However, the two talents have just separated, and the appointment hasn't arrived yet.

How could Yitian know what happened to her.

Tears in Du Xiaodu's eyes crackled down.

She didn't even dare to move. She was afraid that if she moved, she would provoke the poisons around her, so she rushed into mass action and divided her body.

Just when Du Xiaodu was desperate and helpless, a voice like the sound of nature suddenly came from the top of the valley, "Dudu, Du Xiaodu..."


Du Xiaodu listened carefully again.

It's Yitian, it's really Yitian!

I just thought of him. He turned up in the valley.

A trace of ecstasy rushed to Du Xiaodu's heart. At this time, she couldn't care whether she would annoy these poisons. In her heart, Yitian was the bane of all demons.

As long as he comes, she will be saved.

Du Xiaodu couldn't stand up, so he had to pull his neck and shout, "Yitian, I'm here, come and save me..."

Yi Tian concentrated on gathering Qi and looked at the bottom of the valley.

Sure enough, he saw Du Xiaodu's face full of tears. A touch of heartache rushed into his heart. He clung to a branch on one side.

Who is it?

Damn it, I dare to put a little girl at the bottom of a valley full of poisons.

According to Du Xiaodu's temperament, if he comes a little later, those poisons will not eat her and will scare her to death!

At the thought that Du Xiaodu would die quietly at the bottom of the valley, Yitian felt heartache as if he couldn't breathe.

But I don't know who set up a strange border above the valley.

His voice can pass, but he can't do anything else for the time being.

Yi Tian gathered his voice and shouted to Du Xiaodu at the bottom of the valley, "Du Xiaodu, are you okay?"

"I'm fine now, Yitian. Help me. There are poisonous snakes and spiders here. I'm so scared. Help me up quickly..."

Du Xiaodu's voice was choking and full of panic and helplessness.

"Don't be afraid, I'll save you right away. You stand there and don't move." Yi Tian comforted softly.

"Well, I won't move. Come and save me quickly." Du Xiaodu cried.

Yi Tian's voice became softer. "Don't be afraid. With me, I won't let you have anything."

With these words, Yitian stood above the valley, his fingers moved, and black gas overflowed from his fingertips.

Then it condenses into a sword in mid air.

Yi Tian held the sword in his hand and cut it hard at the border.

The protective layer above the boundary vibrated several times.

Just when Yitian thought the boundary was unbreakable, the boundary suddenly dispersed around like water, and suddenly disappeared above the valley.

Yitian didn't have time to think about the strangeness here.

Holding his sword, he flew down the valley at top speed.

After a few breaths, Yitian fell next to Du Xiaodu, whose face was full of tears.

Stretch out his hand, pull up Du Xiaodu and protect her firmly in his arms.

Yi Tian frowned and looked at the poisonous things around him. His eyes were full of murderous spirit. He waved his sword and rowed around. Black lights flashed, and the nearby poisons turned into a black smoke and disappeared in the air.

The poisons in the distance, as if they had heard an order, suddenly retreated towards the rear.

In the blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace.

It's like it never happened.

At this time, Du Xiaodu's prohibition was also lifted.

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