Tiandao Yunzhi doesn't like this feeling.

His eyebrows frowned slightly.

If the woman in front of him didn't have a life and death contract with him, he really wanted to blow her away and make her disappear between heaven and earth forever.

Just because of the life and death contract, he can't beat, scold or kill. It really makes him feel that he has never been angry

So he quietly mobilized the power of the heavenly way of the stone in the square, and then a white light hit Xia Qingluo.

Xia Qingluo hid sideways, and at the same time, the purple light on her body suddenly disappeared.

Xia Qingluo, who regained her freedom, jumped away from Tiandao Yunzhi and said to the person in front of her, "it's too boring here."

Tiandao Yunzhi was stunned.

How did this woman's face change so fast?

It's like she wasn't the one who put pressure on him just now.

How can you be so cheeky?

He stood up, stood with his hands on his back and said faintly, "I didn't let you come up to play..."

Xia Qingluo raised her eyebrows and spread her hands, "but you see, such a small place reminds me of the past. How can I remember it? The environment is bad and I can't remember it."

"What are you going to do?"

"I just want to know, is there only a place as big as the white jade palace here? Is there nothing else?"

Tiandao cloud stopped nodding and gave a slight um.

Xia Qingluo asked incredulously, "is the boundless universe really outside the door?"

Tiandao cloud stopped nodding faintly.

"But when I first came, it was all white jade steps, and then there were white clouds. Was it your cover up?"

Tiandao cloud stopped shaking his head, "No."

"What is that?" Xia Qingluo asked impatiently.

"That's the conversion between day and night..."

"The transformation between day and night?" Xia Qingluo frowned and asked in surprise. "Do you mean that when there are white clouds and steps, it is day, and when there are dark, it is night like the universe?"

Tiandao cloud just nodded faintly and said, "even in the daytime, you can't go back to the six realms and the wasteland sea without my power of Tiandao, so it's reasonable for you to find a way to peel your heart from each other's heart as soon as possible."

Xia Qingluo sighed long and wanted to turn her eyes.

If she had known the way, she would have done it. How could she wait until now?

He stared at the cloud of heaven.

Thinking unkindly in my heart, if the heaven cloud disappeared at that time, would this life and death contract really not exist?

When Xia Qingluo just thought like this, the cold eyes of the cloud in the heaven were like the clear spring water quenched with ice, and then fell on Xia Qingluo.

Let her whole body beat a spirit, a cold feeling spontaneously.

It seems that this life and death contract also has a fatal feature, that is, the two people who have concluded the life and death contract can be connected at some time.

For this understanding, Xia Qingluo doesn't feel wonderful at all.

And she also knew it. If she was let by Yunqing, who was left in the desolate sea, she would be jealous.

Maybe he will kill the extreme part of the heaven immediately, and then take the heart of the heavenly way Yunzhi with his bare hands.

These days, Xia Qingluo has no great hatred for the cloud of heaven.

Anyway, he was stripped from yunqingrang.

She is also familiar with his breath.

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