his mind moved, a drop of heart blood turned into a fog, shrouded in these characters.

The drizzle of painstaking blood touched these words, and then the golden light flourished.

Yunqing let him sit on the sea of clouds and began to deduce it carefully.

With Yun qingrang's deduction, these characters suddenly rolled violently in mid air.

Then, out of thin air, a golden silk thread suddenly appeared, tightly connecting these characters together.

At this time, the clear cloud closed his eyes, and fine beads of sweat exuded from his forehead.

I think it took him a lot of effort to come to this deduction.

Well, it proves that there is another behind the scenes.

In other words, the masked man is not the leader. There is another man behind him.

And this man's accomplishments are even more profound.

Maybe equal to him, maybe above him!

Therefore, the more he pushed, the harder he worked, and the more he deduced, the more he was bitten. Suddenly, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and Yunqing let him fall from the sea of clouds.

Fell heavily on the cliff!

After a long time, he slowly opened his eyes.

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