Xia Qingluo was bored in the books and couldn't speak, but she knew that song Bo was also an expert.

But there are too many books, and there are bookshelves on the back.

Fortunately, she is not an ordinary person. She is a little demon. She is a little demon with great strength.

With a wave of her hand, she pushed the bookshelf away, and she finally came out of the pile of books.

But I was surprised to find that a pair of feet appeared in front of me.

White boots, embroidered with light cyan cloud patterns, look spotless. And the white gown, like a touch of water, rippled gently in front of Xia Qingluo.

Looking up along the long shirt, it was Yunqing's condescending eyes.

He looked indifferent, and the corners of his mouth looked up from this angle.

Xia Qingluo wondered, why did he come?

"The way you find books is special," said Yun Qing with a smile.

I didn't want to pull her at all.

Xia Qingluo looked up helplessly and had to smile, "how convenient it is to find books like this, Hei hei..."

As he spoke, he casually picked up a book and pretended to read it, but suddenly Xia Qingluo burst out laughing.

Sure enough, I answered that sentence: there is no place to find in broken iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it!

This is the book she is looking for.

It is impressively printed with several big characters: complete records of mountain and river geography.

Xia Qingluo happily shook the book in her hand, her eyes shining brightly, "master, I found this book."

"It's really convenient."

Yunqing let the negative hand stand, looked down at the surprised Xia Qingluo, and missed a trace of incomprehensible emotion in her heart.

He didn't find the man who tried to take away the demon today.

Because in the hall of the headmaster, the headmaster and the five martial uncles are there.

And both men and women are in the same state as before.

The extinction he suspected of leaving the table early is certainly among them today, but everything is normal. He almost broke the man's yuan God yesterday. Even if there is a pill to bring the dead back to life, it can't recover in one night.

The whole thing is strange.

So he told the headmaster alone. The meaning of the headmaster was similar to his. The goal was not the little demon, but him.

However, according to Yun qingrang's accomplishments, the leader didn't worry, but he felt very angry and ashamed for his fellow disciples with such a dirty mind.

At the same time, I also felt the smell of danger.

Nowadays, the most disdainful thing for immortals is to give up.

That's what demons and ghosts do.

These real immortals are not allowed to do so, otherwise the world of immortality would have become a pot of porridge.

Yunqingrang will leave for Dongzhou tomorrow. He told yunqingrang that he must attend the gathering of immortals on that day.

Yunqing let nature agree.

According to his speed, it's only three hours from Dongzhou to the sect. It's really nothing.

The headmaster smiled and asked Yunqing to make a few concessions, and then asked the disciples to find the elders of the discipline hall to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Yunqing let nature not take care of him. He walked out of the leader's hall without delay. As soon as he thought about it, he came to the Sutra Pavilion. A Bai outside was basking in the sun and didn't see Lin Ziao.

Song Bo told him that his apprentice was smashed by the book.

Knowing that there would be no danger, he flew in without thinking.

Sure enough, I saw the little demon struggling in a lot of books.

When Yunqing asked funny to find books in this way, she found that the way Xiaoyao reads books is different from people.

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