He just stood at the door and said with a gloomy face, "I don't know it's the emperor and the ancestor. I hope you can forgive me."

Xia Qingluo tightened her eyebrows, and her surprise came again.

It was the first time she saw the wood God, and the feeling was different from that in the legend.

How did the old wood God pass the position to such a woman?

Since it was all a business posture, she fulfilled her. Xia Qingluo said seriously, "wood God, I hope we don't talk about forgiveness. My God is higher than you. Although I don't need big gifts to pay homage, some rules can't be avoided. Otherwise, won't other circles laugh at our heaven, regardless of size and dignity?"

"Ancestor, you..." the wood God bit his teeth angrily.

"What's the matter with me?"

"You bully people. The heaven is harmonious. There are so many strict rules. Did you think of them yourself?" the wood God's voice disdained.

"Since you think so, it's right." Xia Qingluo looked around with a mocking smile. "That's the case. Why do you live in the wood god palace and lead other fairies? You should give your position to other fairies. It's like what you said."

"You..." wood God was speechless.

At this time, Yun qingrang, who had been silent, suddenly stepped forward and stared at the wood God.

Being stared at by such a pair of star eyes, the wood God's proud face turned red.

She bit her lips and was about to say something, but Yunqing slapped her.

Just hit the wood God in the face.

Xia Qingluo was stunned.

Although the wood God hated it a little, he didn't seem to do anything else intolerable.

Why did Yun qingrang do it?

And she moved so fast that she didn't have time to react.

Unexpectedly, Yunqing let another slap on the other side of the face.

Then he grabbed it in the air. A thin figure was caught in the palm of his hand by Yunqing. Although the figure was thin, it could be seen that it was a woman.

Hair is long.

Wearing a plain white skirt, he was struggling with fear.

The wood God's face was strangely not red and swollen, but his eyes were confused at the moment, as if he had just woke up.

But the look was strangely different from that just now.

Yun qingrang grabbed the figure in his hand and said unhappily to the confused wooden God, "you are a magnificent wooden God, who also soared up. Your cultivation is not low and your divine power is high. How can you let the lonely ghost occupy your sea of knowledge?"

With that, she released her hand and the woman was about to escape, but Yunqing fixed a talisman in mid air and couldn't move any more.

When Xia Qingluo heard these words, she looked intently, but unfortunately, she didn't see it.

The cultivation of Yun qingrang seems to be a higher level.

Xia Qingluo is not good at it.

She didn't care, but wondered how yunqingrang could see it so quickly.

After all, the wood God seems to know the woman.

It also seems to be willing to be occupied to know the sea.

Wood God's face was a little pale. He looked at the woman, then looked at Xia Qingluo and Yun qingrang, lowered his head, "I'm sorry for her. I took the initiative to share the sea with her."

"Take the initiative to share?" Xia Qingluo glanced at the woman in surprise. "Wood God, she is fierce and resentful. You share the sea together. Don't you take pictures and be swallowed up?"

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