After pondering for a moment, he said to Xia Qingluo, "time has passed for too long. You want to think of it all. It really takes time. Don't worry. Don't worry. Although I can't treat you like Yunqing let, I won't hurt you at all. After all, you are the person he loves and cares about most."

Speaking of this, Tiandao cloud stopped, stretched out his index finger against Xia Qingluo's eyebrow, and a slightly invisible light went towards Xia Qingluo's eyebrow.

Xia Qingluo felt that her head had been much better.

The churning waves of the sea also subsided.

Xia Qingluo breathed a long sigh of relief.

I felt very tired, so I slowly sat on the grass.

The grass on the grass seemed to feel that Xia Qingluo was tired, so the aura came one after another, like water flowing towards Xia Qingluo.

After a few breaths, this aura also made Xia Qingluo feel much better.

Xia Qingluo looked up at the man in front of her and said, "now that you know this method, give me time and let me think about it."

Tiandao cloud stopped nodding, no longer spoke, but turned and left.

Gave the grassland to Xia Qingluo.

Xia Qingluo stared and thought for a long time, but she still couldn't think of it.

At this time, she thought, if only the emperor was there, she didn't have to think, just ask directly.

I believe that the scene at that time was absolutely unforgettable for the emperor.

This is why the emperor's eyes are always so complicated when he sees her.

That's why the emperor even separated his original God from his soul in order not to recall that scene again.

At that time, what method did she use to return her heart and blood to the emperor?

And what kind of grudges she has with the patriarch of the Protoss.

Xia Qingluo knows that Zhuo dace likes shenhuang Fengqing, but she has no love for shenhuang Fengqing.

She just thinks he's a big brother or a best friend.

And Emperor Feng Qing didn't force the preschool to do anything. He respected all her opinions.

So they get along very naturally.

There is no embarrassment or ambiguity.

And how did this get along poke the heart of the earth Protoss?

Let Zhuo dace want to kill himself and destroy the whole God family

What happened that year?

Xia Qingluo really can't remember at this time.

When her memory recovered, she thought of what she had hoped to remember.

What she didn't want to remember was really abandoned.

Xia Qingluo regretted at this time.

These things should not be forgotten.

I don't know when I'll use it.

But now even if she wants to break her head, she can't think of it.

Since I can't think of it, let's do it for the time being.

Xia Qingluo knew that the grass under her body was also related to her of the former God family.

So she slowly lay on the grass and let these grass blend with her aura.

Xia Qingluo wants to start its dusty memory.

Xia Qingluo emptied all her body and mind, and the grass on the grass felt it quietly.

Unfortunately, these little grass actually don't know what she's going to do.

Just follow the instinct to interact with Xia Qingluo.

But there was no information about her past memory.

Xia Qingluo no longer feels.

At this moment, her mind also changed.

Now even if Tiandao Yunzhi doesn't want to lift it, she will lift it.

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