But just now he looked so angry that it was obvious that they couldn't even talk well.

The pale blue face here is very bad.

Yunqing and Jinghao are in full swing in mid air.

Both of their accomplishments have reached the peak.

Yunqing is supported by Xia Qingluo's natural aura, while Jinghao has a mysterious energy group to deliver energy.

Two people are in midair, sometimes far away, sometimes entangled.

Jing Hao is wearing a long black shirt, while Yun Qing is wearing white. The figure of one black and one white gets up quickly, just like two black-and-white beams.

It's dazzling. Even Xia Qingluo can't feel it with divine consciousness. At this moment, who has the upper hand?

At this time, because of the collision between the two people, the energy continues to explode, the Reiki continues to absorb, and then runs out. Therefore, even if the heavenly master comes here now, the divine consciousness can't go in.

Xia Qingluo's heart became more and more anxious.

But he didn't dare to intervene rashly. If Yunqing distracted him, it would be bad.

The same is true for blue.

The two people were not in the mood to talk, but hung in mid air and looked at the two figures fighting together.

At this time, the heavenly soldiers and generals sent by the Heavenly Emperor surrounded here.

Xia Qingluo waved them not to come in.

Now, according to their cultivation, even if they come in, they will be cannon fodder.

She is different from canglan. After all, they used to be gods and officials in the God family.

So it can withstand such an impact.

But the heavenly soldiers and generals brought by them are a little dangerous.

At this moment, Jing Hao's anger seems to burn his whole chest to ashes.

He suddenly had an idea to destroy everything.

Looking at the pale yellow figure in the distance, it was pale blue. She loved people for tens of thousands of years.

Now stand there and watch coldly.

He thought that the canglan at this moment wanted him to be killed by Yunqing, didn't he?

Otherwise, why did he stop himself instead of Yunqing.

At this time, Jing Hao has actually lost his mind.

This energy mass comes from different time and space, which can not be fully digested by the God of the world.

Some mysterious forces and some mysterious emotions quietly infiltrated into Jing Hao's body and sea awareness.

If he could calm down and make a good analysis, he would know that the canglan asked him to stop at this moment. He didn't want him to be wrong again. He wanted him to be good.

And she had something to say to him.

Because he can say such words, it proves that Cang LAN is closest to Jing Hao, who is unconscious in his heart.

Yunqingrang is just a stranger.

But among all these twists and turns, Jing Hao had long been unable to see or think of them, and he refused to think about them.

At this time, his eyes were filled with the figure as white as moonlight.

Even in such a war, the man still had picturesque eyes and black hair.

The white gown was like moonlight under the dark clouds.

And he waved his dazzling blue cloud sword, just like a picture of the city.

As a man, he knows that no one in the world is more suitable to wear a white shirt than Yun qingrang.

Jing Hao roared, and the energy group exploded in the sea again.

Like a black sword, it galloped towards Yunqing.

At this moment, yunqingrang's eyebrows and eyes are stained with a touch of cold. He is integrated with Biyun's sword heart and spirit. He turns his body into a sword, and the sword into him. He extracts the power of heaven from the air, with boundless power of heaven.

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