What about the promised glow?

What about the beautiful silk?

What is this brown thing that looks like a pile of sack slices?

Xia Qingluo's heart is cold.

But I was curious to keep it.

It's a jacket and a pair of trousers.

But when I mentioned it, I thought it was really a clothes made of gunny bags.

Is she going to be the leader of the beggars' sect?

Xia Qingluo paused and ran out with the sack piece.

She doesn't want to wear it. It's ugly.

I'm not going to the barren land of jiuyouzhou. How can I see people dressed like this.

Yunqingrang is too bad!

Xia Qingluo turned too quickly. Even if the people behind him were fast, they didn't have time to dodge, so Xia Qingluo bumped firmly into Yun qingrang's chest.

Yun qingrang didn't move.

He lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the little demon.

Xia Qingluo feels that she has Venus in her eyes.

She fell on yunqingrang's chest, as if yunqingrang in her eyes had become two people.

Xia Qingluo covered her sour nose and a line of clear tears slowly flowed down her cheeks.

"Are you crying with joy?" Yunqing surprised. "It's just a suit of clothes, so moved?"

Hi, your sister!

Thank you for your wool!

"Master." Xia Qingluo raised the sack in her hand, blinked her big watery eyes, and tried to make herself very sincere and gentle, "master, is this the new dress you gave me?"

"HMM." Yunqing asked to nod.

"Are you sure you got it right?" Xia Qingluo asked for confirmation.

Yunqing asked Junmei to pick such clothes. There is only one set in the world. How can you take them wrong?

Also, the little demon's eyes look like a disgust.

Yunqing, who wanted to make it clear, suddenly didn't want to say it.

In addition, he is an indifferent person.

He pushed away the little demon's body, then reached out and handed her a knot and opened his mouth faintly, "I made a knot for you with the rest of the material for clothes, and tied the jade pendant in your cloth bag. If you don't come out in a quarter of an hour, you'll stay here to guard Zixia peak."

After saying that, Yunqing let him look at the stunned little demon with satisfaction, and turned to walk outside the hall.

"Shifu......" Xia Qingluo still didn't respond.

"Hmm?" Yunqing asked to look back.

"Nothing..." Xia Qingluo wanted to ask yunqingrang how she learned that she had a jade pendant in her hand. On second thought, it was just this idea. Who was yunqingrang.

This is the owner of Zixia peak.

The pillar of qingluan sect.

The most important thing is the reincarnated god.

It is estimated that when he was in the abyss of ghosts that day, he had found the jade pendant given to him by the baby monster.

It's boring to ask.

"That's right." Yunqing let suddenly paused, like the handsome eyebrow of the distant mountain spring water, "that suit of clothes must be changed, otherwise, he will stay here to guard."

Ah ah!

Xia Qingluo looked at Yun qingrang who left like a stroll in the court, and stamped her feet with hatred.

After thinking over and over again, Xia Qingluo finally compromised. Xia Qingluo reluctantly unfolded the broken sack piece in her hand

The appearance of the clothes is very simple, a little similar to the ancient short fighting clothes.

Xia Qingluo really wants to step on her feet to vent her anger.

But you have to wear it yourself after stepping on it.

Not cost-effective......

Besides, she doesn't want to guard in this ghost place. Yunqing lets go. It's dangerous for her.

And it's nice to go out with Yunqing.

Just like traveling in modern times.

Xia Qingluo grits her teeth. Anyway, she doesn't have a plan to make a beautiful man now.

Just be ugly.

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