"Well, I see. Your ability to control your wings is much more casual than before." Xia Qingluo praised with a smile, "it seems that you work hard."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't even have a direction for my efforts," lol said sincerely.

Yunqing let her frown, and then she looked at the little boy in front of her seriously.

He was about eight or nine years old. His eyebrows were exquisite and beautiful. His eyes were as dark as his hair. It seemed that he couldn't see to the end at a glance.

The eyebrows and eyes are a little familiar.

Yunqing makes Gou's lips smile. It seems that he looks a bit like him.

First he frowned, then after a few breaths, he relaxed his look and asked the little boy, "lol, is there a tree with white leaves in this town?"

Lol was stunned, but quickly nodded without covering up, but directly said, "that's a tree with enough aura in our Haomiao continent, called bailing tree, but there's only one here..."

"Haomiao mainland?" Xia Qingluo asked in surprise, "that's your real home, isn't it?"

Lol nodded and his bright eyes dimmed a little.

And the whole person's expression was silent, and there was an out of age sadness between his eyebrows and eyes.

Xia Qingluo stretched out her hand, rubbed lol's small head and said softly, "now take us to see the tree."

Lol nodded.

Pressed away the sadness in the bottom of my heart, lol skillfully led the way in front and said, "recently, most of these people have become calm and generally know what happened. Some have accepted their fate and some want to break out, but..."

The next words, needless to say, also know.

Those who want to break out are either killed by Tianjiang and Tianbing or by lol.

In short, those who stay are dead.

No wonder it's so quiet here.

The three people walked very fast. They also met some people stranded in meteor town on the way.

These people are no longer rampant at the beginning.

But some look very indifferent.

People like them, even in Haomiao continent, were exiled and disliked by other races.

And after this period of time, they vaguely know that the boy who is only ten years old, lol, has noble blood and high cultivation.

Even let them have a faint feeling of submission.

And this feeling can only prove that the little boy's origin is extraordinary.

And the little boy lol is especially taken care of by the gods of the world.

So lol's position in this meteor town is now supreme.

Almost everything he promised Xia Qingluo was done.

At this time, little lol was young after all. Those hurt spring and autumn were soon forgotten. While walking, she and Xia Qingluo introduced the current situation of the town as before.

Soon they came to the northwest corner of the town.

Sure enough, there was a big tree with white leaves on a hill.

About tens of meters high.

The trunk is also very thick. It takes three adults to hold it hand in hand.

I think this tree is nearly hundreds of years old.

As like as two peas, Ling Bai came to see the trees before him, and it was exactly the same as the trees he saw in the different time and space.

Although the breath is strange, the foundation should be the same.

Yunqing thought to himself that there are cracks and black holes everywhere in this space-time, but not every crack and black hole will be found.

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