Nan Yan was extremely disappointed.

A layer of water vapor filled the eyes.

She sobbed, "Yunzhi, is that you, is that you?"

Yes, it must be him.

But how did he appear here.

Are you looking for her?

Will it?

I don't think so.

So how could a cruel and heartless person come to her through time and space?

Maybe she was dazzled?

She suddenly stared at the silent man not far away and asked fiercely, "what did you see just now?"

"I......" the man hesitated.

The next moment, a vigorous wind hit, and the man was beaten by the fierce vigorous wind and fell to the ground.

Nanyan coldly warned, "tell the truth, otherwise, you know the consequences..."

As like as two peas, he looked down at the man and said, "I see a man who looks exactly like me."

As soon as the voice fell to the ground, a white light flashed, and the vigorous weathered giant palm patted it hard at the man.

The dust was flying, and the man was severely patted into the soil, leaving only his upper body on the ground and blood on the corners of his mouth.

Dripping on the moon white clothes, it is particularly shocking.

South smoke came over as like as two peas, and kicked him in the heart of the man. He snapped at him, "what are you like?

The man lowered his head and covered the dark light in his eyes.


Nan Yan disdained, "you should be glad. If you didn't have three imagination with him, I would have killed you."

The man still bowed his head.

Nan Yan obviously didn't want to talk to him.

But with a wave of his sleeve, he waved the man photographed into the soil to the foot of the mountain.

After a cold glance, she stood where the cloud stop image appeared and looked at it.

At the same time, great hope rose in my heart.

Yunzhi is here, too.

Does that mean that these two time and space will be opened up soon.

If so, will you see the clouds stop.

But what if I see it.

From beginning to end, there was only one Xia Qingluo in Yunzhi's eyes and heart.

At the thought of this, Nan Yan's face began to become ferocious.

His eyes are evil and his heart is like being bitten by ten thousand poisonous snakes.

Biting her teeth, she thought, since you can't get it, destroy it.

When she has practiced the last level of time-space transformation, she will take the gods and Demons here to kill Xia Qingluo and destroy the six realms like the Exorcism in those years.

Let Yunzhi have no place to live, let him kneel on the ground and ask for her forgiveness.

At the thought of this scene, Nan Yan laughed happily.

The man who fell down the mountain felt that his internal organs seemed to have moved.

But these pains seem to be worth the pain in my heart.

He was the king of the world.

His name is Haomiao, and this continent is named after him.

He and his people have always lived in this land.

He has a beautiful queen and he has lovely children.

However, just three hundred years ago, he met Nanyan who didn't know where he came from.

Her peerless beauty made him fall in love at first sight.

So, regardless of the opposition of the people around him, he took her to the King City.

I think I can hold left and right, and I think I've only had one more woman since then.

But I never thought that this woman was a devil.

Haomiao's hand was slowly put on his face.

Yes, yes, as like as two peas.

But this is not what he is!

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